Would you like to cite some examples of the assumptions I make that are not true?
Where, exactly, did you read that it improves the ISP connection? I certainly did not write that. And you are right, something is wrong with my computer: Windows XP. The way it handles packets from games is pretty inefficient. Vista claims to do better, but I haven't had time to verify that yet.
Thank you for sharing your opinion. Twice. Well, let's start off with the basics. Do you actually know how TCP/IP handles packets? I'd love to hear you explain how the Windows network stack operates. Let me hear you describe the model that TCP/IP is based off of, which everything operates using it, in one form or another.
Secondly, I'd love to hear your explanation of how a $180 NIC is a better investment than a CPU upgrade or a RAM upgrade, especially since most people have only 1 gig at most. Your review is riddled with all the little buzzwords that Bigfoot Networks uses in their advertisement flyers and such, with little or no understanding of what is actually happening, especially if you think Windows is responsible for your network having a 60ms overhead.
I know I'm being a troll here, but it bugs me that I see this kind of pandering on a site not even dedicated to these type of reviews. You say you're not influenced by their advertising and such, hey...I'll accept that. But if you think you're serving the community putting up trash like this, you might want to become a little more knowledgeable about what you're talking about. That is my only point.
You know, I have been doing network support for eons, I am very good at it.
Cards like this are gimmicks. More often than not it is your ISP that limits your throughput than a silly NIC.
To the average gamer, cards like this are useless. There are far better ways to spend $200 to get improvements in your system.
I think the reviewer did a disservice to the readers by not at least noting that there are far better options for improving game performance.
The analogy about the 8 laned bridge was precious. The reviewer responding to that just made it clear of his lack of understanding of how computer systems work.
My analogy to this card is kind of like an old man living in a shack with no indoor plumbing going out and putting an expensive jacuzzi inside. It certainly looks and sounds impressive, but it sure as heck is not going to make him smell any better.
Would you like to cite some examples of the assumptions I make that are not true?
Where, exactly, did you read that it improves the ISP connection? I certainly did not write that. And you are right, something is wrong with my computer: Windows XP. The way it handles packets from games is pretty inefficient. Vista claims to do better, but I haven't had time to verify that yet.
Thank you for sharing your opinion. Twice.Well, let's start off with the basics. Do you actually know how TCP/IP handles packets? I'd love to hear you explain how the Windows network stack operates. Let me hear you describe the model that TCP/IP is based off of, which everything operates using it, in one form or another.
Secondly, I'd love to hear your explanation of how a $180 NIC is a better investment than a CPU upgrade or a RAM upgrade, especially since most people have only 1 gig at most. Your review is riddled with all the little buzzwords that Bigfoot Networks uses in their advertisement flyers and such, with little or no understanding of what is actually happening, especially if you think Windows is responsible for your network having a 60ms overhead.
I know I'm being a troll here, but it bugs me that I see this kind of pandering on a site not even dedicated to these type of reviews. You say you're not influenced by their advertising and such, hey...I'll accept that. But if you think you're serving the community putting up trash like this, you might want to become a little more knowledgeable about what you're talking about. That is my only point.
I'm not going to feed the trolls. It is quite obvious by now that you merely wish to display your "superior" knowledge without really being concerened about the review itself. You did not cite any assumptions, you changed your approach and asked me to prove I know about networking. You state that you are knowledgeable about networking, but have yet to prove it yourself. I'm sorry, I don't have time to play your game.
In fact, this has come down to petty people trying to make themselves feel superior by claiming that I have no idea what I am talking about. If it makes you feel good, go for it, but I am no longer willing to waste my time replying to all the trolls.
Agent_X7 AKA J Star [/URL] Notice: The views expressed in this post are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of MMORPG.com or its management.
Oh, of course. We bow to your knowledge. What do you wish for me to prove my credentials? I'll send you all the proof you need to show that I am quailified to back up any and all statements I have made. Your pride is pricked, and for that I am sorry, but you are simply doing the community a disservice by stating that this card is worth more than a CPU or RAM upgrade. Here I'll even do your work for you and show you how networking actually works.
The 7 layer OSI model is what TCP/IP protocol is based on. The seven layers being Application, Presentation, Session, Transport, Network, Data Link, and physical. You can find this information in any second or third year college class or even on the web. Now, with that in mind, all of your packets that travel by TCP/IP goes through those 7 layers. If you wish for further clarification, I can give you a lecture on how the packet is processed through those layers.
With that in mind, you also have to understand how TCP works. I'm sure you know already that TCP is the transport method of IP. (That's a sarcastic remark btw, as I already know the answer.) It is also the more reliable transport method than UDP, which is what games use. Now, with UDP, the translation overhead of reforming the packets back from what was sent is much lower, meaning that it is faster than TCP, but far less reliable, because it doesn't require that the packets be numbered, tracked, or even remembered. The UDP packet is sent and then forgotten about. With that in mind, the NIC is not going to have to deal with a lot of overhead with dealing with the packets, ie. the translation time between Windows implementation of TCP/IP and the NIC is going to be fairly negligible. That's why I said if you were seeing such an improvement between your pings, you've got something else going on besides what you're saying.
All that crap that they're going on about, such as the LLR(tm) and such, it's not going to be much use to anyone but a hardcore FPS player, and even then, it's only gonna come into its own on a LAN during a tournament, or if you wanna bump up your pings to appear to be less effective than you really will be but that will just get you accused of cheating more often than not.
Now, if you further wish for me to educate you on network technicalities, or you have further questions about my own qualifications, I'll be more than happy to discuss them with you.
I normally don't necro; but after seeing all the vitriol directed at Jeremy for making a report that didn't contradict reports from reputable sources, before and after he wrote this, just annoys me.
Just recently my preferred choice for any hardware review Tom's Hardware took a look at Killer NIC and they said esactly the same thing the author did with more stringent testing guidelines. I hope the loudmouth know it alls eat crow.
Where, exactly, did you read that it improves the ISP connection? I certainly did not write that. And you are right, something is wrong with my computer: Windows XP. The way it handles packets from games is pretty inefficient. Vista claims to do better, but I haven't had time to verify that yet.
Thank you for sharing your opinion. Twice. Well, let's start off with the basics. Do you actually know how TCP/IP handles packets? I'd love to hear you explain how the Windows network stack operates. Let me hear you describe the model that TCP/IP is based off of, which everything operates using it, in one form or another.
Secondly, I'd love to hear your explanation of how a $180 NIC is a better investment than a CPU upgrade or a RAM upgrade, especially since most people have only 1 gig at most. Your review is riddled with all the little buzzwords that Bigfoot Networks uses in their advertisement flyers and such, with little or no understanding of what is actually happening, especially if you think Windows is responsible for your network having a 60ms overhead.
I know I'm being a troll here, but it bugs me that I see this kind of pandering on a site not even dedicated to these type of reviews. You say you're not influenced by their advertising and such, hey...I'll accept that. But if you think you're serving the community putting up trash like this, you might want to become a little more knowledgeable about what you're talking about. That is my only point.
You know, I have been doing network support for eons, I am very good at it.
Cards like this are gimmicks. More often than not it is your ISP that limits your throughput than a silly NIC.
To the average gamer, cards like this are useless. There are far better ways to spend $200 to get improvements in your system.
I think the reviewer did a disservice to the readers by not at least noting that there are far better options for improving game performance.
The analogy about the 8 laned bridge was precious. The reviewer responding to that just made it clear of his lack of understanding of how computer systems work.
My analogy to this card is kind of like an old man living in a shack with no indoor plumbing going out and putting an expensive jacuzzi inside. It certainly looks and sounds impressive, but it sure as heck is not going to make him smell any better.
Where, exactly, did you read that it improves the ISP connection? I certainly did not write that. And you are right, something is wrong with my computer: Windows XP. The way it handles packets from games is pretty inefficient. Vista claims to do better, but I haven't had time to verify that yet.
Thank you for sharing your opinion. Twice.Well, let's start off with the basics. Do you actually know how TCP/IP handles packets? I'd love to hear you explain how the Windows network stack operates. Let me hear you describe the model that TCP/IP is based off of, which everything operates using it, in one form or another.
Secondly, I'd love to hear your explanation of how a $180 NIC is a better investment than a CPU upgrade or a RAM upgrade, especially since most people have only 1 gig at most. Your review is riddled with all the little buzzwords that Bigfoot Networks uses in their advertisement flyers and such, with little or no understanding of what is actually happening, especially if you think Windows is responsible for your network having a 60ms overhead.
I know I'm being a troll here, but it bugs me that I see this kind of pandering on a site not even dedicated to these type of reviews. You say you're not influenced by their advertising and such, hey...I'll accept that. But if you think you're serving the community putting up trash like this, you might want to become a little more knowledgeable about what you're talking about. That is my only point.
I'm not going to feed the trolls. It is quite obvious by now that you merely wish to display your "superior" knowledge without really being concerened about the review itself. You did not cite any assumptions, you changed your approach and asked me to prove I know about networking. You state that you are knowledgeable about networking, but have yet to prove it yourself. I'm sorry, I don't have time to play your game.
In fact, this has come down to petty people trying to make themselves feel superior by claiming that I have no idea what I am talking about. If it makes you feel good, go for it, but I am no longer willing to waste my time replying to all the trolls.
Agent_X7 AKA J Star
Notice: The views expressed in this post are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of MMORPG.com or its management.
The 7 layer OSI model is what TCP/IP protocol is based on. The seven layers being Application, Presentation, Session, Transport, Network, Data Link, and physical. You can find this information in any second or third year college class or even on the web. Now, with that in mind, all of your packets that travel by TCP/IP goes through those 7 layers. If you wish for further clarification, I can give you a lecture on how the packet is processed through those layers.
With that in mind, you also have to understand how TCP works. I'm sure you know already that TCP is the transport method of IP. (That's a sarcastic remark btw, as I already know the answer.) It is also the more reliable transport method than UDP, which is what games use. Now, with UDP, the translation overhead of reforming the packets back from what was sent is much lower, meaning that it is faster than TCP, but far less reliable, because it doesn't require that the packets be numbered, tracked, or even remembered. The UDP packet is sent and then forgotten about. With that in mind, the NIC is not going to have to deal with a lot of overhead with dealing with the packets, ie. the translation time between Windows implementation of TCP/IP and the NIC is going to be fairly negligible. That's why I said if you were seeing such an improvement between your pings, you've got something else going on besides what you're saying.
All that crap that they're going on about, such as the LLR(tm) and such, it's not going to be much use to anyone but a hardcore FPS player, and even then, it's only gonna come into its own on a LAN during a tournament, or if you wanna bump up your pings to appear to be less effective than you really will be but that will just get you accused of cheating more often than not.
Now, if you further wish for me to educate you on network technicalities, or you have further questions about my own qualifications, I'll be more than happy to discuss them with you.
I normally don't necro; but after seeing all the vitriol directed at Jeremy for making a report that didn't contradict reports from reputable sources, before and after he wrote this, just annoys me.
Just recently my preferred choice for any hardware review Tom's Hardware took a look at Killer NIC and they said esactly the same thing the author did with more stringent testing guidelines. I hope the loudmouth know it alls eat crow.
I'm convinced this will be a good buy.