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hi, please reply on this post if you have something to buy or sell in endless-online.
iw ill try to get sellers or buyers. thx. MOPYX
hi, its me again =p
i am selling arrows 600 gold, (normal shop price)
also selling heavy eloff, about 13.5k (shop price is 16k)
i am buying bow for heavy eloff and arrows and skull belt and rapier and oblon armor and im adding cash too.
if anyone knows something about rapier (not reaper) please post to me. i dont know were its from, but someone told me its very expensive at the shop, and other said u cant get it anymore, so its getting realy rare.
im buying baru, and is it true that yettes drop them?
I say they should start pushing up prices, because everything is getting cheap and so easy to get!
oh, and why is oblon armor prices rocketing up? i realy want to know, because earlyer it was 100g at the most, now its about 2k at least.
please reply on this message.
first off ur all wrong
1) you could only get rapiers back in v25 there a discontinued item now. in v25 wraiths dropped them at HH (haunted house)
discontinued items are like turtle suits (if u didnt see one of them before)
2) yeti's dont drop barus. there was a christmas event on christmas where u could kill dolls and they dropped them. that was only for 1 day.
3) oblon is also discontinued as of v25. wraiths dropped them too, along with rapiers.
Sweet. I haven't played EO in a while. v27 doesn't work on my comp D=<
I was lucky and picked up a rapier while they were available ^o^
I'm going to hold on to it and wave it at people by the fountain =3
^____^ Happy people!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH ^____^
wow all of u sound like total noobs except for drayk. but anyway im buying a bow and looking for a decent price, i think they r around 30k now.
first of all the rapier is a drop by the wraith in the Haunted house or HH for short im not sure abou the atk power or anything elese but im sure it's not that pricy and let me ask a question witch is better soccery or Robe of Sanctum? i had both i sold my Ros for 1.5k more than i bought it i kinda want it back but oh well and alos wats th price for gloves i bought some detah gloves a while ago not too long mabey a month any way they where 1.5k personally i think thats a fair rice i sold those and now have iron witch i recently bought for 1.3k he was sell 1.5k but i brough him down?? alos any one now or any new techs mabey fr the other active classes and if rouge and thief r goin got become active anytime soon??
also our ecoomy needs some work thingslike soccery and ros should be like 5-8k they r much better than some armors but yet crappy aromrs r still more expensive any ways we all sell based on how has it rarity and wats ppl will pay thats dumb heck a cava is better than an ice blade( atk and stat effects) but ice blades r still really expensive?? and when r new bows come out r old one should drop we the plyers can make these thngs happen if we all want cheap prices then only pay cheap we control the ecnomy the buyers! any ways we neeed some new sren shots. finally im an old veteren ive been playing since v21 ive seen tons of hacks and lots a stuff ive u have questions i can answer them ( except prices!)
Who's the noob?! Your the one always going on about:How you have powerful friends,How you let in viruses.Its a game let it go
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