I finally got the game installed and I log in and it says all servers are down. Is this because I didn't activiate my product key this time? How do I retrieve my product key? Old one was on old hard drive and I can't figure out how to retrieve old emails from outlook. Any help would be appreciated. SO frustrating to download the game for 2 days and now all the servers say they are down.
No you misunderstood. I have my email account activated but the activation key email is on my old harddrive, and I don't know how to retrieve it. Not sure if that's the problem anyway, anyone know why all servers would be closed?
Art, servers are all up right now. I'm not sure what would cause you not to see them, but I can tell you that you do not have to activate your account just to play from a different install. I have the game installed on three machines and did not need to activate my key more than once.
Retrieving your old email from an old hard drive is difficult if you didn't export the mail to a file before you stopped running from that drive. I am sure it could be done, but I would have to look up how.
To correct what the other guy said.. Your email is no longer stored on the mail server once it has been received via outlook.. beyond that, the maintenance of your outlook express isn't your ISP's responsibility. They may help you with it, but it will annoy them. It's like calling the cable company because your TV is broken.
-----Zero Punctuation Eve Online Review-----
Have you considered hooking up your old drive (as a slave rather than primary) to your new computer and digging the email out of the inbox folder?
You shouldnt really need to do this though as your log-in and pass for LoTR should work, no matter which machine you put the software onto. I cant think of one instance where I have had to re-activate an account purely because of a re-install/machine change.
Just out of interest, are you trying to access the US or the EU version?
See you in the dream..
The Fires from heaven, now as cold as ice. A rapid ascension tolls a heavy price.
Outlook will not be able to find the mail on the old drive. Downloaded email is saved as a file, in a hidden folder. This page will tell you how to retrieve it if you can access the old drive. The section on "moving you old data files" should be what you need. http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook/HA010771141033.aspx
If the old drive is still functioning, boot from it and export the email files from the outlook file menu, then boot from the new drive and import the file. I realize your getting a lot of different advice, so I'll just point out that I am a certified network engineer and I manage an ISP.
You should be able to get in without doing that, if you have ever logged in with your user name and password before. You might try copying all the files from the backup folder to the lord of the rings online directory. That will usually clear any issues up... assuming it has worked in the past.
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