Lol you're wrong there; Vanguard and LOTR generally appeal to a different crowd. Vanguard is more old school, LOTR for the WoW / console crowd.
oh no you didn't!
let's get that statment right. LOTRO generally appeals to people who like games that are bug free, don't want to tinker with their .ini files, like to have 20+ fps, like non-plastic graphics, have played enough Magic - The Gathering in their life and like to interact with other players.
Vanguard is for the rest.
As for a serious comment. I played EQ since day one. Vanguard has absolutely nothing in common with old school EQ or games of that generation (except for character animations) so don't try to sounds so frikkin elitist by pretenging Vanguard players are part of some special club.
The fact that Vanguard hasn't even reached EQ1 subscription numbers despite the fact that the mmo player population has multiplied by 20 (a rough guess) says it all.
Oh no you both didn't!!
LotrO will appeall to allot of people if they are still into or like fantasy mmo's especialy with a IP like LotR, Now not everyone will eventualy like LotrO just like with Vanguard and every other game out there as some will stay some will leave. Some simply choose to play LotrO as its far more stabel and feels more polished then Vanguard did at release or there can be many reasons why people like LotrO and there can be many reasons why someone can like Vanguard. I do agree i'm not very satisfied with character models ni Vanguard in how they look in thee screen, but ingame that doesn't really borther me as most move, walk, run or when speaking to group memebers or just people around you get abit distracted by the chatwindow so you lose some focus at how the character looks, but do agree it could be better.
Also i don't feel that LotrO is targetted at the console players as i do feel LotrO is targetting a larger group of gamers or soon to be gamers then Vanguard is targetted at. Even if Vanguard felt as polished and stable at release as LotrO does then still i believe it would surpase Vanguard in subscribtions mainly cause its a IP that can and is atracting people that might just be curious about a online game with the titel LotrO and if someone is new to mmo's and see's both Vanguard or LotrO big chances are that someone like that will pick LotrO as Vanguard might not say much to newb to gaming.
Then this asumtion about everyone needs to temper with ini files, sure some people might do so but if i need to do such thing to play a game i rather don't play it as i see no need why i should temper with ini-files. I afcourse do understand what it does but just feel if it needs to be tempered with somethng is wrong. And i've not tempered with with any of hte files cause nothing that serious wrong for me with Vanguard and let me be clear i will never deny that others do not encounter problems i just say i read more about them then i do encounter them cause if i would encounter then i wouldn't be playing such a game
And sorry to say but that last "fact" is flawed, the population increase due to WoW ask yourself where did they come from? sure allot of ex EQ, ex SWG, ex EVE, exe whatever MMO but allot come from the most part different type of games or completly new to gaming this was very noticble at release of WoW when you imidiatly spotted those who where ex mmo'rs and those that stepped into a new world called MMO. Now if EQ had WoW sub base and WoW drew 8 million away from EQ then you might have somewhat a point. But again i do agree subs should have been beter.
And please i do hope some of you do not mistake me with some like you say "elitist" as i'm just a dude with some passion for mmorpg.
Also people try and consider what type of people it is that will say" Go back to WoW" some of you can't be seriously offended when someone say's somethng like that?, i mean someone saying "go back to WoW" can hardly be taken serious so also don't generalize people that enjoy Vanguard with people that seem to feel the need to say "go bakc to WoW"
You know something, Brad from the beginning always been saying he wanted to target a differant market then WOWs base. In other words he wasnt targeting every player in the world. If everyone wanted to play this game, i am sure he wouldnt mind, but thats not point. Why some hate VG, because its a game not made to please everyone. He did not target every ex-WOW player, he wanted every ex-WOW player that wanted more. If you want the same junk as WOW but new, go to LOTRO you will enjoy it.
Right now, I am not missing at , all the kiddies from WOW, I am willing to pay twice or even triple a month to keep all the idiots out of my game world. I dont want a game for everyone, I want a game for me.
You must have been looking at the ground as my point flew over your head. I wasn't praising LOTRO or WoW. I wasn't even bashing Vanguard.
I was bashing the diehard Vanguard fans who show such open hostility to anyone who has misgivings about the game. It's those fans who slam the door behind the people leaving and basically tell them to never come back who contribute to the doom of Vanguard. It's those fans who berate other players for their lack of faith and enthusiasim who drive the fence straddlers out...and once again slam the door behind them.
And then...irony of all ironies...they delight at the exodus that is killing the game they profess to love. Oh yeah, I'm sure Brad is with you 100% on that.
You know something, Brad from the beginning always been saying he wanted to target a differant market then WOWs base. In other words he wasnt targeting every player in the world. If everyone wanted to play this game, i am sure he wouldnt mind, but thats not point. Why some hate VG, because its a game not made to please everyone. He did not target every ex-WOW player, he wanted every ex-WOW player that wanted more. If you want the same junk as WOW but new, go to LOTRO you will enjoy it.
Right now, I am not missing at , all the kiddies from WOW, I am willing to pay twice or even triple a month to keep all the idiots out of my game world. I dont want a game for everyone, I want a game for me.
You must have been looking at the ground as my point flew over your head. I wasn't praising LOTRO or WoW. I wasn't even bashing Vanguard.
I was bashing the diehard Vanguard fans who show such open hostility to anyone who has misgivings about the game. It's those fans who slam the door behind the people leaving and basically tell them to never come back who contribute to the doom of Vanguard. It's those fans who berate other players for their lack of faith and enthusiasim who drive the fence straddlers out...and once again slam the door behind them.
And then...irony of all ironies...they delight at the exodus that is killing the game they profess to love. Oh yeah, I'm sure Brad is with you 100% on that.
What’s funny is the spin you put on. I say it again,
I could care less if you leave the game, I am not going to force you nor do I care to. I play the game that I like, not because you or anyone else decides it that I should. The game runs fine for me. I have no performance issues, and I run at 1900 x 1200. I love how VG feels for me, and how I must react to the game, it’s great for me.
If you don’t like, then go away, what part you don’t understand? If a game doest fit your style why in hell are you here for? If we have enough players like me, then the game will do fine. If it doesn’t then maybe raise the fees is an option, I don’t know what else how to say it.
Stop crying about a game that wasn’t meant for you, get over yourself, good god people you must have very low esteem about yourself. I say it again, the game runs perfect on my system and I like how it was made.
Ok here was my point in which maybe i miss said things about vanguard.
After reading all your guys post this is what i meant to say about lotr vs vanguard... lotr is polished and well taken care of i see in the future in which i was right sigil will fail soe will take over servers will merge and soon vanguard will end up second behind eq 1 and eq 2 which mean sony wont care and it will fail ..... that was my point.... it wasnt concieved at the bigging and it will fail in the end which i think will be soon!
Ok here was my point in which maybe i miss said things about vanguard. After reading all your guys post this is what i meant to say about lotr vs vanguard... lotr is polished and well taken care of i see in the future in which i was right sigil will fail soe will take over servers will merge and soon vanguard will end up second behind eq 1 and eq 2 which mean sony wont care and it will fail ..... that was my point.... it wasnt concieved at the bigging and it will fail in the end which i think will be soon!
I say it again, who care if VG is last on the list. As long has it doesnt change or go away. I will continue to pay for it.
I dont pick a game because its number one on the list. I am old enough to know what I want. Whats got me going, why do all of you care how the game is going to do 1 year from now, if you hate it so much? Like i said before you guys have very low esteem about yourself, to really care about a game that wasnt meant for you, life is rough, but this doesnt have to be, lol.
I doubt we'll see a huge movement of players from VG to LotRO... they appeal to different types of players, as the first two posts in this thread will attest.....
LotRO is more likely to draw from WOW and disaffected players from other games who are looking for something different.
I find it funny that people discuss a MMORPG appealing to one type of player or another. Hardcore gamers played WOW because even though it was casual it was also fun and relatively bug free. Hardcore gamers will also pick up LoTRs because of the same reasons and because it is new. They may beat the content in 2 weeks but they will play just the same.
I am considering it myself and most people who put all their stock in VG like I did and now are disillusioned are either thinking the same thing, are going back to WOW or EQ2 or are waiting on AOC and War. A gamer might classify himself as a carebear or a hardcore or a casual gamer but MMORPGers in general will try out something new if it looks good and gets good reviews even if it isn't exactly up their ally. This is especially true if your leaving what you thought would be the "perfect game"
What’s funny is the spin you put on. I say it again, I could care less if you leave the game, I am not going to force you nor do I care to. I play the game that I like, not because you or anyone else decides it that I should. The game runs fine for me. I have no performance issues, and I run at 1900 x 1200. I love how VG feels for me, and how I must react to the game, it’s great for me. If you don’t like, then go away, what part you don’t understand? If a game doest fit your style why in hell are you here for? If we have enough players like me, then the game will do fine. If it doesn’t then maybe raise the fees is an option, I don’t know what else how to say it. Stop crying about a game that wasn’t meant for you, get over yourself, good god people you must have very low esteem about yourself. I say it again, the game runs perfect on my system and I like how it was made.
Have you ever tried explaining something to a lump of dirt? That's how I feel right now.
I wouldn't even mind if you attacked me if you could at least attack what I was saying. I won't bother trying to explain it to you again. What's the point? I might as well be talking about polka-dotted hippopotumuses. Because if you reponded correctly to a post about polka-dotted hippos it would have just as much relevance to the point I was making earlier as your last post.
Hello all, My opinion i have played vanguard since it came out ... i gave it many hours and i did not like what i saw .. yes i know its new give time but i see this game dying before to long... lotr online will hurt it big time and warhammer will be the nail in the coffin ..... sigil the great master of eq 1 i think cannot perform with out tha backup of soe and the money this game is a failure!
Those games are not long term games. LOTR is a great game, but it's nothing more than DOAC with a Tolkeiness theme. Vanguard is a niche game. Ment to have long term subscribers for extended peroids (ala EQ).
LOTR is "cute" and the game world is awsome, but it's no Vanguard. It will fall off in subs after 5 months. Vanguard will still be gaining subs for years to come. Hardware is the limiting factor for VG fans.
Ok here was my point in which maybe i miss said things about vanguard. After reading all your guys post this is what i meant to say about lotr vs vanguard... lotr is polished and well taken care of i see in the future in which i was right sigil will fail soe will take over servers will merge and soon vanguard will end up second behind eq 1 and eq 2 which mean sony wont care and it will fail ..... that was my point.... it wasnt concieved at the bigging and it will fail in the end which i think will be soon!
LOL... another newbie. Sorry VG has 150,000 subs and is filling those players obcession nicely. Over the next year VG will pick up another 75-200k players that are burnt out on WoW and LOTR, or is looking to move thei guild to a more free-from and open world.
Once ATi releases their DX10 cards, the over-all cost of GPU's cost will start to drop considerably, thus 8800 technology will become available to more and more people. Thus VG will garner more and more subs...!
To those who belive vanguard is great know the facts!
First off i'm not a newbiw sorry was in beta on eq 1 and eq 2 archlords jumpgate and eve online. i have the time and experience of online mmo's. I currently playing eq 2 and lotr and i must say vanguard is done and here is why..... First sigil as mentioned put it out cause of money reasons... where was soe if they were to serve the game why didnt they help and here is why.... They seen it as free money and when it doesnt produce ( like now) they will in the end buy and take control of vanguard and in time pull a swg and kill it. It was not done and the animations oh please no contest to anygame i rather play rf online and that game isnt great either. Next mythic ah yes mythic is the nail in vanguards coffin and soe will have to take vanguard and swg and either end them or cut them down to 1 server.
Wow and warhammer with eq 2 and lotr will survive.... If any others survive they will only be a pimple on the others butt nothing more ....... Sigil only tried to play the people and make some money in which he is not in 1 year i see the game will fail soe will see to it. Sorry so no noob here but a master in which who knows what companies will do for money and vanguard is only a money pit!
Now last part vanguard the concept was great and i was hopeful yet sigil did it in soe dont care and it isnt finished... case closed others will go elsewhere. if soe would of helped pitched in and funded it like warhammer and ea and vanguard would of waited and stayed in beta maybe and i say MAYBE IT COULD BE GREAT.. (NEWS FLASH WARHAMMER IS NOW HELD OFF UNTIL 2008) WHY CAUSE THEY WANT IT RIGHT NOW THAT IS A COMPANY I PRAISE MYTHIC !
Now last part vanguard the concept was great and i was hopeful yet sigil did it in soe dont care and it isnt finished... case closed others will go elsewhere. if soe would of helped pitched in and funded it like warhammer and ea and vanguard would of waited and stayed in beta maybe and i say MAYBE IT COULD BE GREAT.. (NEWS FLASH WARHAMMER IS NOW HELD OFF UNTIL 2008) WHY CAUSE THEY WANT IT RIGHT NOW THAT IS A COMPANY I PRAISE MYTHIC !
Now I'm not one to stand up for SOE (i admit i'm still pissed about what swg turned into, especially now that i went back to check it out and only found 1 freaken person online after traveling to 5 worlds) but SOE had nothing to do with Sigil and Vanguard's development. SOE merely agreed to host the servers for Vanguard but NEVER was there mention about SOE giving Sigil any money to help develop the game, why would they.
SOE's only interest in the game is in the monthly fee they split with Sigil for the server development. I don't blame SOE for not wanting anything to do with teh development of the game after the fallout with Microsoft. Who for one believes that Sigil parted from Microsoft of their own accord? Seriously, Microsoft wanted a product on a certain time line and a product that would work. Brad and his gang couldn't deliver and Microsoft probably threatened to trash the game and that's whyBrad bought them out. In all hoenstly, he probably should have let Microsoft trash it. Now his reputation is ruined and he has nobody to blame but himeself. Many want to draw SOE into Vanguard's failure but it isn't SOE"s fault on this one.
I've also heard that SOE will buyout Vanguard adn take over, why would they do that. The game is considered dead by all but the vanbois (and I used to be one, I believed in teh game whole heartedly) so what would they gain by taking over the game and launching it back into development? They can't wipe the negative publicity from the market, and Vanguard's negativie publicity coupled with SOE's negative reputation = Vanguard failure however you wish to look at the situation. But I do hope that this rumor is true because I would like a chance at some time in the future to play a working non-beta version of Vanguard and if SOE does takeover perhaps they can fix (yes they can fix the problem becaue its completely shit right now) Vanguard and make it a playable game.
The truth is Brad LIED to all of us and the blame for Vanguard lies soley at his feet. He's a failure and will always be considered a failure after this. His creditbility is gone, and he'll be lucky if he can land a job at any publishing compnay because the stink that will follow his name will forever cloak games with a shadow of doomed failure.
But to reiterate my point in case you skipped all the writing....SOE is not in any ways at fault for Vanguard and they were wise not to step in and try to fund Vanguards development, otherwise peole would have blamed only SOE instead of real culprate Brad.
Hello all, My opinion i have played vanguard since it came out ... i gave it many hours and i did not like what i saw .. yes i know its new give time but i see this game dying before to long... lotr online will hurt it big time and warhammer will be the nail in the coffin ..... sigil the great master of eq 1 i think cannot perform with out tha backup of soe and the money this game is a failure!
Those games are not long term games. LOTR is a great game, but it's nothing more than DOAC with a Tolkeiness theme. Vanguard is a niche game. Ment to have long term subscribers for extended peroids (ala EQ).
LOTR is "cute" and the game world is awsome, but it's no Vanguard. It will fall off in subs after 5 months. Vanguard will still be gaining subs for years to come. Hardware is the limiting factor for VG fans.
I have/had the hardware but Vanguard left out the fun.
Vanguard was never going to be a huge success even if it was 100% complete , Its aimed at a to small market & is really just a boring grindfest game , yes I know thats how the market its aimed at likes it .. But as I said its to small a market ..
Vanguard was never going to be a huge success even if it was 100% complete , Its aimed at a to small market & is really just a boring grindfest game , yes I know thats how the market its aimed at likes it .. But as I said its to small a market ..
I disagree, picture VG free of bugs, challenging, visulally stimulating and a bit hardcore. That game if it was complete would compete with the other games but as it is, no one can identify what it is due to bugs and constant changes to gameplay.
oh no you didn't!
let's get that statment right. LOTRO generally appeals to people who like games that are bug free, don't want to tinker with their .ini files, like to have 20+ fps, like non-plastic graphics, have played enough Magic - The Gathering in their life and like to interact with other players.
Vanguard is for the rest.
As for a serious comment. I played EQ since day one. Vanguard has absolutely nothing in common with old school EQ or games of that generation (except for character animations) so don't try to sounds so frikkin elitist by pretenging Vanguard players are part of some special club.
The fact that Vanguard hasn't even reached EQ1 subscription numbers despite the fact that the mmo player population has multiplied by 20 (a rough guess) says it all.
Oh no you both didn't!!
LotrO will appeall to allot of people if they are still into or like fantasy mmo's especialy with a IP like LotR, Now not everyone will eventualy like LotrO just like with Vanguard and every other game out there as some will stay some will leave. Some simply choose to play LotrO as its far more stabel and feels more polished then Vanguard did at release or there can be many reasons why people like LotrO and there can be many reasons why someone can like Vanguard. I do agree i'm not very satisfied with character models ni Vanguard in how they look in thee screen, but ingame that doesn't really borther me as most move, walk, run or when speaking to group memebers or just people around you get abit distracted by the chatwindow so you lose some focus at how the character looks, but do agree it could be better.
Also i don't feel that LotrO is targetted at the console players as i do feel LotrO is targetting a larger group of gamers or soon to be gamers then Vanguard is targetted at. Even if Vanguard felt as polished and stable at release as LotrO does then still i believe it would surpase Vanguard in subscribtions mainly cause its a IP that can and is atracting people that might just be curious about a online game with the titel LotrO and if someone is new to mmo's and see's both Vanguard or LotrO big chances are that someone like that will pick LotrO as Vanguard might not say much to newb to gaming.
Then this asumtion about everyone needs to temper with ini files, sure some people might do so but if i need to do such thing to play a game i rather don't play it as i see no need why i should temper with ini-files. I afcourse do understand what it does but just feel if it needs to be tempered with somethng is wrong. And i've not tempered with with any of hte files cause nothing that serious wrong for me with Vanguard and let me be clear i will never deny that others do not encounter problems i just say i read more about them then i do encounter them cause if i would encounter then i wouldn't be playing such a game
And sorry to say but that last "fact" is flawed, the population increase due to WoW ask yourself where did they come from? sure allot of ex EQ, ex SWG, ex EVE, exe whatever MMO but allot come from the most part different type of games or completly new to gaming this was very noticble at release of WoW when you imidiatly spotted those who where ex mmo'rs and those that stepped into a new world called MMO. Now if EQ had WoW sub base and WoW drew 8 million away from EQ then you might have somewhat a point. But again i do agree subs should have been beter.
And please i do hope some of you do not mistake me with some like you say "elitist" as i'm just a dude with some passion for mmorpg.
Also people try and consider what type of people it is that will say" Go back to WoW" some of you can't be seriously offended when someone say's somethng like that?, i mean someone saying "go back to WoW" can hardly be taken serious so also don't generalize people that enjoy Vanguard with people that seem to feel the need to say "go bakc to WoW"
Exuse me for this rant
You must have been looking at the ground as my point flew over your head. I wasn't praising LOTRO or WoW. I wasn't even bashing Vanguard.
I was bashing the diehard Vanguard fans who show such open hostility to anyone who has misgivings about the game. It's those fans who slam the door behind the people leaving and basically tell them to never come back who contribute to the doom of Vanguard. It's those fans who berate other players for their lack of faith and enthusiasim who drive the fence straddlers out...and once again slam the door behind them.
And then...irony of all ironies...they delight at the exodus that is killing the game they profess to love. Oh yeah, I'm sure Brad is with you 100% on that.
You must have been looking at the ground as my point flew over your head. I wasn't praising LOTRO or WoW. I wasn't even bashing Vanguard.
I was bashing the diehard Vanguard fans who show such open hostility to anyone who has misgivings about the game. It's those fans who slam the door behind the people leaving and basically tell them to never come back who contribute to the doom of Vanguard. It's those fans who berate other players for their lack of faith and enthusiasim who drive the fence straddlers out...and once again slam the door behind them.
And then...irony of all ironies...they delight at the exodus that is killing the game they profess to love. Oh yeah, I'm sure Brad is with you 100% on that.
What’s funny is the spin you put on. I say it again,
I could care less if you leave the game, I am not going to force you nor do I care to. I play the game that I like, not because you or anyone else decides it that I should. The game runs fine for me. I have no performance issues, and I run at 1900 x 1200. I love how VG feels for me, and how I must react to the game, it’s great for me.
If you don’t like, then go away, what part you don’t understand? If a game doest fit your style why in hell are you here for? If we have enough players like me, then the game will do fine. If it doesn’t then maybe raise the fees is an option, I don’t know what else how to say it.
Stop crying about a game that wasn’t meant for you, get over yourself, good god people you must have very low esteem about yourself. I say it again, the game runs perfect on my system and I like how it was made.
Ok here was my point in which maybe i miss said things about vanguard.
After reading all your guys post this is what i meant to say about lotr vs vanguard... lotr is polished and well taken care of i see in the future in which i was right sigil will fail soe will take over servers will merge and soon vanguard will end up second behind eq 1 and eq 2 which mean sony wont care and it will fail ..... that was my point.... it wasnt concieved at the bigging and it will fail in the end which i think will be soon!
I dont pick a game because its number one on the list. I am old enough to know what I want. Whats got me going, why do all of you care how the game is going to do 1 year from now, if you hate it so much? Like i said before you guys have very low esteem about yourself, to really care about a game that wasnt meant for you, life is rough, but this doesnt have to be, lol.
I am considering it myself and most people who put all their stock in VG like I did and now are disillusioned are either thinking the same thing, are going back to WOW or EQ2 or are waiting on AOC and War. A gamer might classify himself as a carebear or a hardcore or a casual gamer but MMORPGers in general will try out something new if it looks good and gets good reviews even if it isn't exactly up their ally. This is especially true if your leaving what you thought would be the "perfect game"
Have you ever tried explaining something to a lump of dirt? That's how I feel right now.
I wouldn't even mind if you attacked me if you could at least attack what I was saying. I won't bother trying to explain it to you again. What's the point? I might as well be talking about polka-dotted hippopotumuses. Because if you reponded correctly to a post about polka-dotted hippos it would have just as much relevance to the point I was making earlier as your last post.
LOTR is "cute" and the game world is awsome, but it's no Vanguard. It will fall off in subs after 5 months. Vanguard will still be gaining subs for years to come. Hardware is the limiting factor for VG fans.
LOL... another newbie. Sorry VG has 150,000 subs and is filling those players obcession nicely. Over the next year VG will pick up another 75-200k players that are burnt out on WoW and LOTR, or is looking to move thei guild to a more free-from and open world.
Once ATi releases their DX10 cards, the over-all cost of GPU's cost will start to drop considerably, thus 8800 technology will become available to more and more people. Thus VG will garner more and more subs...!
I don't believe for a second that it took Lotro to be released for VG to be done. VG has taken care of this on it's own very nicely, thank you.
Besides, Lotro isn't a walk in the park either from what I've seen written about it. It's sort of like they're both in the same park type of thing.
To those who belive vanguard is great know the facts!
First off i'm not a newbiw sorry was in beta on eq 1 and eq 2 archlords jumpgate and eve online. i have the time and experience of online mmo's. I currently playing eq 2 and lotr and i must say vanguard is done and here is why..... First sigil as mentioned put it out cause of money reasons... where was soe if they were to serve the game why didnt they help and here is why.... They seen it as free money and when it doesnt produce ( like now) they will in the end buy and take control of vanguard and in time pull a swg and kill it. It was not done and the animations oh please no contest to anygame i rather play rf online and that game isnt great either. Next mythic ah yes mythic is the nail in vanguards coffin and soe will have to take vanguard and swg and either end them or cut them down to 1 server.
Wow and warhammer with eq 2 and lotr will survive.... If any others survive they will only be a pimple on the others butt nothing more ....... Sigil only tried to play the people and make some money in which he is not in 1 year i see the game will fail soe will see to it. Sorry so no noob here but a master in which who knows what companies will do for money and vanguard is only a money pit!
Now last part vanguard the concept was great and i was hopeful yet sigil did it in soe dont care and it isnt finished... case closed others will go elsewhere. if soe would of helped pitched in and funded it like warhammer and ea and vanguard would of waited and stayed in beta maybe and i say MAYBE IT COULD BE GREAT.. (NEWS FLASH WARHAMMER IS NOW HELD OFF UNTIL 2008) WHY CAUSE THEY WANT IT RIGHT NOW THAT IS A COMPANY I PRAISE MYTHIC !
Now I'm not one to stand up for SOE (i admit i'm still pissed about what swg turned into, especially now that i went back to check it out and only found 1 freaken person online after traveling to 5 worlds) but SOE had nothing to do with Sigil and Vanguard's development. SOE merely agreed to host the servers for Vanguard but NEVER was there mention about SOE giving Sigil any money to help develop the game, why would they.
SOE's only interest in the game is in the monthly fee they split with Sigil for the server development. I don't blame SOE for not wanting anything to do with teh development of the game after the fallout with Microsoft. Who for one believes that Sigil parted from Microsoft of their own accord? Seriously, Microsoft wanted a product on a certain time line and a product that would work. Brad and his gang couldn't deliver and Microsoft probably threatened to trash the game and that's whyBrad bought them out. In all hoenstly, he probably should have let Microsoft trash it. Now his reputation is ruined and he has nobody to blame but himeself. Many want to draw SOE into Vanguard's failure but it isn't SOE"s fault on this one.
I've also heard that SOE will buyout Vanguard adn take over, why would they do that. The game is considered dead by all but the vanbois (and I used to be one, I believed in teh game whole heartedly) so what would they gain by taking over the game and launching it back into development? They can't wipe the negative publicity from the market, and Vanguard's negativie publicity coupled with SOE's negative reputation = Vanguard failure however you wish to look at the situation. But I do hope that this rumor is true because I would like a chance at some time in the future to play a working non-beta version of Vanguard and if SOE does takeover perhaps they can fix (yes they can fix the problem becaue its completely shit right now) Vanguard and make it a playable game.
The truth is Brad LIED to all of us and the blame for Vanguard lies soley at his feet. He's a failure and will always be considered a failure after this. His creditbility is gone, and he'll be lucky if he can land a job at any publishing compnay because the stink that will follow his name will forever cloak games with a shadow of doomed failure.
But to reiterate my point in case you skipped all the writing....SOE is not in any ways at fault for Vanguard and they were wise not to step in and try to fund Vanguards development, otherwise peole would have blamed only SOE instead of real culprate Brad.
LOTR is "cute" and the game world is awsome, but it's no Vanguard. It will fall off in subs after 5 months. Vanguard will still be gaining subs for years to come. Hardware is the limiting factor for VG fans.
I have/had the hardware but Vanguard left out the fun.I miss DAoC