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Zombie mmorpg or mmofps?

A will done zombie game would be sweet... anyone agree? Heres what i've thought up.


Name Role Weapon Cratfing Role Subclass 1 Subclass 2 Subclass 3
Techie AdvCrafting/Doctor pistol medicine/advweapons/buildings Engineer Doc Chemist
Brute Meleeheavytank/advweapons/vehicles heavyweapons/meleeweapons vehiclemods Smasher Rider Destroyer
Crazie PhysicuffAOE artifacts/pistols fireexplosives/artifacts Psycho Phyro Freak
Junkie Crafterscavenger pistols/revolver basicweapons/basicitems/drugs Tinker Scavenger Reject
Survivor Crafting/teamssupport/dps/pets rifles/mechineguns/knives clothies/food/basicstrutures Fighter Ghost Captain
Hunter Sniper/burstdam/soloing alltypesofguns weaponmods/militaryequipment Sniper Soldier Specialist

Techie = smart guy <---you know this guy from zombie movies

Brute=  strong guy sorta stereotyped texan

Crazie= when the plague hit they went insane <---crazy people

Junkies= street person never finished high school likes mechanics

Survivor= normal person

Hunter=military type likes guns... a lot

Each subclass would allow a different subclass of crafting as will as skills

The Techie-Engineer would build player bases and advanced weapons while the Techie-Chemist would make cures and medicine and chemical bombs.  The  Techie-Doc would be able to do experiments on captured zombies and even have his own zombie pet thing he could also do surgery.

I have the rest of what the subclasses would do but im to lazy to post right now.

This is probably in the wrong forum isn't it 


-for the overmind.


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