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Funny I have asked multiple people to show me how well the game is doing...
I asked for tours, proof and or some sort of showing of just 200 people even.... or crap now just some...
Ask them....
Ask a NGEr to SHOW YOU THE PROOF of what they preach...
Because so far I can prove mine...... really easy ..... I find it odd that they cannot...
Friday night in a certain spot that they have set up is not what I mean either...... they should know better.
I tend to think that there are a lot of people actually playing SWG, although SWG is a remarkably more solo-oriented game than it used to be (and that's not saying much since it wasn't much of a group game, anyway, but at least crafters provided some interdependency). I know that Server Wars are still an ongoing legacy on Bloodfin, though I doubt they have the scale of some of the old school wars we had pre-NGE. Well before the time I had quit, Server Wars were getting significantly more scaled down anyway.
-- xpaladin
AC1/2, AO, DAoC, EQ1/2, SoR, SWG, UO, WAR, WoW
That would be every discussion you see concerning server merges.
Quoting people doesn't make you clever, in fact, it makes you all the more stupid for not bothering to read the quotes you post in the first place.
Counted 94 people in 1 small location last night in a mass pvp battle,
It was hella fun
I took out my CHed rancor and layed down some ownage with my smuggler teras kasi
Yea I know It's sad isn't it But the funny thing is that it is not half as sad as people who can't let go of something 2 years later.
If you guys actually knew what the hell you where talking about these days you might have some more credibilty. Yes you are right the #'s are not as good as pre-cu. But the thing is no one is claiming they are. You only here that in your deluisional minds. The most I have heard anyone say is they are rising. So where's your damn proof they are not. You guys make up more bullshit than my 3 yr old does with his imaginary friend. Here a fact I would say that 95% of you don't have a clue about what the game is actually like these days. And know logging in and going to 3 starports does not count .
So yea you keep on bonkin kiddo......
"Great minds discuss ideas, lesser minds discuss things, and shitheads get personal."
While I really enjoyed the game Pre-CU, I recently started the whole 14-day trial thing. The game, while a shadow of what I remember it to be, is still fun and still offers features I wish other games would implement. That said, the game is clearly a victim of past decisions.
It's easy to say "give me proof", but this isn't a game that is rising to challenge WoW in subscription numbers. It is far easier to log on during the day and show you a sparse population. Easier still to do this on one of the perpetually low population servers. The game is very subjected to the time of day you are on. Evenings and Weekends in the main cities like Mos Eisley and Theed seem to have a fair amount of activity. Weekdays, not so much. Perhaps this is a result of the subscriber base and their availability (in school/work during the day).
In the past week in which I have been using my 14-day trial, I have really only seen a couple servers labeled as "High" population and only seen them labeled that twice so far. There are usually between 2-5 that are labeled medium and the rest are labeled low. These labels don't really do much since I haven't been able to find a direct translation of "High = more then x players on". It is just sort of an abstract indicator.
This game, even if it doubles population would still potentially appear to be sparsely populated given the number of low population realms. As was mentioned here in the past, the game could still be moderatly successful if they would merge some servers. This would reduce their administrative burden while allow the various dispersed communities to come together in one "galaxy". Ideally, I think it would be great if they knocked it down to 3-4 servers (plus a Test Center). This would provide some veriety and concentrate populations to a few servers.
Regardless of all this, you seem fairly set against SWG. Honestly, I can't blame anyone for hating them. They made some choices that a lot of people didn't like. I am still deciding if I like the current state of the game myself. With that in mind, you certainly don't seem inclined to ever pay them a monthly fee for this game. So, why does it matter what the populaton is? Is this a matter of proving you are right and others are wrong or is there some other value in it? I'm not trying to be patronizing about it. I am just curious what the motivation is.
Personally, I think SOE/LA/whoever trashed a game I loved. I saw a lot of friends leave the game within a week of the CU going live. As a result, it stopped being fun and I left. Now I am trying it out again, but I have had to actively forget anything about how the game was. I don't really care so much about SOE or who made choices about the CU or the NGE. I see the recent changes and proposed changes as positive steps in the game and I think it has some potential. That's just me though. If you feel more strongly about SOE in particular I understnad and can understnad how that would motivate you to challenge what any SWG supporter might say.
In the end, there are two points of view. SWG is dead and SWG is thriving. Somewhere in between there is the reality of the situation. This could fall anywhere between growing and dying, but by all means, everyone can and should voice their opinions if for no other reason then to lick old wounds or support something you enjoy.
"Do something right, no one remembers.
Do something wrong, no one forgets"
-from No One Remembers by In Strict Confidence