I've been looking for a list of games with no level cap but I din't reallty found one.
I know Tibia has no level cap but are there any other games like Tibia, with no level cap?
Is there a list somewhere of those games? Because I only found lists of free MMORPG's, but no list of games with no level cap.
I like to level, so it's quite important to me
Thanks in advance, a list would be great!
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Still, is there anyone willing to link me to a list or make one?
Thanks in advance, I'll keep searching too.
GW2 will prolly be without level cap but thats a long time waiting
Eve online has no lvl cap since it has no lvls at all. Your Skill training is all time base. Yes you could eventually train all the skills to their max but the ammount of different skills plus the time it takes to train them especially the higher ones would take at the last time i heard about 20 or so years.
Currently playing Shot Online: Marlonn - lvl 52 Zygmunt.
"Argueing online is like running in the special Olympics... even if you win your still a retard."
I know but I just can't find a decent list of those games
Anywayz thanks to everyone who posted in here already. I hope I'll find something I like!
But seriously though, Tibia didn't have any level caps did they? (Maybe they didn't have levels either?)
I feel let down each time a new MMO announces that it will be level based.
EVE is skill based.
Any other suggestions or a list people?
Thanks in advance and good luck to the ones who have exams!!
I love unlimited levels.
I do believe that a soft core level cap on each zone is necessary. So if someone level 5934730 enters noob zone, he is level 5 in the noob zone, he can do everything he want there, just like any level 5.
Then if you can adds a reason to play in old zones through the old content even if you are at the zone level cap, then all the better. Such as having a way to be a little stronger, raise maybe the zone level cap by 1 or whatever, throught actions done there.
But I really love unlimited levels. You can just keep going always deeper...and if you like a precise setting, an earlier dungeon with it logic and all, you can developp it even if a level cap is there for that dungeon...you don't like a particuliar dungeon at some levels, you can just keep going further, free from that logic which you dislike...
In such a system, you could have raiding logic for some dungeons, grouping logic for other and soloing logic for other, and just developp these you like and outlevel the other and keep going further...and further...and further...
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren