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I was recently told a friend of mine passed away via email and there was even a condalance thread made on a forum for this game.
im not going to mention the name of the game either for other reasons.
Anyway i took the news pritty hard and then after a few days i found out it wasnt true(after a lot of digging ) but over 100 friends of this person beleaved she was dead and a entire server from the forum post, guilds had 1 minet silence over teamspeak and said prayers. I tracked down some friends of this person from real life that moved to other servers and asked them about and they told me it was a lie and that none of her friends who played posted anything because frankly they didnt care how meny people were upset and they didnt know any of us.
I gatherd information & screenshots of conversations and emailed them to everyone who was on the mailing list of the email that was sent out saying she had passed away and then news quickly spread across the server to people who knew her .
Now some of the people who knew her ingame are saying let it go but ive been so insanely pissed off about this whole thing
i want her account banned for this but i dont know if i shold try to get this done or if i even can ?
You didn't mention the name of the game, so I don't know if it is or not. I have never seen that as against the rules of most MMOs.
I have seen this happen for years in MUDs. People would say they commited suicide, died in a wreck, etc.
People that sink to that level are pathetic.
I understand you are upset. That person was a jerk, but I don't think they can be banned.
okay. First off, it isnt right for someone to fake their own death and lie to so many people... its just wrong. I also relize that in MMOs, you become really close to your guildmates and server community... VERY close. (yes, i consider my guilds almost like family).
But, you gotta remember. Its just a video game. Your on a virtual character, in a virtual world that doesnt exhist. Yes, it is a bummer that they lied about something like that, but you gotta remember... its a video game. You shouldnt get that pissed about someone that you have never physically met. IMO, you need to move on, get away from MMORPGs and take a breather. There is a whole world out there with REAL characters in a REAL world that DOES exhist.
Thats my opinion - and you cant ban their account because they lied. It doesnt conflict with the Player Agreement.
Atleast she went out with a bang!!!![](
Anyhow, I have no idea what game this was or what the circumstances are surrounding this so I'll leave it at that.
No, the company won't and can't ban a player for lying. Why would they care? Now if some sort of scam happened that violated the EULA/TOS then perhaps, but not for simply lying.
Move on is the only advice I can give. Forget it and just enjoy the game or as the previous poster said, take a break for a bit.
edit: I should fake my own death, i shall be amused by the confusion after they find that my charactor is /dancing in towns. Although my friends will probably expect this.
Unfortunately I don't think there is anything you can do to have the offending person's account banned, the only thing you could do is carry on your crusade and let everyone know what a piece of shit that person is.
If you read the OP he was quite deeply affected by what happened. A friend is a friend regardless of whether it's online or in the real world.
Game on and hug a pillow and pretend its a giant fat sea otter. Did you know that sea otters get together in big groups and make one giant raft? Yea, an otter raft, imagine riding on an otter raft, would be like cuddling 50 million stuffed animals do in part to sea otters having the dense fur they do.
Be cool to people, and try and stay cool that way you never have to regret making someone feel bad. Don't take what ya got granted because some people never get to feel happy. We get to play these great MMOs and surf a good site. Be thankful for what ya got and next time ya feel down imagine a fat sea otter waddling with a pillow and a night cap. Bam! smiles!
Equal opportunity troll.
I see this all the time.
Yes, it is a video game. yes, the world is a virtual one as are the characters.... but the players are real, dude. They are real people and encountering them face to face does NOT make them any more real.
Real feelings, real emotions can develop because, *gasp*, you are interacting with real people. So you can get really hurt... or get real joy and develop real friendship.
People should start to realize this more often, I see a lot of the "it is just a game" attitude. Yeah, it is just a game but you are playing with other people, not silicon powered clones. Be a tad more sensible next time.
As for the OP: that is really sad. She has hurt a lot of people doing that and should be exposed for the scam she is. I doubt she can be banned, lying is not covered in the TOS of most game I've seen. If her guildmates received unordinated amount of money/goods thanks to this, then it might be considered scamming, that, again, it is not always against the TOS (EVE and other heavily competitive games, for example, take a very hand off approach to it, while others not-so-competitive games frown heavily upon it).
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
I see this all the time.
Yes, it is a video game. yes, the world is a virtual one as are the characters.... but the players are real, dude. They are real people and encountering them face to face does NOT make them any more real.
Real feelings, real emotions can develop because, *gasp*, you are interacting with real people. So you can get really hurt... or get real joy and develop real friendship.
People should start to realize this more often, I see a lot of the "it is just a game" attitude. Yeah, it is just a game but you are playing with other people, not silicon powered clones. Be a tad more sensible next time.
As for the OP: that is really sad. She has hurt a lot of people doing that and should be exposed for the scam she is. I doubt she can be banned, lying is not covered in the TOS of most game I've seen. If her guildmates received unordinated amount of money/goods thanks to this, then it might be considered scamming, that, again, it is not always against the TOS (EVE and other heavily competitive games, for example, take a very hand off approach to it, while others not-so-competitive games frown heavily upon it).
You totally missed something. If you read carefully, you will notice that I understand and recognize that the relationships people build with fellow gamers via MMOs are VERY strong. With that said, you are explaining to me that the connections you make with people in a game are just as strong as the connections you make with people in RL?
Im sorry, but that is definately not the case with me, nor most of the people I play with... I dont know about you, but my fellow gamers follow this cool rule, "RL comes first." I know for a fact that we definately do not play games to develop "strong" relationships with people. We play to have some fun before I study or go out with friends. Yes, strong relationships do occur, but its not our primary objective.
What it comes down to is that MMOs arent real. Games arent real. Honestly, when people's lives revolve around some sort of application hosted on a server by a company that really just wants the money in your wallet - it forces me to think about the origonal purpose of video games. Last I checked, games were made for entertainment.
So, yes. You WILL see this all the time. Its just a video game - Its a place for people to gather, complete quests, raids, socialize, and gain exp together. It was a place made to pass time - a place created to entertain.
Quoting people doesn't make you clever, in fact, it makes you all the more stupid for not bothering to read the quotes you post in the first place.
If you read the OP he was quite deeply affected by what happened. A friend is a friend regardless of whether it's online or in the real world. You call that a friend? If my friends played with my feelings id play with their physical matter and my katana. Even so, OP should get used to these things on the "internets", since anyone can go on the internet - and there are alot of people like this who either get their kicks from playing with peoples emotions or just enjoy bothering them.
Im not insensitive, just saying that there are people like that on the internet. Did you ever think she died of natural causes? Go hunt down reality, i dont like him either. As for the banning, dont encourage this guy to make a fool of himself! A GM will do nothing to anyone in the game unless they have violated the rules, and the only rule involved with lying is "Impersonating staff (gm,dev,mod) members".
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You should check again, not all games are made for entertainment, in fact, I would venture to say that very few games are designed with the sole and/or primary intention of entertaining it's audience. While many games achieve this and the developers make entertainment a goal in the development process, the ultimate goal can vary. MMO's for instance are designed for profit, the ultimate goal is to make money, it is a business and the creators really don't care if you have fun or not, what they do care about is that you keep playing which means they have to come up with things for you to do, grind, quest, explore, socialize, and many other things that keep you playing. In ancient times games were used as a way to control the mass population, ie the gladiatorial games in rome, golf in scottland etc etc. I am pretty sure if you ask a gladiator if he was having fun, he would reply with a resounding "Cazzo vai via stronzo" and it most likely be in greek or latin and not itallian. The point is, games are here for many reasons, entertaining us is just a side effect, if the game creators could make money without entertaining us, they would.
Now lets look over something both you and I mentioned, MMO's were made for socializing.
From Wikipedia:
Socialization is the inculcation of formal and informal social rules and expectations for an inexperienced member of an existing social order. While this learning typically refers to human children in their native social group, it is applicable to persons whose prospective social group (e.g. nation, organization, etc.) is sufficiently different from their current environment as to warrant the development of new sociocultural interaction styles and patterns of conduct. This learning includes exposure and internalization of rules and expectations that are considered normative to the social order. Socialization is the process whereby people acquire a social identity and learn the way of life within their society.
The act of socializing in a game is there to form a bond between the members of a community and to teach newcomers the rules that are socially acceptable of that game. I really don't have much to say on this, simply because I think it pretty much speaks for itself. One of the design goals of the game is to form bonds between members of the community, and yet, people are surprised when said bonds form. . .
My post boils down to this, not all people require a face to face connection to form strong social bonds with other living beings. Hell, I would say that I form stronger bonds with my dogs then I do with people I know in real life, I do not have a lot "friends" in games, I have a lot of people that i really like playing with. I have, however, formed strong bonds with people in the past via internet, hell I met my wife online in a chat based mud long before MMO's emerged on the scene, we formed a deep bond and will be celebrating our 7th anniversary in just a couple months. The flip side of that is, a friend of mine whom met his wife at church will be getting a divorce after only being married for 2 years.
Enough rambling, short and sweet, don't project your abilities and short comings on others. . .
SWG - PrePub9 Jedi mastered all professions - June 26th 2003 > Nov 15th 2005
EVE Online - 24 million SP - May 6th 2003 > Early 2005
PlanetSide - BR20 CR5 - May 23rd 2003 > Sept 2003
Well, somebody that would pull a cheap stunt like that has issues and their life is pretty crappy anyways.
Let it go, a person like that will get slapped by the Karma bat before too long.
Seriously, welcome to the internet. It's not a pretty place and you should takes these situation lightly. IF she was really your friend, she would have told you the truth. So even if you liked her, she obviously didn't care much about you. Why would you care for her?
I'm not trying to be mean but you can clearly see my point