It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons!
First and foremost the credit goes to sunner for creating this guide.
1. Go to
2. click on register shown here:
3. Fill in the necessary information. **In no way will I give out chinese id #'s so don't ask**.
4. If everything is filled out correctly, you will see the pic below. Click activate.
5 Once you have activated, you will get a server list shown below. Pick one of them and remember which you pick. It will be the one you play SUN on.
6 After you pick the server and if everything went smooth, accept the agreement and your rolling.
7. I couldn't get any of the normal download links to work so i downloaded via Torrent. Once it got rolling I was able to download at 660k avg. a sec for the last 80% of the torrent.
I really don't have much of a clue to what i'm doing on the game obviously because I can't read chinese. Becides some clunky movement the game is everything that I hoped it would be.