Looks like most of the work Mythic threw together before EA got involved,didn't measure up to EA standards.It was pretty evident to me from the beginning that the graphics and animations on the first to pairings was cartoonish,and arcade like.Normally Mythic would have released the game and just updated the skins,later.But now being a wholly owned subsidiary,in the end EA has the final authority of if/when a product is released.
This is an opinion,based soley on my observations.
This opinion is soley of the poster,and does no necessarily reflect the views or opinions of mmorpg.com
Lord how do you people just keep pulling this stuff out of your arses? If Games Workshop was unhappy with Mythic they could pull the game and they haven't. Mythic's not known for non fantasy games it seems wholly right GW gave the rights to 40k to another company thats been doing the 40k games for years.
EA's not made drastic changes to Mythic or Mythic would of never allowed the sale. The game is pushed back what 3 or 4 months maybe less and everyone is acting like impatient four year olds.
EA didn't ruin UO, Origins made alot of bad changes that hurt the game before EA even bought them (i've played off and on since launch so DO have an idea of what i'm talking about). Considering the game still has active players and servers its obviously not destroyed its just lost old skool I hate anything that changes folks & pvp griefers. A destroyed game would be Horizons.
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
Mythic only release quiality games, if you knew anything about them you would know they scrapped (YES DROPPED) a game that they were developing on the side a while back. the REason ? It was not Mythic quality.
The fact is is that Mythic would rather take a hit then release a game broken or crappy. EA on the other hand has no problems with release junky games , that or ruining them.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
I was originally going to respond to this thread but decided it wasn't worth the time or effort. Sickpup, you are simply wrong, and anyone who takes the time to read about the push back will see it. I can only hope you won't be playing WAR when it comes out, or at least not on the same server...though it would give me a great deal of satisfaction to kill you if you were on the opposing faction.
People have really no clue. There is only ONE company in this whole deal that has "real" power and that is Games Workshop. Mythic said that they would have stuck to their fall release date based on the funding they had. However, now that they are with EA and have deeper pockets than ever before they will release when it is ready (like Blizzard - NOT like Sigil). That is the major difference between EA and Sony. But remember absolutely everything needs to be approved by Games Workshop. If whatever changes they are making has GW's blessing it is only good news for the players.
Just look how often WoW had its launch delayed and look where they are now - then look at what happened to Vanguard when Sony pushed it out the door.
I want EAMythic to release when it's ready - not a minute sooner.
Topic consider trolling due to lack of reliable source of information.
Please do not attemp to trollling with false statement.
Yeah, they were. Now look how their fresh studio and fresh ideas panned out.
All being a new studio means is you have less experience as a whole and less chemistry as a team.
No, actually, it was, by and large, the old EQ1 team, making a rehash of EQ1. So, old team, old idea.
playing eq2 and two worlds
Mythics track record has nothing to do with it if EA is allowed to call the shots. As far as my post, I was replying to the OP and was on topic. Therefore, I am not a troll. As for your suggestion of what I should do, I have one for you: kiss my ass.
You just made me laugh so hard steaming hot coffee shot out my nose. They were anything but. Their ideas couldn't have been staler if Congress came up with them.
EA is the funding and publishing eng behind mystic not the head of the company.
Gamesworkshop owns all rights to Warhammer. they killed WaR last time do to the costs it was running up. mystic has taken it to a new direction. let them finish it before bashing it god.
just because EA is on the CD does not mean its EA owned or done it just means EA paid the money to publish it. not make it!
mystic/GW have all the power when it comes to making WAR. EA is only the money behind it. get the facts right before bashing a company...
oh and WAR will be released like they have already said, there is none of that "if ever" crap. its getting done. and will be released when its done.
im soo sick of the retards who bash War without even knowing anything about it. if its not wow fanboyz bashing it, its some other retard who thinks they are god and can have everything they want....
Why eating paint chips is bad.
In case all them thar numbers is confusing...
Gross revenue was down by 2.3 million pounds at 54.8 million pounds.
However, their profit remains unchanged at .5 million pounds.
Most companies, when operating at a profit, are not considered to be "surviving on royalties".
That's not a small company by any means. Just the profit was listed at half a million pounds.
A profit of $995,696.98 to be precise. Though I guess you could just call it a mil.
That thar's a trailer load of them thar royalties.
Do you guys really think EA went into this without a very well thought out contract. I am guessing if Game Workshop pulls out of this it would cost them a ton of money, same with EA. I bet if EA shuts if off early it would cost them a pretty penny.
What I love is that a lot of you here profess of how you know in intimate detail the arrangements made between GW, Mythic and EA. You don't, so stop shit-stirring.
It's quite possible that given EA's financial support, Mythic now have the funding to go back and soup up the areas designed prior to the EA/Mythic teamup. Could be as simple as that, but nooo lets start a conspiracy theory!
thats exatly what my post was about,and if I thought it was worth the time all EA transactions are public,since they are a publicly traded company.
What im wondering is what resources did EA give to improve the graphics and animations so much,new worksations,servers,maybe some EA animators.Im not bashing EA ,rather the opposite.
Heh. Read through most of the posts and ended up skipping to the end since it just seemed like a bash EA/GW/Mythic session.
As for Games Workshop not being able to pull out if they didn't like where Mythic was taking WAR, how do you explain. the fact that Climax lost the license to develop it? Yes...Mythic isn't the first company to start development on a Warhammer Online MMO.