I've been doing a lot of research and thinking on whether I really should return to EQ with the Anniversary pack that's coming out in a few days. I last played over two and a half years ago with Legacy of Ykesha being the last expansion that I purchased. I've played the Escape to Norrath trial and the game definitely feels different what with the questing, movement, revamped graphics, combat, etc.
After trying almost all the big name fantasy MMORPG's on the market, I now have my heart set on getting EQ and starting all over from fresh. Now my biggest question would be the population issue below level 70. I've heard mixed replies to this and really just want a straightforward answer as to what the population is in zones below 70. As in, if I went say, to the East Commonlands, will there only be like two other people?
Most have said, why not just give it a shot at just $20, well it really isn't the issue about the money it's about the time commitment that I will put into this game if I decide to purchase it as I don't buy an MMO for the short term but for the longterm commitment. Also, what server would you say has the healthiest population of players below level 70?
Well, I haven't played in a few months but I've heard that the combine has a pretty stable low level population since it was just merged with the sleeper (they were the 2 progression servers that opened last year.)
There's also a group of people starting a guild on the Bristlebane server with the release of the newest anniversary edition, so you might want to check that out if you're really thinking of coming back. They plan to group together all the way, and even take on some of the old raid content. Here's the link to their site: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=167672&TabID=1419876 I'm actually thinking of joining them myself, but I'm not sure yet.
There are a few things about the game that might shock and very much disappoint you now though. You asked about East Commonlands and I regret to tell you that it no longer exists. Yup, you heard me right. They combined it with West Commonlands and completely changed the look of the zone. Instead of looking like a forested area like it once was, it now resembles an African Sufari or something of that sort. They basically tried to make it look like the commonlands on EQ2 but it was a failed attempt.
Also, they completely re-did freeport, and it was also a huge let down from what it once was. I only fear that they'll be doing this to the rest of the zones soon. I'm afraid it won't be the same game for much longer if they stay on this course. But I guess if you have a good computer and you're up for change then you might actually like it. I'm a classic junkie myself, and I'd really love to play the old EQ all over again.
Anyway, sorry to sound like a kill-joy, I just wanted to let you know about some of the graphical changes to the game. I'd still definitely advise trying it again though. The game still has a great community from what I can tell, and many of the old zones are still in tact, so to speak.
Good luck with whatever you decide
I was hoping to play the game again just to go through some of the old classic zones and get that sense of nostalgia with hopefully at least a few people in the zones. And FP is changed too? Wow, so much has changed over the years. Do you maybe have a screenshot of some of the areas that were changed?
Man, EQ might have changed way too much for me to come back.
Oh, btw, check your MMORPG inbox. I sent you some info that might be just what you're looking for.
Take it easy.
Yea the "commonlands" suck now. No one is there. It's funny- I tried the EQ trial "Escape to norrath" and lots of people were like "yea the population and community isn't THAT bad, try a server like syram (or something similar". I tried that server and the commonlands had not one person, neither did FP. FP looks just plain stupid. RO! RO! MY FAVORITE ZONE IS RUINED! The spectre tower is just plain stupid now. It angered me more to see ro in its new state than commonlands...
Wow... That's funny- everyone in the world and their mothers complain constantly about how EQ has changed and talk about how much they want to play it in its old form and yet SONY does NOTHING FOR US!! They're like evil drug dealers who gave us the good shit and then slowly gave us worse and worse stuff. We want the original and they're just denying it from us like the people that they are.
(I still wish I could walk around the old freeport just one last time).
Change isn't neccesarilly bad, but the change that SOE put into EQ from PoP on damn well has been. I remember when items like FBSS, rubicite, runic carver, goulbane were sought after- I compare those days to the bind on equip and shitty bazaar that exists now and I nearly get sick .
Change isn't neccesarilly bad, but the change that SOE put into EQ from PoP on damn well has been. I remember when items like FBSS, rubicite, runic carver, goulbane were sought after- I compare those days to the bind on equip and shitty bazaar that exists now and I nearly get sick .
I remember those days, man the feeling of joy I had when I got my first Fungi tunic for my twinked alt.