Tankraide like I said in your other post, You need to yell at NCsoft. The message boards will only get you Cryptic and other users, no one at the billing end. Either use the email addy I put in that other post or use their web-based submission form here:
For some funky reasons my cards got denied and i tried my brother cards and got into a loop where they blocked my cards for 24 hours due to fraud probability.
If you want a invite just send me a PM and I will do what I can, doing it based on forums posts will cause multiple people to send you one and each person can only do 4 at a time.
Don't know if anyone else did but I just sent you one.
Currently playing:
DC Universe
Planetside 2
Magic Online
Simunomics, the Massive Multiplayer Economic Simulation Game. Play for free.
Send me one too please I'll most likely sign up, so you'll get a free month. gitrooman((at))yahoo.com
i will take one too , i bought the game and cant activat my account and badly need to speak on the message boards about it.
Gitrooman I just sent you one, hope you like it.
Tankraide like I said in your other post, You need to yell at NCsoft. The message boards will only get you Cryptic and other users, no one at the billing end. Either use the email addy I put in that other post or use their web-based submission form here:
Currently playing:
DC Universe
Planetside 2
Magic Online
Simunomics, the Massive Multiplayer Economic Simulation Game. Play for free.
yeah i was finaly able to call them.
For some funky reasons my cards got denied and i tried my brother cards and got into a loop
where they blocked my cards for 24 hours due to fraud probability.
Ill take a refferal code btw Tankraide@yahoo.com
have fun
pls pls pls give me one !!
email me at fabled_daggers@hotmail.com