Well between now and then they could get a years worth of subscriptions from me and alot of others if we like their game. And possibly get accounts that last years that they never would get otherwise. I just wanna try the game to see how it runs on my comp and to make sure its not just a WoW clone. It sounds like a fun game I hope someone will take pity on me and make me their Buddy . Thanks
I hate having to ask for this in forums. There should just be trial accounts imo. But anyway I would realy appreicaite it. Thanks!!
There are never free trials for AAA titles that are just released and are #1 on all of the sales charts. You may need to wait a year for that.
What he is saying is that there ISNT one. If you know somebody who has the game you can borrow their discs and use their buddy pass but there is no downloadable client. At least not a legal one.
"Don't corpse-camp that idea. Its never gonna rez"
Bladezz (The Guild)
What he is saying is that there ISNT one. If you know somebody who has the game you can borrow their discs and use their buddy pass but there is no downloadable client. At least not a legal one.
playing: darkfall
waiting: earthrise