Hey all... Here's a real generic question for you...
I'm looking for a change from WoW's "chaos" and redundancy. I'm looking at F2P and P2P as well. I've got my eyes on Lineage II, RF Online, and City of Villans/Heroes.
Can anyone name a GOOD MMO that can get me away from WoW?!? Please...?
I'm asking for experiences...
Try shadowbane its free now alot of people love it because you can build your own cities and I think take over others and etc, the graphics arent all that and the controls are point and click but try it more then 30 min atleast, stay away from all those there grindnig games unless you really can get through a crazy grind I suggest lneage 2 more then rf online.
Also gunz online is good fps pvp game you level up and stuff also try rakion its fun you buy a powercard every month if you want to level faster i dont think its more then 5 bucks im not sure, but it reminds me of something warhammer might be like but not half as much content and etc.
Dark ages of camelot if you want but it might die after warhammer comes out since it is the same company, but there is a free trial anyways.
From one Jason to another, don't play RFOnline. I found the controls impossible and the community unfriendly at best. The manual is worthless yet everyone says to read it instead of answering questions. When I played I had no idea what to do or how to do it. I also understand the mining is dull and the races are very unbalanaced.
I've had a lot of fun with CoV/H. But that's mostly due to the guild I joined. It's the community that makes a game fun. Not everyone is a good player and there are bad apples. But for RFOnline the bad apples have spoiled the bunch.