I remember people giving Turbine kudos all the way back in the original Asherons Call about the sky with the clouds, the night sky with the stars and the environment in general.
Turbine can be unrivaled at the ambient parts of a game when they put their mind to it.
Thanks for sharing the pictures guys. Wonderful, beautiful shots!
Einherjar_LC says: WTB the true successor to UO or Asheron's Call pst!
For those who enjoy polish in their game, they should enjoy hearing this. I learned today that the night sky matches the real night sky. I mean you can see constellations. I happen to catch the Big Dipper and Orion tonight. I am impressed at even the small details of this game.
Very good screenies! Nice arse by the way....
Whoops.....sorry......wrong forum site.
Scratch that and replace with ....nice lighting effect with the clouds and sun.
Very nice, thank you for sharing those. I love how this game turns the most mundane things into beautiful sites.
cool screenshots i will make sure to take some soon to put up
Currently playing:wow/war
A couple hi-res landscape shots, unretouched or altered, at my current play settings (not tweaked for taking screenshots):
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I remember people giving Turbine kudos all the way back in the original Asherons Call about the sky with the clouds, the night sky with the stars and the environment in general.
Turbine can be unrivaled at the ambient parts of a game when they put their mind to it.
Thanks for sharing the pictures guys. Wonderful, beautiful shots!
Einherjar_LC says: WTB the true successor to UO or Asheron's Call pst!