I have tried Eve before sometime around June of last year. Joined a Corp. got myself a ship and was on my way to learning the game. Everything seemed to be going fine for me except the skills. The day that I saw that the next skill that I want to train would take me 1 month, I said bye bye to the game. Went back to WoW, started up a new character and continued on. BC was released and I went on to continue to grind to level 70 except that I never made it there. I realized that I hated this type of grind and that once I reached 70 no new options would be open to me. Basically the same old thing either raid or pvp in bg's and remotely the only the new thing that would be different were the spells and that I am 10 levels higher. So I quit. But time and time again I keep lurking in the Eve message boards, read up on new wars and the Great War. The scandal of Dev's actually cheating. Lot's of interesting and exciting events. Not to mention a new expansion. I don't know if I'm ready to return to this game yet. I need to ask you guys how do you deal with these long long long skill trainings. 2-3 months if not longer. You are somewhat bound and "capped" by the skills you have. You can't progress unless the training is complete (ie; a new ship/weapons, etc.). So what do you do in the spare time to keep yourself "useful" and not bored in this game?
Equal opportunity troll.
i dont know how long you played eve but it sounds like you diddent quite understand Learning skills. ive played eve for over 6 months and i dont have ANY skills that require 1 month. at some point these skill will apper in eve but not for the first year or so if you remember your learning skills
i copyed this into the forum to help you out :
You are not stuck with the attributes you get at character creation; however, they will forever determine which skills your character will potentially train the fastest. It is possible to improve your attributes by training the various “Learning” skills. There are eleven learning skills: Two for each attribute and a general learning skill that adds 2% to your attributes per level.
There are 10 skills that increase your attributes by 1 full point per level. The so-called basic set includes “Analytical Mind,” “Empathy,” “Instant Recall,” “Iron Will,” and “Spatial Awareness.” The so-called advanced set includes “Clarity,” “Eidetic Memory,” “Focus,” “Logic,” and “Presence.” By using these attribute-enhancing learning skills it is possible to increase your base attribute by up to 10 points each. The Learning skill adds an additional 2% to your attributes per level. EVE does not display decimals after your attributes, but they are there and they do matter. If you are considering playing the game long term then the learning skills will save you lots and lots of time, allowing your character to progress much more quickly.
Detailed information on the exact calculations behind attributes and how they affect your training times can be found here.
People who are very interested in training the various learning skills often ask what order it would be best to train the skills. The following list shows the most effective order to train the skills. When you finish this list, you’ll have all 11 learning skills at level 4. If you do not want (or cannot afford) to train the advanced learning skills, simply omit them from the list.
- Instant Recall 1
- Analytical Mind 1
- Learning 1
- Instant Recall 2
- Analytical Mind 2
- Learning 2
- Instant Recall 3
- Analytical Mind 3
- Learning 3
- Instant Recall 4
- Eidetic Memory 1
- Eidetic Memory 2
- Eidetic Memory 3
- Analytical Mind 4
- Logic 1
- Logic 2
- Logic 3
- Learning 4
- Eidetic Memory 4
- Logic 4
- Spatial Awareness, Iron Will, and Empathy 1-4 (Order does not matter. Train level 5 of these before training their advanced counterparts if you want to stick to the optimal order.)
- Determining the best order in which to train Clarity, Focus, and Presence is a little tricky. For each skill, take your current attributes and plug them into this simple formula: Primary + ( Secondary / 2 ) Whichever skill gives the highest result, train it to level 1 first. Repeat this until all three skills are at level 1, then repeat this same process for levels 2-4.
For the average player without implants, this process would take about a month and you’d be training 2.19 times as fast as you were to begin with. Though it would eventually be worthwhile to train the learning skills to level 5, it can literally take years to make up the time spent training them. That said, many people do actually max them all out, myself included.
if you want to go into details with your skills i recommend http://evemon.battleclinic.com/ many eve players use this program.
Just ignore the training part and concentrate on getting the next kill, great trade or whatever you like doing.
LoL half of those skills listed are 4.5 million isk each! which is my current dilemma as a returning newbie... not enough cash to buy all the necessary learning skills to learn the skills I want/need at a faster pace. I will not pay someone for cash either.
welcome to eve-online
well yeop those skills books can be expencive for new players but we all wnt thru that prop. and you are not forced to follow that guide at all feel free to do what ever you like. the guide just tells you the fastest way to get max attribute points not how to earn the money for the books. and tbh 4,5 mil is not that much not even as a new player, coupple of hours working and you got the first one. anyways its wrong to think that eve will give you things for free. ofc you need to work for your upgrades
I have played EvE Online from beta and I have a hard time so se those problems you are talking about.
While we train skills in EvE Online " WE PLAY THE GAME!!! ".
Guides & Trials for EvE Online:
1. How to deal with the long skill times? More and likely those long skills are for the primary thing you want. that said look at other skills that you may be interested it as well as the secondary skills to improve your character. Train this skills while your online but switch to the Long skills while your offline. not only will you still see improvement in your character but you will also gain added diversity in what you can do and how well you can do it. I don't think many people will get to the point where there is absolutely no short-term skills they could train and if they do reach that point they will have plenty of stuff to do while waiting. The Engineering, Mechanic, and Electronics skill groups are great for this.
2. The Learning Skills... They are expensive help alot but you can deal with out them. Train other things fly around have fun and when you can afford them buy them. Suggest you buy and train the skill corresponding to the primary attribute of the regular skills you are training. its how i trained all of my learnings up though to be honest I didn't even look at the learning skills till my third month.
In any event, the best way (IMO) to make money for those starting learning skills takes very little training. Just fit your race's industrial with a mining laser and park it in 0.9 or higher mining the biggest asteroid you can find while you're asleep/at work/at school/etc. That's how I got my starting capital in EVE.
Tbh, I see little difference between level 4 and 5 skills, and I'll only ever train a skill to level 5 if I really need it. Battleship level 5 doesn't take a month, so I don't see what you need to train to level 5. Just don't go thinking you'll be "uber" for getting a skill to level 5, it's really not.
Actually the difference between 20% and 25% can be huge. For example the apocolypse uses a active armour tank which is cap incentive. When the Battleship skill was at 3 my tank on its own with both armour repearers on all the time lasted 6 minuites. At level 4 it was almost infinate without guns and 11 with staggard gun use. At level 5 it was 18 with guns blazing [mega beams not tacs].
So some of them are very usefull to train to 5 it just depends on what you use.
If you train in Learning skills and put on some attribute implants, that will help you learn a little faster.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
When I go to the market to buy skills I usually train the skill 'til I have 2 or 3 skill points, so I'm not carrying the books around. And then I level them at my own pace and within my plan.
Remember to upgrade your clone in case someone or something kills you.
The long training skills are really only for people going for advanced ships and equipment. 30+ days of training for battlecruiser 5 is really only helpful for getting to command ships, 40+ days for battleship 5 is really only good for going for capital ships. As someone else said, the only skills I would say are necissary to get to lvl 5 are the learning skills.
You can fly missions with very few skills, you can be competative in PvP with a few more. Train up the basics, then the requisite secondary skills (shield/armor tanking, advanced weapon upgrades etc) and you can enjoy the game well enough. You can get t2 equipment easily without skills that take 30 days (maybe some that take 5-10 days for lvl 5 but that is nothing). In EVE you will learn to plan a year or more ahead for what you want to train.
As far as 4.5 million isk skillbooks, that is nothing. You can make 4.5 million running a couple lvl 3 missions in about an hour. Get some friends and run some lvl 4s and you'll make 5x that in the same time. If you are having trouble getting the standing with the empire you want to run missions for, go buy Connections, its cheap. Getting the ships/equipment to run decent missions is also easy. Even running lvl 2 missions in a t1 cruiser will make you a few million in realitively short order. Make sure you destroy and loot structures as well as ships in lvl 2 missions and you'll probably pick up a spare implant or 3 to sell.
As far as being capped by the long skills thats not really an issue. By the time you get to the point where you are ready to go for the advanced ships that take the huge training time you will be good enough to go out there and do anything you want. Myself, I deal with the long training times by PvPing my brains out and ratting in 0.0 Training the long skills isn't something to deal with per se, its something that is going on in the background while you actually play the game.
The Cruiser with learning skills at 5 it should be a lot less.
Well, I don't think it's stupid.....maybe because I do the same thing, LOL. It just depends on how badly you need the skill I guess, but anything taking more than 2 days usually get's broken up with at least one short skill. The thing that get's me about the OP's post is what skill really takes 3 months? Other than capital ships, which, if you have that skill in training, you really shouldn't be asking this kind of question. The learning skills take a bit of time, but they are not impossible to accomplish. Get all basic learning skills (the books that cost 45k) to lvl 4, then work up your connections skill and get out of L1 missions if you haven't already, get a cruiser and do some L2's and be thrifty about what equipment you get. You'll find that quickly enough, the 4.5 Mil books aren't so out of reach. I would spend 50 mil on my learning abilities long before I spent 20 mil on a new ship.....simply put, it pays off after only a few months of playing. While you are working the cash to get the advanced books, try and get some of your more useful combat skills to at least lvl 2, that will help you complete your missions and make some cash.
Actually, I can clear this up for you completely..... http://myeve.eve-online.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=380765
Eve Mon.....it's simply the best thing since sliced bread for an EVE player. Pay special attention to the "suggestions" made by the program. I think i'm more of an Eve Mon junkie than an EVE junkie, LOL. I keep my subscription going just so I can plan my character out over and over.
Well, I don't think it's stupid.....maybe because I do the same thing, LOL. It just depends on how badly you need the skill I guess, but anything taking more than 2 days usually get's broken up with at least one short skill. The thing that get's me about the OP's post is what skill really takes 3 months? Other than capital ships, which, if you have that skill in training, you really shouldn't be asking this kind of question. The learning skills take a bit of time, but they are not impossible to accomplish. Get all basic learning skills (the books that cost 45k) to lvl 4, then work up your connections skill and get out of L1 missions if you haven't already, get a cruiser and do some L2's and be thrifty about what equipment you get. You'll find that quickly enough, the 4.5 Mil books aren't so out of reach. I would spend 50 mil on my learning abilities long before I spent 20 mil on a new ship.....simply put, it pays off after only a few months of playing. While you are working the cash to get the advanced books, try and get some of your more useful combat skills to at least lvl 2, that will help you complete your missions and make some cash.
I don't have learning skills maxed. I stop a learning skill to make another short skill. That can be stupid. In a sense that all those short skills will be shorter when that long learning skill is done.But for me, it looks like a get a lot done when I reach several skills to a higher level. Rather than getting one long to a higher level.
Is a matter of POV.
Best way to make money is selling salvage... You only need, Mechanic 3 and Survey 3. Salvage skill book is about 40k, plus 39k for the actual tool to salvage.
Then in between learning Attribute and Learning skills, get Science 3 and Cybernetics 1. And put to use those attribute implants you get on storyline missions.
Another way to get implants is to hunt either Guristas, Blood Raiders, Serpentis, and (I don't remember the name of the other) in .6 space. They drop good valuable stuff, plus +2 attribute implants. You can survive this NPC pirates with one of the top frigates (ie. Rifter, Kestrel, Merlin, etc...) equipped with basic or cheap stuff.
Note: you need Cybernetics 3 to use +2 and +3 attribute implants.
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience"
CS Lewis
Personally, i would not train base learning skills to lvl 5 unless you know for a fact that you will be flying a capital ship. I've planned out battleships to lvl 5 and command ships to lvl 5 which is pretty much as far as you can go without going capital and EveMon still doesn't recommend getting base skills to 5 (which takes about 5 days each). The best time/training investment seems to be lvl 4 on the base skills and lvl 3 or 4 on the advanced as needed. By the time you're training lvl 4 on the advanced skills, the learning skill is only buying you a day or two savings off a 2 year plan.