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can it still use the same stats as for example hydromancers armour? does the crafting material increase to do this?
Can i get a price on ectos,shards,silk and iron(needed to make)
ectos = ({price merchant sell} + {price merchant buy})/2
same thing shards.
Also check my Sig for requirements on Obsidian armor. You should be able to find a link if you search for "Elementalist Armor".
Generally, Obsidian Armor costs 15k per piece, and has the same material costs as the 15k variant of that armor type, plus (if I remember correctly) 40 Globs of Ectoplasm and 40 Obsidian Shards. This armor is not something to go into lightly, so be prepared for a great deal of work.
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105 Globs of Ectoplasm x 8K = 840.000 GOLD
+105 Obsidian Shards x 3K = 315.000 GOLD
+15.000 GOLD per piece x 4 = 60.000 GOLD
Total: 1.215.000 GOLD / 1215K
Approx. price on Obsidian Armor -with- headgear:
120 Globs of Ectoplasm x 8K = 960.000 GOLD
+120 Obsidian Shards x 3K = 360.000 GOLD
+15.000 GOLD per piece x 5 = 75.000 GOLD
Total: 1.395.000 GOLD / 1395K