is this game another long grind or does it have something new to offer besides the setting. I like the setting and it looks awesome when i see the trailers but what does it bring to the table that inst available elsewhere?
I'd like to give it a try when its out in english is its not another long winded leveling treadmill.. thats just getting old, its so 1999.
It actually has a leveling curve very close to World of Warcraft. Also, it is quest driven like GW. I think the biggest thing it has to offer that no other MMO does is the fact that you can control 3 characters at once.
GW has the Hero system, but with Sword you can actually get behind the wheels of one or all 3 characters and control everything they do. It also has a very intelligent AI, if you don't like to micro-manage.
There is also Faction Wars were you can take control of a zone and get buffs for having it. As well as cool PvP rankings and no need for healers. NO MORE WAITING FOR A HEALER TO RUN AN INSTANCE!!!
Ok... I am a 'little' excited about this title. hehe. You should check out the website. Its hotness!
Bartle Test Breakdown: Achiever 20.00%, Explorer 86.67%, Killer 26.67%, Socializer 66.67%
There are quests that you can do with a squad (its their term for group). There are also 'instances' that you can do with a group. Basically yes. But the way this game handles quests is different from the way other games do it. Their quests are more like GW's quests.
Bartle Test Breakdown: Achiever 20.00%, Explorer 86.67%, Killer 26.67%, Socializer 66.67%