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Im thinking of returning to Vanguard after hearing that with some of the recent patches performance has increased.
I was wondering what class i should play and would like some help. I only played a Shaman before i quit so i know nothing of other classes.
Is there a melee class that excells in AoE. I like to pull lots of mobs then take them all out in once, even if they are a lower level than me. Monk seemed to have some good area of effects but would like to know which class is the best.
thank you
Actually, that is not true. However, I lack the time and real-life will to dispute these matters.
I think it depends on your style of playing. You have an array of options from the "Tank" classes, "Caster" classes, "Melee" classes, and of course "Healer" classes.
Based on my experience, sorcerors dominate in PvP and also are very effective in groups. Shamans are hardcore in PvP and in PvE; they are effective DPS and effective healers. Paladins are excellent tanks and have useful abilities, and they are effective both in PvP and in PvE. The Necro is a fun class, I hear, and has multiple pets in addition to being effective in groups, PvE, solo, etc. In spite of what you hear about Clerics, they received a number of additional abilities that I do not even find to be very useful (I play a Cleric). The Cleric will seem very powerful in lower-end levels but gradually becomes weaker. In fact, I am considering rerolling a Paladin because I like to Tank, Heal, and buff.
Good luck!
I missed this detail.
Yes. Several classes do, but I believe the sorceror and the bard are the best AoE classes. I consider Bards to be extraordinarily useful classes in the game; they have an array of abilities. However, they are not as effective in PvP, some might say.
I believe the most important thing in Vanguard is to play the class you enjoy; if you learn your class well and how to employ the various abilities to be effective, you can do well with any class in the game.
A little warning about playing a bard though.. Alot of people have found that grouping with a bard can harm your performance and fps. Its been documented on the VG tech forums, Even the TSR's have commented on it. So You may run into people unwilling to group with a bard for these reasons. Bard do solo quite well though and hopefully the bard issues will be solved soon
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
Here's what you do:
Pull 15-20 mobs.
Try to stack them up as much as possible.
Make sure you're facing every single one of them.
Spam AoE lifetap, you'll go to Full Health everytime.
Ignore the other drivel (especially from healz, since he is a known troll). Chode has it correct: DKs have the best melee AOE abilities (that is for a melee class).
They have a move called Scythe of Doom, which drains all enemies in a cone around your character, so you can actually survive getting hit by all of those enemies while you're dealing damage to them. You also get a move that regenerates the endurance needed to cast the move, so it's a win-win situation if you like to kill huge groups of enemies in melee.
If you want to PvP, then DKs are also one of the only viable options for a tank class (warriors are terribly broken, since they don't have any teleportation abilities or reliable snares), so you'll still have a solid choice if you want to PvP.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
While I stopped playing this game and I don't believe for a second it's been repaired enough in any way to return to it at this point I will tell you this, Dread Knights are terrible.
All you hear about this class is the word countenance. Just about every skill tells you something about countenance. It's countenance this, countenance that and all in all it sucks as countenance does squat! DK's are like WoW, terribly over-rated. And they're not that good and strong like you may be led to believe.
You hear the myth "the more you battle a creature or whatever, the stronger you get". This too is another lie. The more you battle the weaker you become as you don't have any heals to use and the game has no potions to use so you're dead. There is one solitary skill that takes from your foe and gives to you but don't count on this being any real help besides it takes long to recover for further use.
Drain? Those "drain" skils are hardly noticable. They have no real affect when fighting. Plus, be prepare to spend a ton on armor repairs as your armor constantly takes a pounding and your death ratio is very high. I saw the big difference when I compared the two, DK and Druid.
DK is probably the most boring, most slowest profession to level up. But don't take my word for it, give it a shot and you'll see for yourself.
When I first read about DK's I couldn't wait to run one. I read all these things about it and on paper it sounds great but playing it is another story. Also right before I began one, I was told by a beta vet not to run the DK. I was told exactly what I'm telling you here about how terribly boring DK's are and I should of listened as I wasted my time on one.
On the other hand, The Druids are really good and you level up much, much faster but then again I think any other profession levels faster then the DK's.
But like I said, don't take my word, go run a DK and in no time you'll see how boring and slow to level they are. You'll see.