Just an FYI to those who are like me and are stuck in an area that only gives you the options for a crappy modem connection and a crappy satellite connection...
DirecWay works very well with this game. There is a bit of rubberbanding sometimes, but it doesn't happen frequently. And there is a delay between the client and server but not enough to warrant not buying this game.
Since the upload speed for DW is about as good as my 26.4k modem connect, I would imagine it'd be ok over phone lines as well.
CoH (like everyone else has said) is FUN!! Don't let your connection keep you away.
- Neil
I havent played COH, but I too have DirecWay. Do you know of any groups/forums/sites that are just for gamers with satelite/DirecWay? Maybe we could start one.
Ive played Anarchy Online over satelite, and havent experienced too much lagging.
I hope to talk to you and other SateliteGamers soon.
Currently Playing:
DarkWind: War on Wheels
Games Played/Beta Tested
Matrix Online
Auto Assault
Anarchy Online
Everquest 1 & 2
DarkWind: War on Wheels
The rubberbanding is server issues and not from your connection actually.