because its true white people take jokes to heart like the way they make fun of mexicans its insane. I have dark brown skin im not black or mexican but i got called a dirty mexican by many a white person.
and you still havent answered me if we ban rap music should we also ban heavy metal, violent videogames and violent TV shows? Videogames have more of a impact on youth then rap ever will.
Nope, we shouldn't. Not a single one of them, not even rap.
We barely remember who or what came before this precious moment; We are choosing to be here right now -Tool, Parabola
im not racist against whites im tired of people feeling sorry for imus. Now if it was any of your daughters that he called a nappy headed hoe how would you all feel.
There is racism in many forms. White vs Black seems to be the most popular. One thing though, there are more whites than blacks in this country. Naturally there would be more racist whites who commit more hate crimes and impose their racism on everyday people. Another thing to keep in mind is that the country is controlled mostly by whites, naturally. Because of these things you will hear much more outrage when a black person commits a hate crime against a white person, or even if a white person is the victim of their race.
All these things are natural given the circumstances. That said, let's be honest with ourselves, we can't compare the racism imposed on blacks and other minorities by whites, with the racism imposed on whites by blacks and other minorities, in scope or frequency. Sure we can point to a few cases of blacks "getting away" with things or commiting crimes, but can you sincerely compare those against the oppression of minorites and imply that they cancel each other out? Or that it justifies it?
because its true white people take jokes to heart like the way they make fun of mexicans its insane. I have dark brown skin im not black or mexican but i got called a dirty mexican by many a white person.
I'm sorry, was that at me? If so, you have a severe problem with reading comprehension. You completely ignored all of my points and created something I didn't say to reply to.
Once more, the sweeping generalizations come into play. ONLY whites take jokes to heart. ONLY whites make fun of Mexicans. ONLY whites strangle babies and drop-kick kittens. Seriously.
We barely remember who or what came before this precious moment; We are choosing to be here right now -Tool, Parabola
Too bad people don't take the comments that Radical Muslims make against all of us the same as the Black "Leaders" (I use that term very loosely for Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton) take them. The War on Terror could be over by now if people wouls start taking them sersiously and not bashing an old, dried out drunk, ex coke head lame "shock" jock. I've had people say some crappy theings about me too, especially in High School, yeah it hurt but get over it and stop whining. I'm sick of all the reverse rascism and catering to speciific minority demands. Yeah Imus said something dumb but who hasn't. I'm glad he's fired because he sucks but for the sponsors and everyon to cave into the money grubbing Jesse Jackson and "Reverend" (what a joke) Al Sharpton is totally lame. Thanks for keeping rascism alive guys. Give them a hand, better yet send them some money to feed their hungry rascist machine.
"Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves." ~ Ronald Reagan
Rap music? Dont get on rap music atleast these people are out there using their skills rather then out there stealing and shooting people up and if you think they do that in real life then your wrong. Its all an act. Its like movies and video games should we also stop violent video games and tv shows because it has a negative effect on todays youth?
The death of Tupac, 50 cent's scars, and the entire life story of Snoop Dogg disagrees with you.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
and thats not the first time imus made racist jokes and lets not forget this isnt WHOLY about race but also about women too. it was racist and sexist. Cause there are white women on that team and he did call them all hoes. Blacks only identify with nappy.
When your constantly bashed about your race or a race your not even but they say you are any way, blowing it off starts to get old.
Maybe you're getting constantly bashed because you're coming off as an ignorant racist yourself? Just a thought. When you come to a forum about a man losing his job, and then go on to make extremist comments about LYNCHING, as if lynching is even something that is done anymore..nobody is going to take you seriously. We're not bashing you because of your race, we're bashing you because you're acting like a fool. There's a very big difference.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
Rap music? Dont get on rap music atleast these people are out there using their skills rather then out there stealing and shooting people up and if you think they do that in real life then your wrong. Its all an act. Its like movies and video games should we also stop violent video games and tv shows because it has a negative effect on todays youth?
The death of Tupac, 50 cent's scars, and the entire life story of Snoop Dogg disagrees with you.
if you know anything the tupac/biggiesmalls war wasnt even real only hype. Most people think shug knight killed them both for his own goods. Westcoast/eastcoast rap war was just hype p.diddy and snoopdogg both said it themselves on the same show they were both on together while the supposed rap war was going on. Its all a stunt and yea you have gangsters out there like the ones who shot up 50 cent but what about the mafia havent they shot up people? or kids that killed other kids over watching TV shows/videogames or kids that hurt them selves while imatating jackass.
and thats not the first time imus made racist jokes and lets not forget this isnt WHOLY about race but also about women too. it was racist and sexist. Cause there are white women on that team and he did call them all hoes. Blacks only identify with nappy.
OK So I guess every musical artist that has reffered to women as "hoes" should be fired because they have offended women and they obviously must be sexist pigs whose DNA should be eradicated from this planet. Please note I did refer to all musical artists and not just any of a specific race or gender.
"Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves." ~ Ronald Reagan
im not racist against whites im tired of people feeling sorry for imus. Now if it was any of your daughters that he called a nappy headed hoe how would you all feel.
If you aren't being racist, what is being racist? I was under the impression that it was a preformed opinion of someone based upon their ethnic heritage. You are definitely filling that definition against whites.
As for Imus, I could care less. Never heard of him before. He said the wrong thing, and in that kind of job, the wrong thing gets you fired. He should've known better.
We barely remember who or what came before this precious moment; We are choosing to be here right now -Tool, Parabola
and thats not the first time imus made racist jokes and lets not forget this isnt WHOLY about race but also about women too. it was racist and sexist. Cause there are white women on that team and he did call them all hoes. Blacks only identify with nappy.
OK So I guess every musical artist that has reffered to women as "hoes" should be fired because they have offended women and they obviously must be sexist pigs whose DNA should be eradicated from this planet. Please note I did refer to all musical artists and not just any of a specific race or gender.
Lets not forget both jesse jackson and al sharpton has marched and protest against violent rap music.
When your constantly bashed about your race or a race your not even but they say you are any way, blowing it off starts to get old.
Maybe you're getting constantly bashed because you're coming off as an ignorant racist yourself?
In the last three and a half years I have been a member here, I have never seen such racist comments in all of my life from one member. Like I said earlier, this thread seriously needs to get locked. Its doing nothing but promoting more hatred.
As I said earlier, Martin Luther King never wanted seperation from Whites and Blacks. Obviously, Foodoolaws is so self-centered in his own personal racism against whites that he cannot even see or understand what we are trying to say to him.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Foo do you think if an African American radio host said that about caucasians the same punishment would have been put in place for him?
Yes and i will find you the link of this black actor who went off on a white guy calling him cracker and he was fired off the set and can not get a job, i cant remember his name cause i always said he was wierd looking. It goes both ways, i mean if imus would of said this on something like HBO or latenight i would understand. but he said it on a prime time TV news net work in the mourning just the thought of it was out of line. Racist or not do you agree?
Yeah but have they gone to the extent that they should be fired, or pressure record companies to stop selling their albums? They may have done some work in the area but if they threw their whole weight behind it like they did here I think a little more would have happened.
"Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves." ~ Ronald Reagan
Yeah but have they gone to the extent that they should be fired, or pressure record companies to stop selling their albums? They may have done some work in the area but if they threw their whole weight behind it like they did here I think a little more would have happened.
Yea but remember if you ban rap music you also have to ban videogames and violent TV shows and cartoons. also heavy metal can be very violent. What ever makes everyone a Ton of money will stay. Even though if jessie jackson and alsharpton and alot of other blacks protested it it will still stay because rap makes a TON of money to whites,blacks, big coorperations everyone gets a piece of rap music. Just like alcohol, how come you can get arrested and busted on weed that you can grow yourself which wouldnt make alot of people money but alchol which bassically has the same effect off people getting high, getting a buzz is legal?
Foo do you think if an African American radio host said that about caucasians the same punishment would have been put in place for him?
I don't think he would be fired. Too many African American leaders would jump to his defense making up lame excuses. It could go either way with the person saying tit, they could be apologetic or stand by their remarks, who knows though.... Chris Rock makes some of the worst comments about whites ever, but he does it about every race. Yes it's done in humor but I'm sure someone is offended out there. Don't like it? Turn it off, switch the channel, cover your ears, stick a pencil in there, whatever. Bleah this whole situation disgusts me. ANd the funny thing is Osama Bin Laden is sitting in his crappy cave hearing this news and laughing his ass off at how weak our country has become.
"Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves." ~ Ronald Reagan
yes he would of been fired. If he would of said that on a prime tv news network like imus did he would be fired. For example on TV land there are still all in the family TV shows where archie says many racist things, its not off air cause its a tv show thats supposed to be funny on a funny tv network, not a news network. Ever see george carlin standups? They are RACIST.
Whoa hold your horses there partner. I never said anything about banning rap music or any type of music. When someone says that hearing the word "Hoe" used about her has scarred her for life and a man, yes a deuchebag of a man, gets fired then maybe that same precedent needs to be applied in other areas. I don't think it does and free speech is free speech and should not be impeeded on but damnit I am tired of one set of rules for the majority and another set for the minorities. Reverse rascisim is still just plain old rascism.
"Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves." ~ Ronald Reagan
Bah talking to you is like talking to a brick wall. Thanks for keeping rascism alive and well in America buddy
"Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves." ~ Ronald Reagan
we just need a moderator to close this thread down. The last thing we need here is a someone racist against white people and egging people to troll.
Haven't seen a thread this cold-hearted and vile in a long long time
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
We barely remember who or what came before this precious moment;
We are choosing to be here right now -Tool, Parabola
There is racism in many forms. White vs Black seems to be the most popular. One thing though, there are more whites than blacks in this country. Naturally there would be more racist whites who commit more hate crimes and impose their racism on everyday people. Another thing to keep in mind is that the country is controlled mostly by whites, naturally. Because of these things you will hear much more outrage when a black person commits a hate crime against a white person, or even if a white person is the victim of their race.
All these things are natural given the circumstances. That said, let's be honest with ourselves, we can't compare the racism imposed on blacks and other minorities by whites, with the racism imposed on whites by blacks and other minorities, in scope or frequency. Sure we can point to a few cases of blacks "getting away" with things or commiting crimes, but can you sincerely compare those against the oppression of minorites and imply that they cancel each other out? Or that it justifies it?
I'm sorry, was that at me? If so, you have a severe problem with reading comprehension. You completely ignored all of my points and created something I didn't say to reply to.
Once more, the sweeping generalizations come into play. ONLY whites take jokes to heart. ONLY whites make fun of Mexicans. ONLY whites strangle babies and drop-kick kittens. Seriously.
We barely remember who or what came before this precious moment;
We are choosing to be here right now -Tool, Parabola
"Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves." ~ Ronald Reagan
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
Maybe you're getting constantly bashed because you're coming off as an ignorant racist yourself? Just a thought. When you come to a forum about a man losing his job, and then go on to make extremist comments about LYNCHING, as if lynching is even something that is done anymore..nobody is going to take you seriously. We're not bashing you because of your race, we're bashing you because you're acting like a fool. There's a very big difference.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
if you know anything the tupac/biggiesmalls war wasnt even real only hype. Most people think shug knight killed them both for his own goods. Westcoast/eastcoast rap war was just hype p.diddy and snoopdogg both said it themselves on the same show they were both on together while the supposed rap war was going on. Its all a stunt and yea you have gangsters out there like the ones who shot up 50 cent but what about the mafia havent they shot up people? or kids that killed other kids over watching TV shows/videogames or kids that hurt them selves while imatating jackass.
So dont say rap music is the only bad influence.
"Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves." ~ Ronald Reagan
If you aren't being racist, what is being racist? I was under the impression that it was a preformed opinion of someone based upon their ethnic heritage. You are definitely filling that definition against whites.
As for Imus, I could care less. Never heard of him before. He said the wrong thing, and in that kind of job, the wrong thing gets you fired. He should've known better.
We barely remember who or what came before this precious moment;
We are choosing to be here right now -Tool, Parabola
Lets not forget both jesse jackson and al sharpton has marched and protest against violent rap music.
Maybe you're getting constantly bashed because you're coming off as an ignorant racist yourself?
In the last three and a half years I have been a member here, I have never seen such racist comments in all of my life from one member. Like I said earlier, this thread seriously needs to get locked. Its doing nothing but promoting more hatred.
As I said earlier, Martin Luther King never wanted seperation from Whites and Blacks. Obviously, Foodoolaws is so self-centered in his own personal racism against whites that he cannot even see or understand what we are trying to say to him.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
"Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves." ~ Ronald Reagan
"Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves." ~ Ronald Reagan
"Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves." ~ Ronald Reagan
"Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves." ~ Ronald Reagan