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The only people who have a legitimate gripe about the unfinished state of the game are ones who bought the game without doing any research on it.
I know that sounds weird, but think about it. I’d venture to say most of the people on this site complaining about the unfinished state did research and knew the game was not going to be complete at launch. If you bought it knowing that and are now pissed off, well that’s just dumb, and you have no one to blame, but yourself. If an incomplete game angers you and you know it, don’t buy one, and then bitch about it later.
I knew the game wasn’t complete, bought it and am playing it with that in mind and am having a good time.
Do you have to like the fact that it is unfinished after you bought it? No.
If you knew going in it was unfinished, and bought it anyway, please stop your bitching and whining.
Ideally, making a safe purchase of Vanguard should have been as simple as seeing a banner advertisement for it, reading a store synopsis, and then buying. A majority of it's players shouldn't have to go through a history lesson on Sigil and Brad, and know the entire timeline of shabby events leading up to launch and all the political undertones of SOE and such.
Anyway, the "bitching and whining" is needed if there's any "research" to be had on making a purchase of the game. It's not like you found out the game was unfinished by reading that on the back of a box. Mostlikely you visited a forum full of "bitching and whining".
The blame lies solely at the feet of Sigil, they published a game that was not only incomplete, but horribly broken as well. If the game was just incomplete, many players could forgive that, releasing a game that is broken, is unforgivable.
Hell even DAoC released in a incomplete state, most the mobs in each realm shared the same character model, spraggins, spraggins everywhere, none of the level 50 abilities were in etc etc. People forgave those short comings because the game was stable and enjoyable.
One more time, Vanguard is not only incomplete, but it is horribly broken as well.
I call BS on this post. At the end of beta, there was a lot of talk on these same boards from the same Vanboys saying that the developers were making changes based on feedback, and that the release game would most likely be a different build than the one that beta ended with. Like an idiot, I believed this garbage, bought the game, tried to like it, and finally opened my eyes to what really happened. Brad and his team made a lot of promises that they didn't keep about how groundbreaking the game would be. I bought the game based on false pretenses, and I have every right to gripe if I want to.
Note that I have really tried avoiding the Vanguard forum lately because there isn't much more to be said. The game is crap and the world knows it. However, when I see inflamatory posts like yours, I feel the need to chime in.
What Sigil did is a crime in my mind, and when people try to brush it off, they're helping to empower the company to rip off more unsuspecting MMO players. That's not okay.
Listen, be upset if you want to but come on, be realistic...
You go to buy a car and not everything works right, the salesmen tells you it will all work in x amount of time. you can either...
A) not buy it
Buy it and wait it out until it is completely ready
C) Buy it and drive it as is
Who can complain when they know it's not ready???
Also, I keep hearing people say "unplayable" how do you figure? I've played since advanced launch, almost everyday i have been on and never once found it unplayable. If something didn't work I went to something else.
It is what you make of it.
I call BS on this post. At the end of beta, there was a lot of talk on these same boards from the same Vanboys saying that the developers were making changes based on feedback, and that the release game would most likely be a different build than the one that beta ended with. Like an idiot, I believed this garbage, bought the game, tried to like it, and finally opened my eyes to what really happened. Brad and his team made a lot of promises that they didn't keep about how groundbreaking the game would be. I bought the game based on false pretenses, and I have every right to gripe if I want to.
Note that I have really tried avoiding the Vanguard forum lately because there isn't much more to be said. The game is crap and the world knows it. However, when I see inflamatory posts like yours, I feel the need to chime in.
What Sigil did is a crime in my mind, and when people try to brush it off, they're helping to empower the company to rip off more unsuspecting MMO players. That's not okay.
Listen, be upset if you want to but come on, be realistic...
You go to buy a car and not everything works right, the salesmen tells you it will all work in x amount of time. you can either...
A) not buy it
Buy it and wait it out until it is completely ready
C) Buy it and drive it as is
Who can complain when they know it's not ready???
Also, I keep hearing people say "unplayable" how do you figure? I've played since advanced launch, almost everyday i have been on and never once found it unplayable. If something didn't work I went to something else.
It is what you make of it.
You're assuming Sigil would've come out and admitted to all of it's problems had there been no people "bitching and whining". Why would Brad make all of his epic 20 paragraph posts and such if they weren't in response to anything?My point is, "research" can't happen if there's no consensus to expose the issues that need to be researched. There's absolutely nothing wrong with anyone wanting to bring to light any issue that might be a useful tidbit of information for newcomers.
Look at what you're doing yourself "bitching and whining" about people who "bitch and whine". Why're you doing it? You're doing it because you believe you're contributing to the community surrounding the game; those playing and those who aren't. The people you're complaining about are doing the same.
LoL, if it was a car, I could take it back citing the Lemon Law. Unfortunately, I can't take this lemon back. And to your logic, I would agree if Sigil or Honest Brad would have put out a press release BEFORE the game hit the shelves saying, "Look, we ran out of money and the game is not even close to being completed. Please buy it anyway." However, what I heard from all their adds was "Vanguard...Set yourself free." or "ground breaking" or "innovative" or "best MMO" etc.
In my opinion, Sigil was more than dishonest with their customers.
I'm not sure who your asking about the unplayable thing. I am not saying the game is unplayable. I'm saying it's not worth playing as is.
LoL, if it was a car, I could take it back citing the Lemon Law. Unfortunately, I can't take this lemon back. And to your logic, I would agree if Sigil or Honest Brad would have put out a press release BEFORE the game hit the shelves saying, "Look, we ran out of money and the game is not even close to being completed. Please buy it anyway." However, what I heard from all their adds was "Vanguard...Set yourself free." or "ground breaking" or "innovative" or "best MMO" etc.
In my opinion, Sigil was more than dishonest with their customers.
I'm not sure who your asking about the unplayable thing. I am not saying the game is unplayable. I'm saying it's not worth playing as is.
The right way to have a discussion...
To each his own.
I call BS on this post. At the end of beta, there was a lot of talk on these same boards from the same Vanboys saying that the developers were making changes based on feedback, and that the release game would most likely be a different build than the one that beta ended with. Like an idiot, I believed this garbage, bought the game, tried to like it, and finally opened my eyes to what really happened. Brad and his team made a lot of promises that they didn't keep about how groundbreaking the game would be. I bought the game based on false pretenses, and I have every right to gripe if I want to.
Note that I have really tried avoiding the Vanguard forum lately because there isn't much more to be said. The game is crap and the world knows it. However, when I see inflamatory posts like yours, I feel the need to chime in.
What Sigil did is a crime in my mind, and when people try to brush it off, they're helping to empower the company to rip off more unsuspecting MMO players. That's not okay.
Listen, be upset if you want to but come on, be realistic...
You go to buy a car and not everything works right, the salesmen tells you it will all work in x amount of time. you can either...
A) not buy it
Buy it and wait it out until it is completely ready
C) Buy it and drive it as is
Who can complain when they know it's not ready???
Also, I keep hearing people say "unplayable" how do you figure? I've played since advanced launch, almost everyday i have been on and never once found it unplayable. If something didn't work I went to something else.
It is what you make of it.
You're assuming Sigil would've come out and admitted to all of it's problems had there been no people "bitching and whining". Why would Brad make all of his epic 20 paragraph posts and such if they weren't in response to anything?My point is, "research" can't happen if there's no consensus to expose the issues that need to be researched. There's absolutely nothing wrong with anyone wanting to bring to light any issue that might be a useful tidbit of information for newcomers.
Look at what you're doing yourself "bitching and whining" about people who "bitch and whine". Why're you doing it? You're doing it because you believe you're contributing to the community surrounding the game; those playing and those who aren't. The people you're complaining about are doing the same.
I'm just saying that RED flags have been everywhere... why are some people acting like they didn't know it wasn't done.
I assure you we will all be going through this as soon as LOTRO and AoC come out.
Human nature is to bash what you don't like.
Call me strange, I just am tired of coming here and reading the "I am shocked" posts.
Maybe MMORPG can put up a gripe board. So this one can be used as a place for people who actually enjoy the game, and have something helpful to contribute.
What good is research when Brad got bunch of his vanbois follower spreading false info on the net? just like u still trying to tell ppl to play this crappy game atm.
Hmm... Missed the point where I told anyone to play the game.
I kan tel how u wud mak3 that asumchun bi yor kul 1337 sp33k.
I call BS on this post. At the end of beta, there was a lot of talk on these same boards from the same Vanboys saying that the developers were making changes based on feedback, and that the release game would most likely be a different build than the one that beta ended with. Like an idiot, I believed this garbage, bought the game, tried to like it, and finally opened my eyes to what really happened. Brad and his team made a lot of promises that they didn't keep about how groundbreaking the game would be. I bought the game based on false pretenses, and I have every right to gripe if I want to.
Note that I have really tried avoiding the Vanguard forum lately because there isn't much more to be said. The game is crap and the world knows it. However, when I see inflamatory posts like yours, I feel the need to chime in.
What Sigil did is a crime in my mind, and when people try to brush it off, they're helping to empower the company to rip off more unsuspecting MMO players. That's not okay.
Listen, be upset if you want to but come on, be realistic...
You go to buy a car and not everything works right, the salesmen tells you it will all work in x amount of time. you can either...
A) not buy it
Buy it and wait it out until it is completely ready
C) Buy it and drive it as is
Who can complain when they know it's not ready???
Also, I keep hearing people say "unplayable" how do you figure? I've played since advanced launch, almost everyday i have been on and never once found it unplayable. If something didn't work I went to something else.
It is what you make of it.
You're assuming Sigil would've come out and admitted to all of it's problems had there been no people "bitching and whining". Why would Brad make all of his epic 20 paragraph posts and such if they weren't in response to anything?My point is, "research" can't happen if there's no consensus to expose the issues that need to be researched. There's absolutely nothing wrong with anyone wanting to bring to light any issue that might be a useful tidbit of information for newcomers.
Look at what you're doing yourself "bitching and whining" about people who "bitch and whine". Why're you doing it? You're doing it because you believe you're contributing to the community surrounding the game; those playing and those who aren't. The people you're complaining about are doing the same.
I'm just saying that RED flags have been everywhere... why are some people acting like they didn't know it wasn't done.
Quite simply, Brad said it was shipping early, but that it was "good enough" for release (a lie). So on Sigil's part, it's not like they openly admitted to any specific fallacies in the game, or even that there was an abundance.Let's also not forget that they opened pre-orders for the game in what, October/November? Months before the surprise January 30th release date and NDA drop. If one watched Vanguard's short appearance on the NPD sales chart and magnificent drop off, you can kind of figure that most of its players were the ones that probably pre-ordered unable to know of all those "red flags", while most post-launch did notice them.
All and're talking about a very small group here who could've known Vanguard wasn't up to par. "Some" people is exactly right, there aren't a whole lot of them who fit the criteria you're imposing, a person who blindly bought the game and felt it was crap. Even on these boards, a majority of people that come through are advised buddy keys; there aren't many who fit your description.
Probably not. LOTRO already had a real open beta, a longer period of an NDA drop leading up to launch, and whoever it's executive producer is, isn't running around the internet asking for sympathy because his company has run out of money.
Granted LOTRO and AoC will have their fair share of criticism, Vanguard is unprecedented in the amount of deserved, bad stigma it has. The whole fiasco to me is a case example of how to do everything WRONG when creating a game and still be able to get it out of the door.
"This is America, and in America if something sucks, you're supposed to be able to get your money back!" -Stan Marsh
That's the attitude! I don't much disagree with it either. I think the only problem is when people catch feelings towards the game, either for it or against it. Otherwise, bashing is fine so long as it's remotely constructive.
Like I said, Vanguard is unprecedented. It's what happens when so much hype is built over nothing.
Set an example and start a positive thread about your Vanguard experiences. Nothing is stopping you from doing so. What you're experiencing here is just a case of more negative experiences with Vanguard than positive. It's all very valid.
One should not research Sigil and the problems Vanguard is having when buying the game.
</sarcasm on> was the fanbois who always screamed "IT JUST THE BETA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!11!! It'll BE FIXED!!!1!!!
Your point is kinda worthless because I can bring another fanboi in here and state the exact opposite of what you say. They'll say we should buy it from the beginning to show support and to financially help Sigil by buying it to help them further correct the problems.
Besides....its still a piece of Sh*t today. So, by following your advice, I am right to say don't buy this game.
So, for all of you guys researching this game. Dont buy it. It's horrible. There. Now they dont have to buy it now. </sarcasm off>
Look, I appreciate what you are trying to say but the fact is it is hard to research a game when the CEO friggin lied about all kinds of stuff before release. Look at the pre release interviews. Brad said a lot of things that weren't necessarily truthful so that many consumers will buy his product.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
2 or 3. You may wanna do a search on Vanguard during beta. There were more than 2 or 3 and the ones who said the beta was horrible got trashed and beat down like a red headed stepchild.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.