I know this game is DX10 and looks really good. I myself have a really nice rig and can handle this game but what i'm worried about is with such good graphics it would suck for people who cannot handle this game and end up like vanguard. losing a lot of the community to people who have older pc's. So hopefully people will be able to play this in DX9 and or lower settings for all to enjoy.
Myself am abit worried after reading "if you can play the single player game Oblivion" This afcourse was a nice setup like a year ago and it looked amazing back then but today it really not that nice anymore now we have seen other games. I fully understand there are people that might be able to run Oblivion recently at high settings and might not have seen such graphics before. But i was hoping with AoC that the bar would really be raised. I know i also recommended people that if they could max out setting s in Oblivion fair change they could play Vanguard at min. or balanced setting.
Afcourse its amazing if AoC will run on systems with ATI 9800 / NVidia 5700 and around 1 gig memory but this again will delay future prospects for creating high end system games as those will atract those again that never upgraded due to the fact that games not even released will be able to run on low end systems. And then we will get again into discussions why a game might not work right for everyone. Besides by the time AoC will be released i do not think many computer systems will work with only 1gb and i'm not only talking about games on systems but also talking about normal software and hardware getting more demanding.
So basicly System requirments don't say a thing unless you have tried and played a game yourself. Check minimum system requirements of most games and for me i must honostly say i wont be playing any game at minimum spec as those day's are over for me. I fully understand those that might be students or living at home or whatever it may be that some people don't have a regular income that might play games at low spec. I use to do the same, play at low spec.
From a marketing prespective i can understand to draw in as much customers you can get but i feel they need to try and start to be abit more honost towards costumers. Almost every game i have and when reading the REQUIRED SYSTEM SPEC. they seem more minimum then the actual min.spec they place on a box. Most games do play but look butt ugly at min.spec.
A.) Oblivion is a single player game, this is an MMO. The fact that absolute minimum requirements to play AoC means you can run Oblivion is almost meaningless
B.) Again, related to the above. That generalization is made so that one can RUN the game period. To play the thing on max graphics, you'd need a rig valued at about 2 to 2.5 grand if not more, with DX10 capable hard and software.
C.) Again, its an MMO, no matter what standards Funcom keeps and makes, no one is going to be able to run into a siege battle of 200+ participants with the best graphics without lagging all the way through it.
P.S. Thanks for the publicity for the thread I wrote
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
Well think if you run for example a pc with Core Duo 6600, Geforce 8800 GTS and for example 2gb memory you should be able to run it normally.
So basicly a pc worth around 1500 euro/dollar should be good enough for this game.
I heard they (Funcom) were going to try and see if they could reduce that further. However, I doubt the Geforce 5 series cards will be able to play the game. That card was originally manufactured with a chipset that was optimal with Directx 8 with some Directx 9 functionality. When a Geforce 5 series card tries to play a directx 9 game, it takes a huge hit in performance because it just wasn't designed for it. As far as I recall, ATi's 9xxxx series didn't have this problem so that seems reasonable.
I'd expect to see the processor requirement stay roughly the same, maybe a little less. I'm not going to pull random numbers out of my butt though so don't quote me, but that being said I'm pretty positive about the Geforce 5 cards. Not really a big deal, since you can buy a 6600GT for like $60 now.