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Im getting FFXI this week n i wana know about the expansion such as this chains of promathia...
Do i need to buy the new expansion or i can just download it in the next patch/updates?
Thanks. Bye.
Yes, the people at Square Enix are obsessed with making money, so if they make you pay for an expansion, just dont even.
Lets say you want 5 characters, thats $17 bucks a month, + if you want to play tetra master... 18. If they make you pay for an expansion after the hell of paying a higher monthly fee for more characters, quit and buy Ultima Online, of course, Ultima Online got bought out by EA and is like Diablo II online, filled with item-whores.
If WoW is this money-greedy, I will slaughter my neighbor and his five children
So pray that Square Enix doesnt make you pay for an expansion.
This is a little misleading...
FFXI does charge you for seperate characters, and PlayOnline does charge you to play Tetra Master(which is a seperate game). But back to the characters, I don't think they are out to charge you excessive amounts as much as they want you to play the game the way they intended. When choosing a character, the only thing you need to keep in mind is your race. Once you get in you can play any class with every race. You can play the tank race as a black mage, and yes it is viable. Although they have much less mana they get race specific armor that gives you alot of mana if thats the way you wanted to go. They want you to play one character because that is how you can best enjoy the game. If you stick with one char you get rewarded by increasing that one char in every aspect and epic storyline quest that escalates and lasts to your high lvls. This "wanting you to play the game their way" can be seen in the way you can't choose your server...I think done so that you have to get in and mix around with new people(although you can get special permission).
Lastly, if you buy the game now it comes with the Rise of Zilart expansion which gives you the ninja, samurai, and dragoon jobs, plus 1 or 2 zones. Although there is a good chance you'll have to buy the expansion when it is released, the information on it is very limited. But it seems that if it is just new zones it could possibly be a patch.
I think squarenix will release the game together with the latest expansion also for those new buyers.