Originally the idea of avatars and the like would have drawn me into the game. However with the number of accounts running around concerning the cheating by ccp employees has completely turned me off from eve, and even from the forthcoming white wolf game. Which I had been really looking forward to.
/sarcasm on
Ahh so you tried the trial of the white wolfe game and saw it wasant for you. Can you link me to the free trial as id like to try it out too.
/Sarcasm off
Seriously tho how can you judge a game that isant even at Beta stage yet.
This is a question for people who have NEVER played EVE. If you are browsing the EVE forums then you obviously have some interest in the game. So, what ONE change would convince you to play the game? (I would prefer to hear only from people who have never played the game, not from disgruntled vets looking for one change to resubscribe. Thanks.)
The only way They can get me to play it is to come out with a server without PvP.
yea they plan on having more EnB like play they have mention on planet interaction but not wether it will be in ship like EnB or out on foot
if you havent played eve in a while you have much faster gate travel than past and the newish "warp to zero " means if your willing to warp to gate X then select jump then warp to gate y for length of your journey you can transit 30 hops in little time at all
but I hear you the guy on support times I do missing EA's EnB you might have to speak with a guy india call center but it was on an 800 phone number and they fixed the prob in almost every case RIGHT then in real time
not really possible with small company after a buggy patch they would need a good 1000 people answer phones
i played eve for a while (few months) but i had friends in the big alliances fighting bob...and when i saw the way CCP cheats and helps BoB i left.i mean when a hacker infiltrated bob forums and told the world what is happening and who is responsabile from CCP guess what CCP did ? They banned the player then acted like nothing happend. clearly not my kind of game.
I would change something with the skill system. Once I had all the books and implants I realized it would take me about 3 months to get the skills I wanted. I quit after two weeks of only logging on to change my skills I was training. I didn't like the idea that for 3 months I would be paying a company money and not really playing their game.
------------------------------------------------- Achiever 20.00%, Explorer 86.67%, Killer 60.00%, Socializer 33.33%
I would change something with the skill system. Once I had all the books and implants I realized it would take me about 3 months to get the skills I wanted. I quit after two weeks of only logging on to change my skills I was training. I didn't like the idea that for 3 months I would be paying a company money and not really playing their game.
I agree. They needed to implement a system that allows you to advance faster when you are online, but keep the current advancement rate when you are offline. Something between 50-75% faster advancement when you are online would do it. That would encourage you to play the game more but still allow those without as much time to play to continue to advance while they are out of the game.
Besides that I would change the fact that members of the Design/Support team are cheaters and of low moral standing. The only reason I have not played EVE is because of the cheating creators. Regardless of the reasons a company should not have its members cheating. It shows that either they dont pay attention, dont care, or dont have a good character judgement when hiring people. Fix these two things and I might play.
This is a question for people who have NEVER played EVE. If you are browsing the EVE forums then you obviously have some interest in the game. So, what ONE change would convince you to play the game? (I would prefer to hear only from people who have never played the game, not from disgruntled vets looking for one change to resubscribe. Thanks.)
How would they know they never played it.
Its got a freaking free trail.,.. if you have not tried it then your not gonna.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
There's many things in the game that interest me, but after three trials I'm still not hooked... I would probably play if they made flying spacecrafts a bit more engaging. Add some random encounters; asteroid belts, aggro mobs and collision detection, combined with a Descent-like way of flying.
But I guess that would make it a different type of game
Ok maybe I should be posting because I have played Eve. Not for a while but I did play for about a year. I stopped because I didn't like the pvp. It's like, lets buy a big kick arse ship from Ebay and then camp real players. If they had a non-pvp server then I'd probably still be playing.
I've played EVE on the trial a few times. I'll admit, on the first go I was pretty overwhelmed and din't stick around long. But the idea of a really good Sci-Fi MMO kept drawing me back.
I think this game would benefit from a more imersive combat interface. Though I personally like the less "button mashing" and more tactical style that it already has, the point and click interface feels like I'm navigating Windows and less like I'm flying a space ship. Even allowing for some creative key-binding could fix this. I also think it would change a lot of minds about the whole avatar thing as the feeling of action would be much more viceral.
The avatar thing I agree with, and the videos of the coming out of ship action looks cool, but this isn't a big deal for me. I mean, I played WoW and CoH for a long time and the difference between watching my computer generated person versus my computer generated ship isn't that big of a leap. However, some more detailed ship customization would be good. Something as simple as choosing the color or decals on your craft would make a big difference.
As far as the "dying thing" some mentioned - you just need to upgrade your clone. This isn't explained in the tutorial (which is a big error) but it's a simple and easy way to ensure all you ever loose is your ship and the cargo you were carrying. Plus, if you pay to ensure your boat it's not that great of a loss anyways.
The skill system I like. A lot of people complained about the time it takes - but honestly, after level grinding in games like WoW I think the fact that you can learn a skill while off-line makes up for this. I can't even count the mindless hours I spent point-and-clicking mobs to get X number of X item in WoW. With EVE you can go do something in the park and enjoy the sun while you character learns a skill. Plus, if you follow the online guides and learn the "learning" tree before the others, you can simply train quicker skills while ingame and switch to the massive long ones while your sleeping at night.
Also, as I understand it, EVE does allow for massive unlimited levels of crafting i.e. ships, items, and stations - though I've yet to ever get that far and I'm not sure if you can craft stations that you can go in and out of.
Some of the "mission" stories are quite imersive - but many do feel a little bland. I just finished a chain one (this is my 3rd time back on the trial) for the first time and it was lots of fun. But again, it's the first good chain I got in three tries at the game. I haven't gotten very far, but as of right now, a little more flavour with the missions could help.
Overall I'd say EVE is a great concept that needs some tweaking. As it is a Sci-Fi MMO it does appeal to a niche market and it's complexity does turn off many players. I've yet to decide if this is a bad thing. I've only met friendly people playing the game and I've found there are way less idiots in areas like the "general chat". This same complexity seems to filter out a lot of the loud-mouth imature kids that are rampant in games like WoW. The whole thing with CCP? Well, I don't know much about it, but it seems pretty bad. Although I can't really say if it's that much worse than gold-farmers, gold-sellers, character-sellers, or the endless stream of "Buy Gold Cheap Online" ingame emails that are TOTALLY ruining a game like WoW.
I think with some changes EVE could be one of the great MMO's out there - but I'd hate to see it change so much that it just becomes another kiddie playground.
This is a question for people who have NEVER played EVE. If you are browsing the EVE forums then you obviously have some interest in the game. So, what ONE change would convince you to play the game? (I would prefer to hear only from people who have never played the game, not from disgruntled vets looking for one change to resubscribe. Thanks.)
Ok that makes no sense, how can a person that never played have any frame of refrence to know what needs to be fixed much less give an idea what changes would draw them in?
Thats like me asking "What changes to SG would make you want to play it?"
Well if you never played it you coudl say "there has to be mechs"
To which i would reply, there is.So you say "the only way i would play is if they added aliens to fight"It's in there already
Becuase you have never played the game and thus have no fraim of refrence you might then add "Ok there needs to be an avatar that can cloak and shoot off ICBMs with atomic warheads that do massive area of effect damage, than I might play" Hello thats been in SG (Shattered Gallaxy) from day one.
Thats why the peoiple replying have all said, I tried it. The trial is playing. Now, I don't qualify as I have played EVE but I will thow in my answer. Ignoring the things such as the Prat welfare program, the unbalanceing of the ore distrubution, all the carrots that the Devs have tried to bring more fodder to them, etc.... that have hurt the over all game the one thing that needs to be changed is: That the DEVS/GMs not be allowed to play, yes they need to test but there is no valid reasion for them to "play" especally in god mode.
I played eve for about 6 months, I felt like all I was doing is training skills that I never got to use. There was no were to go and ever practice against other people with lower skills as your self. I got killed one time by someone in low security space and never went back, someone else said it best, “I felt trapped in the high security areas”. I wanted to PvP but to get some were to do PVP it took, (well it seemed like hours and you had to stay there) because that is we the action was. I have a friend that plays and I ask him about EvE all the time because he loves playing it, he will tell me “yeha last night I flew around for 2 hours trying to find these guys that were in our section of space” Funny thing is that he never found them and just flew around for 2 hours doing nothing. Or he went mining last night and got killed by some spawn and has to rebuild his ship again. I am like Mining flying around? Do you ever fight people? It only seems like he fights when he is with his Guild. Were the heck is the PvP in mining and flying around. Just not enough action for me
Add a Ground Game
Add area of Space for Low Skilled Player to go PvP.
Cut Down Flight Times
Make the PvP more available
Death Penalty "at least make the insurance pay for the ship and the items and give you that ship back instead of giving you some POS to fly around in." If i pay 2mill for a ship my Ins. should pay out 2mill.
I don't think people who haven't played the game can be in a position to change something. Maybe that question should be addressed to people who have tried the game and stopped. Why did they not continue and what should change in the game in order for them to give it another try.
You are correct that only people who are experienced in a game can suggest a change—but that is an entirely different question. I would never waste my time asking "What changes can be made to improve the game?" in any gaming forum for any game at all because I know suggestions will vary wildly between players and be very opinionated.
I am ONLY curious as to what is it that people learn in the initial game description, videos, FAQs, forums, etc. about EVE that stops them from EVEN TRYING IT.
Let me try and give you an example. There are many games which I have researched and was intrigued enough to download the trial. Then, after a few days or weeks I discovered that I didn't like the game. At that point, I would have had some sort of list of changes in my mind that might have convinced me to subscribe. This thread is not about those changes.
Then there are other games where I liked the trial and went ahead and subscribed. After a few months or years, I decided to unsubscribe. Again, I had a list of changes in my mind that might have kept me from canceling. This thread is not about those changes.
And finally, there are games (such as EVE) which I have researched heavily and considered often and yet will not even download the trial. Despite being interested in the general concept, there is a particular feature or two which is the "deal breaker" for me. (I won't bore you with what that is. The purpose for this thread is to find out what that "deal breaker" feature is that keeps people, who like me were initially attracted to the game, from even trying it.)
There have been quite a few good suggestions already, but if I was going to have ONE THING that would make me seriously consider EVE, it would be the changing of EVE from a space RPG, to a cockpit style direct control system. None of this pushing of buttons on the keyboard and just sitting back and watching your ship go, but actual skill involved in movement and tactics.
I suppose a more Jumpgate style control system. Meld Jumpgate and EVE, add the ability to construct cities on planets, and get rid of those cheating devs for good. Then I would play EVE.
This post caught my eye, so as an old Vet EVE player I thought I would shed some light. Below Are some of the posts that I saw and a common complaints/griefs about players looking at the game. From my experience in the game has answers to all these problems, you just need to learn how to get about them.
This can be a pain, and many beilieve it should not be so, but the game is ment to simulate what life could be like. It is a role playing game. If a universe like this did exist the game tries to hold true.
Below are some of the answers to the posts I saw, and I thought I would talk about these questions as they are asked and I will try to respond to these as i knew when playing EVE.
Lets get started with ingame avatars.
Players not being able to walk around in stations planets, etc. Many people like their MMO's to have a character that represents themselves, or part of themselves atleast. I believe that this after many years is/has been looked into.
The EVE universe is huge. You need to understand the concept of Secuity levels. EVE has 3 basic security levels; High, Low And 0.0 (Zero). When you first enter the game you start in high. The game has a simple method of letting the player know what they are in. It is displayed at the top left of your screen from memory. Raking is as follows, 1.0 being High security going down in sequence eg, 1.0, 0.9, 0.8 etc to 0.0, being no security. The higher the number the safer you are. (Except if you are a wanted pirate, then it gets complicated)
In 1.0 and other High security levels, there is no PVP, ganking, pirates. Otherwise the ingame NPC military, police, stations, gate automated defences, all get involved. If you attack unprevoked you are about to have a can of whoop arse unleased on you little noobie ship. It will blow up, and you will be left in a pod, alone in the dead of space. This is where noobies come to play.
Low security areas, like 0.5, 0.4 and lower, means that the NPC army is small in number, so crimes can go un-noticed. Station defences , and Gate defences will still protect the victim (If they are there), but the ships that defend you in 1.0 will not come to your aid if you are not in their range, (if there at all). This is where pros come to general market supplies, noobies come for market bargains and higher priced mineral finds, and where pirates come to get noobs.
0.0 is no mans land. NPC military and police don't come out here. NPC stations and gates dont have automated defences, Hostile NPCs are in numbers, and this is where the bigboys play and mine HIGH mineral price finds. Full PVP. 0.0 is controlled by Alliances, Corporations, groups, players, etc. Most of these don't want you in there space, as you are seen as a hostile. 0.0 is in a constant state of war. People want their own territories, stations, and places to make huge amounts of ISK (ingame money), and here is where they do it. This is EVE. This open un-policed territories of space are run by players who have worked their arse off to get them, and will kill your arse if you come near it.
As a new player in the game, you don't want to leave High secuity regions and definatly In the 2 week trial you dont want to leave High security areas. As your game time, and knowledge increases, so will your guts, greed, and curiosity. You need to remember that some players have been playing the game for years, and have years of actual combat experience, and a more decked out advanced ship then you will have in 6mths of playing let alone 2 weeks. they will out fly you, gun you, and run you. One of the posts said 'knowing where the theatre of combat is'... well 0.0 is definatley there, and anything below 0.5 aswel. there is no combat theatere in 1.0-0.8. If you hate PvP this is where you would play, as there is no PvP.
Death penelty, ship loss, podding.
1. Ship loss. Ship Insurance is a must. Lets say you have been playing for a while, have enough money for a Battleship and all the gear to go with.
Dont fly it until it is insured. Last thing you want to do is mine your little heart out, save and get a Battleship, then get blow up flying it back to your home station. Then having lost a months worth of casual gaming time in a mtter of seconds, you will be upset, angry, and may quit playing right then and there. 100% insurance is my tip to you.
some one stated something about Automated free insurace... Are you crazy? Then people would be wreckless with their ships, be willing to sacrafice more then they should really have. How do you wage a war against another PvP nation when they have unlimited supplies of reimbursement for ship loss? This would also destroy the current economy base. This means people mining to buy new ships wont be, but people buying ships would be increasing. So where does the ore come from to build these new ships?
Learn about your ship, and its limitations. Dont take your noobie ship agaist anything else, but a NPC pirate noobie ship. Learn if you ship is a shield tanker, or an armor tanker. Learn what weapons give you ship fire power bonuses. Get your skills high for what you are using. Dont use a 50mm auto cannon with your skill level at 1, train it to 5 and kill the enemy/s quicker. Get your shield skills higher so you survive longer.
2. Death penelty. You should only ever die and get podded once. Then you should know it sucks, and never let it happen again.
Tips to help let it be avoided; Dont go into low security space alone, not without firepower, and a fast little ship to get you away safe. Stabs, are vital as a pilot in low security space. Bookmarks, are good, auto-pilot is bad, you want to gate, warp and gate again. Flying to gates sucks and is slow, and you are a pirate target.
3. being podded sux. You loose implants, XP, and you might even cry, i dont know. Cloning is good, implants are bad.
Have a clone. This means if you do get podded, you dont loose your XP to the level you clone allows. Dont forget to upgrade your clone as your characters XP increases. I used implants when playing eve, many will tell you it is a waste of money, but can help boost your ingame XP levels dramaticly early in game too. They are expencive, can be hard to replace. Dont PVP combat with implants. NPC combat is not so bad, this is because they wont pod you as they dont see you as a threat once they have destroyed your ship so you implants survive. Stay out of low level security areas while you have your implants in, pirates love to see implants destroyed on their victims kill-mails.
Cheating and favoritism
It has happened, yes. Someone ingame was an official affiliate of CCP, and used this to further themselves and friends ingame. It is no secret, all eve players know of it, alot of them hate the fact, some of them like the fact, most it does not even effect. It does not matter what game you play this happens. Devs can create items, and ingame tools from the thin of air. People complain that in this particular case the devs have altered and changed the ingame universe and its working dramaticly.. probably. Name an MMO that the devs don't.
This will not effect your game. Atleast not for a long, long time, when you are high up in a position of power in a 0.0 Alliance, that has releations with that particular group of players. This as a new player I would not even worry about.
My name is Rekit, and I used to be and EVE-addict. I Used EVE for over three years. I first got started when a friend introduced me to it. At first I did not like it and found it hard to take. It was long hours for little rewards, and so much to take in. I continued to play EVE just to spend time with my friends, and learned that the sky was the limit while playing with EVE. Over time I made new EVE friends, and my old ones stopped playing with EVE. I was addicted.
Seriously though. Eve can be a casual gamers game, but more often not you get hooked hour buy hour. The game has a huge learning curve. There is no end-game, not top level to reach. The game is always having new content, ships equiptment, skills.
The game has its moments, and also has its times when it can get boring Don't let it. If you have been mining for an hour alone... STOP. find or make a friend, and mine together. Or try somthing totaly different to do, like run missions, make things, kill rats (NPC Pirates). My advise to you. Join a corp, or even create one if you have the time. Eve is not something to do alone, as space is lonley.
Goodluck, and if you do decied to play, have fun.
Eve Trial <- Try 14 days of Eve for FREE Im against SOE
I played Eve for a while, its an amazing game, but i quit after a couple weeks for one reason only, there is no in cockpit view mode. that pissed me off for some reason, i like to be emersed in a first person view. and yes i know the system they use with the camera drone is almost required for many activitys, but still thats why i quit.
Also the collision detection in that game was fucking horrid.
those were the only 2 complaints i had about the game. but the lack of an in ship camera view nailed the coffin.
just my opinion.
:edit: after actually taking the time to read every post before mine, i see there are many many fantastic ideas that could have made Eve an truly incredible all encompasing gaming experience, and i agreed with almost all those ideas. balancing a ground game with the incredible complexity of the space part of eve would be quite the undertaking, ,,, but... if a certain company made that happen?........slober
1) Avatar. If I could play an actual character instead of a ship. I want to see the inside of my ship and land on a planet.
2) They need to improve the learning curve for new players so we're not forever behind the vets. A new player can never compete with the vets (only vets disagree with this, isn't that convenient?)
3) Make combat a little more interactive than A) Orbit, push the shoot button C) push the reload button.
- Phos
AAH! A troll fire! Quick, pour some Kool-Aid on it!!!
The number one thing is CCP corruption. anyone with GOD powers should be impartial. If you want to play the game, cool, play the game, but not as a CCP employee. there should be no information leaks from CCP to BOD besides traditional channels (inform everyone, not just a few toadies).
The second thing is CCP attitude towards scams and exploits. Any new systems coming out like contracts should have preventative measures to stop scammers and exploiters from cheating others. CCP should not help players cheat.
the third thing that is very important and helps the above two changes is to change their moderation of their forums, so that its less draconian. deleting threads and people's thoughts is very very bad. You could move them to a rant thread if it was deemed very negative, but to delete any thread at all or what people have bothered to say is generally upsetting....its probably upset more people than the actual corruption itself.....
the fourth change I would implement to be viable is to make the avatar, being able to walk around on planet outside of your ship, actually have a purpose... it shouldn't just be cosmetic, what new feature could they add to make it more useful.
the fifth change I would add is for servers to be more dynamic, so if people decide to have a 2 or 5 K people war, the servers would allocate themselves dynamically for the increase demand in the correct areas so that this war would be actually possible. Currently the biggest war possible is 1 K total, but I think that this change would up it significantly. Instead of capping the total possible in a node, add servers to support what is needed at these nodes, eventually if too many people wanted to join the fight yes, a cap would still be needed, but this is an important shift in thinking and I think would be a huge step forward for those in 0.0 who are in huge alliances yet cannot bring their full power to bear.
========================== The game is dead not, this game is good we make it and Romania Tv give it 5 goat heads, this is good rating for game.
Originally posted by JADEDRAG0N Originally posted by severius Originally the idea of avatars and the like would have drawn me into the game. However with the number of accounts running around concerning the cheating by ccp employees has completely turned me off from eve, and even from the forthcoming white wolf game. Which I had been really looking forward to.
/sarcasm on
Ahh so you tried the trial of the white wolfe game and saw it wasant for you. Can you link me to the free trial as id like to try it out too.
/Sarcasm off
Seriously tho how can you judge a game that isant even at Beta stage yet.
He's NOT judging a game that isn't even in beta, he's judging the company that's going to rn it based on their pretty bad (deserved or not) reputation. Nothing wrong with that.
first I didnt play because when I browsed their site all I saw was pictures of spaceships and no personal avatar. only thing that ever held me back was the training times after I realized that their system makes it impossible for me to ever catch a vet since there is no ceiling on skills. finally i decided I'll give it a whirl. just seems like something keeps coming up in RL everytime tho. just found out i might nopt even have internet for a week or longer at home so might have to wait til this thing gets resolved
I beta'd EVE...and man, the game was so much fun in beta...right up until they turned on PvP.
Uncontrolled PvP is what keeps me from playing EVE.
If it was 95% PvE, with a few SMALL areas to PvP in (moderatly higher rewards, whatever), and the rest had lots of NPC combat with decent AI, then I'd be playing right now.
You can add all the fluff of avitars and planets you want, but the PvP is the main problem for me.
Not a fan of the skill system either....I dont gain skill from shooting a weapon only reading about shooting a weapon....makes sense?
/sarcasm on
Ahh so you tried the trial of the white wolfe game and saw it wasant for you. Can you link me to the free trial as id like to try it out too.
/Sarcasm off
Seriously tho how can you judge a game that isant even at Beta stage yet.
if you havent played eve in a while you have much faster gate travel than past and the newish "warp to zero " means if your willing to warp to gate X then select jump then warp to gate y for length of your journey you can transit 30 hops in little time at all
but I hear you the guy on support times I do missing EA's EnB you might have to speak with a guy india call center but it was on an 800 phone number and they fixed the prob in almost every case RIGHT then in real time
not really possible with small company after a buggy patch they would need a good 1000 people answer phones
Achiever 20.00%, Explorer 86.67%, Killer 60.00%, Socializer 33.33%
I agree. They needed to implement a system that allows you to advance faster when you are online, but keep the current advancement rate when you are offline. Something between 50-75% faster advancement when you are online would do it. That would encourage you to play the game more but still allow those without as much time to play to continue to advance while they are out of the game.
Besides that I would change the fact that members of the Design/Support team are cheaters and of low moral standing. The only reason I have not played EVE is because of the cheating creators. Regardless of the reasons a company should not have its members cheating. It shows that either they dont pay attention, dont care, or dont have a good character judgement when hiring people. Fix these two things and I might play.
Its got a freaking free trail.,.. if you have not tried it then your not gonna.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
There's many things in the game that interest me, but after three trials I'm still not hooked...
I would probably play if they made flying spacecrafts a bit more engaging. Add some random encounters; asteroid belts, aggro mobs and collision detection, combined with a Descent-like way of flying.
But I guess that would make it a different type of game
I've played EVE on the trial a few times. I'll admit, on the first go I was pretty overwhelmed and din't stick around long. But the idea of a really good Sci-Fi MMO kept drawing me back.
I think this game would benefit from a more imersive combat interface. Though I personally like the less "button mashing" and more tactical style that it already has, the point and click interface feels like I'm navigating Windows and less like I'm flying a space ship. Even allowing for some creative key-binding could fix this. I also think it would change a lot of minds about the whole avatar thing as the feeling of action would be much more viceral.
The avatar thing I agree with, and the videos of the coming out of ship action looks cool, but this isn't a big deal for me. I mean, I played WoW and CoH for a long time and the difference between watching my computer generated person versus my computer generated ship isn't that big of a leap. However, some more detailed ship customization would be good. Something as simple as choosing the color or decals on your craft would make a big difference.
As far as the "dying thing" some mentioned - you just need to upgrade your clone. This isn't explained in the tutorial (which is a big error) but it's a simple and easy way to ensure all you ever loose is your ship and the cargo you were carrying. Plus, if you pay to ensure your boat it's not that great of a loss anyways.
The skill system I like. A lot of people complained about the time it takes - but honestly, after level grinding in games like WoW I think the fact that you can learn a skill while off-line makes up for this. I can't even count the mindless hours I spent point-and-clicking mobs to get X number of X item in WoW. With EVE you can go do something in the park and enjoy the sun while you character learns a skill. Plus, if you follow the online guides and learn the "learning" tree before the others, you can simply train quicker skills while ingame and switch to the massive long ones while your sleeping at night.
Also, as I understand it, EVE does allow for massive unlimited levels of crafting i.e. ships, items, and stations - though I've yet to ever get that far and I'm not sure if you can craft stations that you can go in and out of.
Some of the "mission" stories are quite imersive - but many do feel a little bland. I just finished a chain one (this is my 3rd time back on the trial) for the first time and it was lots of fun. But again, it's the first good chain I got in three tries at the game. I haven't gotten very far, but as of right now, a little more flavour with the missions could help.
Overall I'd say EVE is a great concept that needs some tweaking. As it is a Sci-Fi MMO it does appeal to a niche market and it's complexity does turn off many players. I've yet to decide if this is a bad thing. I've only met friendly people playing the game and I've found there are way less idiots in areas like the "general chat". This same complexity seems to filter out a lot of the loud-mouth imature kids that are rampant in games like WoW. The whole thing with CCP? Well, I don't know much about it, but it seems pretty bad. Although I can't really say if it's that much worse than gold-farmers, gold-sellers, character-sellers, or the endless stream of "Buy Gold Cheap Online" ingame emails that are TOTALLY ruining a game like WoW.
I think with some changes EVE could be one of the great MMO's out there - but I'd hate to see it change so much that it just becomes another kiddie playground.
Ok that makes no sense, how can a person that never played have any frame of refrence to know what needs to be fixed much less give an idea what changes would draw them in?
Thats like me asking "What changes to SG would make you want to play it?"
Well if you never played it you coudl say "there has to be mechs"
To which i would reply, there is. So you say "the only way i would play is if they added aliens to fight" It's in there already
Becuase you have never played the game and thus have no fraim of refrence you might then add "Ok there needs to be an avatar that can cloak and shoot off ICBMs with atomic warheads that do massive area of effect damage, than I might play" Hello thats been in SG (Shattered Gallaxy) from day one.
Thats why the peoiple replying have all said, I tried it. The trial is playing. Now, I don't qualify as I have played EVE but I will thow in my answer. Ignoring the things such as the Prat welfare program, the unbalanceing of the ore distrubution, all the carrots that the Devs have tried to bring more fodder to them, etc.... that have hurt the over all game the one thing that needs to be changed is: That the DEVS/GMs not be allowed to play, yes they need to test but there is no valid reasion for them to "play" especally in god mode.
An so it begins
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I played eve for about 6 months, I felt like all I was doing is training skills that I never got to use. There was no were to go and ever practice against other people with lower skills as your self. I got killed one time by someone in low security space and never went back, someone else said it best, “I felt trapped in the high security areas”. I wanted to PvP but to get some were to do PVP it took, (well it seemed like hours and you had to stay there) because that is we the action was. I have a friend that plays and I ask him about EvE all the time because he loves playing it, he will tell me “yeha last night I flew around for 2 hours trying to find these guys that were in our section of space” Funny thing is that he never found them and just flew around for 2 hours doing nothing. Or he went mining last night and got killed by some spawn and has to rebuild his ship again. I am like Mining flying around? Do you ever fight people? It only seems like he fights when he is with his Guild. Were the heck is the PvP in mining and flying around. Just not enough action for me
You are correct that only people who are experienced in a game can suggest a change—but that is an entirely different question. I would never waste my time asking "What changes can be made to improve the game?" in any gaming forum for any game at all because I know suggestions will vary wildly between players and be very opinionated.
I am ONLY curious as to what is it that people learn in the initial game description, videos, FAQs, forums, etc. about EVE that stops them from EVEN TRYING IT.
Let me try and give you an example. There are many games which I have researched and was intrigued enough to download the trial. Then, after a few days or weeks I discovered that I didn't like the game. At that point, I would have had some sort of list of changes in my mind that might have convinced me to subscribe. This thread is not about those changes.
Then there are other games where I liked the trial and went ahead and subscribed. After a few months or years, I decided to unsubscribe. Again, I had a list of changes in my mind that might have kept me from canceling. This thread is not about those changes.
And finally, there are games (such as EVE) which I have researched heavily and considered often and yet will not even download the trial. Despite being interested in the general concept, there is a particular feature or two which is the "deal breaker" for me. (I won't bore you with what that is. The purpose for this thread is to find out what that "deal breaker" feature is that keeps people, who like me were initially attracted to the game, from even trying it.)
I suppose a more Jumpgate style control system. Meld Jumpgate and EVE, add the ability to construct cities on planets, and get rid of those cheating devs for good. Then I would play EVE.
This post caught my eye, so as an old Vet EVE player I thought I would shed some light. Below Are some of the posts that I saw and a common complaints/griefs about players looking at the game. From my experience in the game has answers to all these problems, you just need to learn how to get about them.
This can be a pain, and many beilieve it should not be so, but the game is ment to simulate what life could be like. It is a role playing game. If a universe like this did exist the game tries to hold true.
Below are some of the answers to the posts I saw, and I thought I would talk about these questions as they are asked and I will try to respond to these as i knew when playing EVE.
Lets get started with ingame avatars.
Players not being able to walk around in stations planets, etc. Many people like their MMO's to have a character that represents themselves, or part of themselves atleast. I believe that this after many years is/has been looked into.
Shexna posted teh link to an ingame video that will be supposedly be coming to EVE; http://www.tentonhammer.com/index.php?q=node/620
PvP, Ganking.
The EVE universe is huge. You need to understand the concept of Secuity levels. EVE has 3 basic security levels; High, Low And 0.0 (Zero). When you first enter the game you start in high. The game has a simple method of letting the player know what they are in. It is displayed at the top left of your screen from memory. Raking is as follows, 1.0 being High security going down in sequence eg, 1.0, 0.9, 0.8 etc to 0.0, being no security. The higher the number the safer you are. (Except if you are a wanted pirate, then it gets complicated)
In 1.0 and other High security levels, there is no PVP, ganking, pirates. Otherwise the ingame NPC military, police, stations, gate automated defences, all get involved. If you attack unprevoked you are about to have a can of whoop arse unleased on you little noobie ship. It will blow up, and you will be left in a pod, alone in the dead of space. This is where noobies come to play.
Low security areas, like 0.5, 0.4 and lower, means that the NPC army is small in number, so crimes can go un-noticed. Station defences , and Gate defences will still protect the victim (If they are there), but the ships that defend you in 1.0 will not come to your aid if you are not in their range, (if there at all). This is where pros come to general market supplies, noobies come for market bargains and higher priced mineral finds, and where pirates come to get noobs.
0.0 is no mans land. NPC military and police don't come out here. NPC stations and gates dont have automated defences, Hostile NPCs are in numbers, and this is where the bigboys play and mine HIGH mineral price finds. Full PVP. 0.0 is controlled by Alliances, Corporations, groups, players, etc. Most of these don't want you in there space, as you are seen as a hostile. 0.0 is in a constant state of war. People want their own territories, stations, and places to make huge amounts of ISK (ingame money), and here is where they do it. This is EVE. This open un-policed territories of space are run by players who have worked their arse off to get them, and will kill your arse if you come near it.
As a new player in the game, you don't want to leave High secuity regions and definatly In the 2 week trial you dont want to leave High security areas. As your game time, and knowledge increases, so will your guts, greed, and curiosity. You need to remember that some players have been playing the game for years, and have years of actual combat experience, and a more decked out advanced ship then you will have in 6mths of playing let alone 2 weeks. they will out fly you, gun you, and run you. One of the posts said 'knowing where the theatre of combat is'... well 0.0 is definatley there, and anything below 0.5 aswel. there is no combat theatere in 1.0-0.8. If you hate PvP this is where you would play, as there is no PvP.
Death penelty, ship loss, podding.
1. Ship loss. Ship Insurance is a must. Lets say you have been playing for a while, have enough money for a Battleship and all the gear to go with.
Dont fly it until it is insured. Last thing you want to do is mine your little heart out, save and get a Battleship, then get blow up flying it back to your home station. Then having lost a months worth of casual gaming time in a mtter of seconds, you will be upset, angry, and may quit playing right then and there. 100% insurance is my tip to you.
some one stated something about Automated free insurace... Are you crazy? Then people would be wreckless with their ships, be willing to sacrafice more then they should really have. How do you wage a war against another PvP nation when they have unlimited supplies of reimbursement for ship loss? This would also destroy the current economy base. This means people mining to buy new ships wont be, but people buying ships would be increasing. So where does the ore come from to build these new ships?
Learn about your ship, and its limitations. Dont take your noobie ship agaist anything else, but a NPC pirate noobie ship. Learn if you ship is a shield tanker, or an armor tanker. Learn what weapons give you ship fire power bonuses. Get your skills high for what you are using. Dont use a 50mm auto cannon with your skill level at 1, train it to 5 and kill the enemy/s quicker. Get your shield skills higher so you survive longer.
2. Death penelty. You should only ever die and get podded once. Then you should know it sucks, and never let it happen again.
Tips to help let it be avoided; Dont go into low security space alone, not without firepower, and a fast little ship to get you away safe. Stabs, are vital as a pilot in low security space. Bookmarks, are good, auto-pilot is bad, you want to gate, warp and gate again. Flying to gates sucks and is slow, and you are a pirate target.
3. being podded sux. You loose implants, XP, and you might even cry, i dont know. Cloning is good, implants are bad.
Have a clone. This means if you do get podded, you dont loose your XP to the level you clone allows. Dont forget to upgrade your clone as your characters XP increases. I used implants when playing eve, many will tell you it is a waste of money, but can help boost your ingame XP levels dramaticly early in game too. They are expencive, can be hard to replace. Dont PVP combat with implants. NPC combat is not so bad, this is because they wont pod you as they dont see you as a threat once they have destroyed your ship so you implants survive. Stay out of low level security areas while you have your implants in, pirates love to see implants destroyed on their victims kill-mails.
Cheating and favoritism
It has happened, yes. Someone ingame was an official affiliate of CCP, and used this to further themselves and friends ingame. It is no secret, all eve players know of it, alot of them hate the fact, some of them like the fact, most it does not even effect. It does not matter what game you play this happens. Devs can create items, and ingame tools from the thin of air. People complain that in this particular case the devs have altered and changed the ingame universe and its working dramaticly.. probably. Name an MMO that the devs don't.
This will not effect your game. Atleast not for a long, long time, when you are high up in a position of power in a 0.0 Alliance, that has releations with that particular group of players. This as a new player I would not even worry about.
My name is Rekit, and I used to be and EVE-addict. I Used EVE for over three years. I first got started when a friend introduced me to it. At first I did not like it and found it hard to take. It was long hours for little rewards, and so much to take in. I continued to play EVE just to spend time with my friends, and learned that the sky was the limit while playing with EVE. Over time I made new EVE friends, and my old ones stopped playing with EVE. I was addicted.
Seriously though. Eve can be a casual gamers game, but more often not you get hooked hour buy hour. The game has a huge learning curve. There is no end-game, not top level to reach. The game is always having new content, ships equiptment, skills.
The game has its moments, and also has its times when it can get boring Don't let it. If you have been mining for an hour alone... STOP. find or make a friend, and mine together. Or try somthing totaly different to do, like run missions, make things, kill rats (NPC Pirates). My advise to you. Join a corp, or even create one if you have the time. Eve is not something to do alone, as space is lonley.
Goodluck, and if you do decied to play, have fun.
Eve Trial <- Try 14 days of Eve for FREE
Im against SOE
I played Eve for a while, its an amazing game, but i quit after a couple weeks for one reason only, there is no in cockpit view mode. that pissed me off for some reason, i like to be emersed in a first person view. and yes i know the system they use with the camera drone is almost required for many activitys, but still thats why i quit.
Also the collision detection in that game was fucking horrid.
those were the only 2 complaints i had about the game. but the lack of an in ship camera view nailed the coffin.
just my opinion.
:edit: after actually taking the time to read every post before mine, i see there are many many fantastic ideas that could have made Eve an truly incredible all encompasing gaming experience, and i agreed with almost all those ideas. balancing a ground game with the incredible complexity of the space part of eve would be quite the undertaking, ,,, but... if a certain company made that happen?........slober
3 things for me:
1) Avatar. If I could play an actual character instead of a ship. I want to see the inside of my ship and land on a planet.
2) They need to improve the learning curve for new players so we're not forever behind the vets. A new player can never compete with the vets (only vets disagree with this, isn't that convenient?)
3) Make combat a little more interactive than A) Orbit, push the shoot button C) push the reload button.
- Phos
AAH! A troll fire! Quick, pour some Kool-Aid on it!!!
The number one thing is CCP corruption. anyone with GOD powers should be impartial. If you want to play the game, cool, play the game, but not as a CCP employee. there should be no information leaks from CCP to BOD besides traditional channels (inform everyone, not just a few toadies).
The second thing is CCP attitude towards scams and exploits. Any new systems coming out like contracts should have preventative measures to stop scammers and exploiters from cheating others. CCP should not help players cheat.
the third thing that is very important and helps the above two changes is to change their moderation of their forums, so that its less draconian. deleting threads and people's thoughts is very very bad. You could move them to a rant thread if it was deemed very negative, but to delete any thread at all or what people have bothered to say is generally upsetting....its probably upset more people than the actual corruption itself.....
the fourth change I would implement to be viable is to make the avatar, being able to walk around on planet outside of your ship, actually have a purpose... it shouldn't just be cosmetic, what new feature could they add to make it more useful.
the fifth change I would add is for servers to be more dynamic, so if people decide to have a 2 or 5 K people war, the servers would allocate themselves dynamically for the increase demand in the correct areas so that this war would be actually possible. Currently the biggest war possible is 1 K total, but I think that this change would up it significantly. Instead of capping the total possible in a node, add servers to support what is needed at these nodes, eventually if too many people wanted to join the fight yes, a cap would still be needed, but this is an important shift in thinking and I think would be a huge step forward for those in 0.0 who are in huge alliances yet cannot bring their full power to bear.
The game is dead not, this game is good we make it and Romania Tv give it 5 goat heads, this is good rating for game.
I guess the oNE change that would bring me back to play would be if they repatched in the old "Warp Drive Active" voice over.
I'd come back if they did that.
Ahh so you tried the trial of the white wolfe game and saw it wasant for you. Can you link me to the free trial as id like to try it out too.
/Sarcasm off
Seriously tho how can you judge a game that isant even at Beta stage yet.
He's NOT judging a game that isn't even in beta, he's judging the company that's going to rn it based on their pretty bad (deserved or not) reputation. Nothing wrong with that.
I beta'd EVE...and man, the game was so much fun in beta...right up until they turned on PvP.
Uncontrolled PvP is what keeps me from playing EVE.
If it was 95% PvE, with a few SMALL areas to PvP in (moderatly higher rewards, whatever), and the rest had lots of NPC combat with decent AI, then I'd be playing right now.
You can add all the fluff of avitars and planets you want, but the PvP is the main problem for me.
Not a fan of the skill system either....I dont gain skill from shooting a weapon only reading about shooting a weapon....makes sense?
"and when i'm furhrer... ther'll be changes..."
Roy Mustang,FMA, episode 13, flame vs. full metal
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