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Vanguard did not tank for just the lack of management and someone thinking they can come back and make the bestgame ever. I had high hopes played in the Beta of Vanguard. Yes someone bit off mroe they can choose and the game imo looks old to me. The engine and or sluggish nature of this game to me seems already outdated before it hit the shelves. I have a nice rig and not going to get into a stupid spec contest of what I have. This game may work out and I hope it does because, not just microsoft, sigil, or soe and I can give a rats you know what you left who and what caused it unless you know scertain people on a persoanl basis all your arguments are opinions, including mine. I though the game was rushed and excluded alot of people. You shouldn't have to have the best or moderately best system to run any game and other MMO's knew this including LOTRO, WoW, and others and thats what makes them succesful right out of the box. You should of not broken promises about the game, you should of not to me took on more then they could of handle in a more appropriate manner. To me this game is not the result of one issue or another its the result of many issues. If the people playing like it so be it and I am happy for them and the people that hate it good, its ok to put warnings out there and let people know what they think about purchasing this game. This is what MMORPG's websight is about, but being 100% ignorant and not listing in a readable semi-intelligent fashion what your woes are then you probably really have wasted time.People tend to not read something if it was not in a well written consturctiev manner or at least out less into it.
I do not understand why everyone compairs every MMO out to WoW. it was not at all in anyway the grand daddy that started it at all and is a totally different base of graphics then most MMOs. Cartoonish IMO and did play it for awhile do to RL friend but found the game very sandboxish and immature, but that of just been the server i was playing on and give the others a nasic respect. I know the game is huge but it also does and is one of the only MMO's that you can play on a dial up many newer MMOs you cannot and if you can the lag is so terrible it is not worth it.
The nexted post I saw was that a new game coming out is a exact copy or duplicate ot WoW. Of course this is Warhammer. If anyone copied anyone including artwork and such it is WoW. Warhammer was a PnP and board game way before WoW when it wasnt even thought of yet.
Sony is taking a gamble by even picking this title up out of the bargain bin it was destined for.
Terrible performance, terrible in game animations, laughable quests, terrible combat and a playerbase that is leaving like rats off a sinking ship will be a MONUMENTAL task for even Sony's resources to recover from
The game needs a redesign from the ground up. The only we can do now is put this one in the oven for a year and comeback when it is done. SOE has done an awesome job with EQ2 and that game continues to get better and better, and they have managed to make Matrix Online somewhat approachable. But this....this game is such utter crap in its current state I am not sure what they can do.