I know in EQ1 that Druids and Wizards were able to teleport themselves and others. Are there any casting classes in EQ2 that have the ability to teleport?
Both the sorcerors (warlocks and wizards) and druids (furys and wardens) can teleport. It's a relatively new addition, and not as extensive as in EQ1, simply because there aren't as many places to teleport to yet. Still though, it's a great time saver and quite in demand.
All Classes can teleport back to their home town once every hour.
Certain classes get Emergency Evac Teleports which teleport you and your group out of trouble to the zone start. Classes include most Scouts and Sorcerers.
Conjurors can cast Call of Hero which teleports 1 person to them from inside the zone.
And as already mentioned Druids and Sorcerers can teleport to any opertational Druid Ring or Wizard Spire.
Well Druids don't actually teleport, they open a portal which anyone can use aslong as they have the blessing from the Druid ring the portal goes to. The portal lasts for about 5 minute or so.
All Classes can teleport back to their home town once every hour.
Certain classes get Emergency Evac Teleports which teleport you and your group out of trouble to the zone start. Classes include most Scouts and Sorcerers.
Conjurors can cast Call of Hero which teleports 1 person to them from inside the zone.
And as already mentioned Druids and Sorcerers can teleport to any opertational Druid Ring or Wizard Spire.
Well Druids don't actually teleport, they open a portal which anyone can use aslong as they have the blessing from the Druid ring the portal goes to. The portal lasts for about 5 minute or so.