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Come on MMORPG, what's with the add for the gold and powerleveling site?
I haven't seen one of them here for quite some time. I have to say, I'm rather disapointed seeing an add RIGHT next to your site name. The site can't be that hard up for revenue that you have to sell add space to a copany that exploits MMO's.
VERY disapointed.
Wish Darkfall would release.
We have been here before, but again I will state: We do not refuse gold-selling is not our company policy and I don't see why it ever would be. This is a ultra-small ad campaign, like less than 1% of sales this month, so no - we don't need the revenue per-se. Our stance on gold selling is not to have a stance. What these companies are doing is not illegal, therefore we allow the advertising (although we surcharge them pretty hard due to our staff having to combat the flames like I am doing this very moment).
Just because *you* are against gold-selling does not mean that everyone else is. My personal stance is that I despise gold sellers, I would never use these services myself - but I cannot decide to allow/dissalow advertisers based on my personal opinions...this would be like denying Hillary Clinton ad space here because I disslike her. When publishers take "stances" on things - I think they walk the fine line of eithics myself. This is not the New York Post or Fox News...I will not side with anyone on this.
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
The dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive.
I know.
Just saying that I am a little disapointed to see an add again. It's been awhile. People gotta make money, including you guys here. Not hating, just sad.
Wish Darkfall would release.
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
The dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive.
Uhm buying/selling virtual item's isnt allowed in any MMO game that i know you have on your site as a news site, so yea basicly what your doing is pissing on the different mmo companies , is that how we should understand ?, there is plenty of other adds to be on a site like this, f.x things that have something to do with the games, not relating to anything to breaks every rule that certain game have, and yea i know your wasting your time on theese flame points, but as long as you allow add's that aint legal to any of theese games then the flame will follow.
List of SOE lies
My point? probebly none.. lol
But really, is a business, and while gold selling is not "illegal" it is a violation of the users agreement w/ the company when they sign up. i understand the neutrality claim, but in reality if you are supporting a site thats purpose is to make money by violating an agreement w/ said company, you are not neutral.
Someone will click on it.
Someone will buy stuff from them.
And THEN it's hurting me in my very own Game experience, if I group with another High Lvl char and he sais: "Oh cool, look what skills I've got!" because he used a lvling service and is a complete noob.
And of course it interferes with my Web Browsing experience, it uses loading time. (Just as every other ad does)
It suks , but life suks and then u die and worms eat your face off
and poop them back out, FREAKIN NASTY JERKS
While it is your choice to have gold selling adds on your site, it is also my choice to not click any links you have listed. It takes little effort to open a new browser and type in a url as opposed to giving mmorpg click credit.
...unless you built the browser yourself. In which case you should get on that.
My Stance:
If you're not going to pony up the doe to buy the space, then they can run whatever ads from whatever company they want. Put up, or shuttup.
- CaesarsGhost
Lead Gameplay and Gameworld Designer for a yet unnamed MMO Title.
"When people tell me designing a game is easy, I try to get them to design a board game. Most people don't last 5 minutes, the rest rarely last more then a day. The final few realize it's neither fun nor easy."
I will take goldfarmers over you any day. At least they are meeting a demand that the more evil people in this story (the gold BUYERS) are generating. I do not approve of the activity, but I can understand it. You are just trying to not support a site you do use. That makes NO sense whatsoever.
I am not required to click any adds when I visit here. I signed no agreement, made no verbal commitment. This site is free to use without any unspoken contracts. The site owners hope that users will find the advertisements enticing enough to click on them. Some I do, some I don't. I am not trying to "hurt" anyone as you label it, rather I am not supporting the choices the site has made.
What I disagree with is taking money from MMO makers and then taking money from companies that detract from MMO players and also congest and cause problems for the MMO makers. Also saying that they "personally" disagree with those activities is cheap and rather cowardly. If you accept the revenue from gold selling sites then please don't try to downplay your support of the activities.
It suks , but life suks and then u die and worms eat your face off
and poop them back out, FREAKIN NASTY JERKS Buddy i agree, but that post is reason enough NOT to legalise.. you gotta calm down on the smoke..
lol just kidding rock on with your bad self...
It sure seems that the purpose of this thread is to discuss the ethical issues related to this ad etc. So his post makes a hell of a lot more sense than yours. I also find it ironic that you lecture him about choosing a new site "if he doesn't like it" when clearly you can choose not to read this thread...if you don't like it.
My opinion is this:
People make posts breaking the NDA of a game on this site and their post can be reported, deleted, and they can also be suspended/banned; however, ads for companies that break the EULA of just about every known mmo developer is okay?
So, you take the side of the game company when it comes to posting, but take the side of the goldseller when they pay for advertising?
What this amounts to is not "taking sides", it's called "two-faced".
Well, no reason for any of us to report the goldsellers when they spam the forums with their ads in threads (since the only reason they are being deleted is because they didn't pay you).
Also, no reason to report those who are breaking NDA's, linking to free servers, etc., etc., since they are no different from those breaking the EULA's by buying/selling gold which by advertising you allow.
True enough, this site is provided to us for free. Therefore, you don't have to answer to us for anything.
However, when those of us against this only come here to check up on forums and say hi to friends, and refuse to use any link from this site to get the info we want, then I guess there won't be any reason for companies of any kind to advertise here, would there?
It's good to have noone to answer to.
It is possible to disagree with something without going over the top full tilt and organizing rallies and such. It really is a lot more simply than you are all making it out to be.
My issue with your stance is not your refusal to support gold sellers. that's fine. But if you see an ad on the site that DOES interest you, and refuse to click it and instead "open a new browser and hand type it" just out of spite... what is the sense in that?
Making a stand is admirable. Stating your view, and standing by it, and NOT EVER clicking a gold banner is the way to handle it. If the seller pay a premium for ad space, and see that NONE of us ever click the banners, they will eventually not advertise here. That is how this works. If the Admin of this site trusts us to make this decision for ourselves, and takes no sides on the matter, that is also admirable. You would not like to feel like Admin is making decisions for you, would you? The way it stands now they give US the choice of what we click and what we do not. That shows the Admin of RESPECTS us. Never thumb your nose at respect.
As far as you not clicking an ad that DOES interest you, all you are hurting there is this site... and the company that has paid to advertise here. Since the banner you would have clicked but did not click is likely NOT any gold seller's banner... you are not hurting gold sellers at all by this action. It is achieving nothing, except, MAYBE, making you feel like you are hurting if that is how you repay the site for showing you respect, again, I will HAPPILY take gold farmers over you.
One more thing...
If you are upset about login ques, be angry at Blzz. Regardless of goldfarmers, or anything else, they saw the ques were large. they knew server space was over-filled... and instead of spending the money to actually upgrade their hardware to meet demand, they "left well enough alone" for months. There is a party responsible for that, and it is not the goldfarmers. It is Blizz. Unfortunately for your point of view... the goldfarmers were paying their monthly subscription fee the same as you did. Blizz knew the head count, and did nothing to alleviate it. And since they paid the same fee as you to play, they had the SAME RIGHT TO BE THERE YOU HAD. Do they play differently? Yes. Do they actually harm the game world in doing so? They can cripple the economy. But all the gold they make they farmed. It is not a counterfitting machine. The buyers COULD have spent the same time and farmed the same amount of gold themselves if they were not too lazy. It is a problem, yes, but it will not destroy WoW totally.
So take your raging mad-on to Blizz, and lave the Admin of this site alone about staying neutral. Trust me, the Admin is putting up with me, and that is too punishment enough, especially for people that have honestly not done a thing wrong.
gold selling and buying ruins MMOs. And this web page lets them advertise here.
Boycott EA Games. RIP Sim City.
But like the admin himself said "but this is life and I understand that the media should not dictate advertising - the people should." This is how I vote, with the only tool I have... My wallet.
I suggest you read what Zorvan worte, as he put to words what I feel but in far better terms.
And I agree, your wallet is the way to send the message.
I only wish you would send the message to the companies you want not advertising here. Not to
Also, if you think the gold selling industry doesn't dupe, hack and cheat gold then you are obviously mis informed. Please go ask the players of Vanguard what is happening right now. Ask what happened for the first year and a half in EQ2 with the house pet dupe. Look up the mass bannings of dupers and regular players alike is SWG when they had a mass known dupe.
I think you are reading a volume of anger in my posts that just doesn't exist. I am sorry you see things that way, but it wasn't my intention.
EDIT: Ok I will bite, how do I send a message to gold selling sites that I don't want them around?
And I agree, your wallet is the way to send the message.
I only wish you would send the message to the companies you want not advertising here. Not to
When Admin freely admits the advertisement for the goldseller amounts to 1% or less of the advertising revenue, and yet chooses to run it regardless of what we, the users and generators of revenue for want, then I would conclude that is indeed the one to send the message to.
That was my point about your "upset-ness"... you were blaming gold farmers for your wait time to log in... and it was not their fault. Not in any way shape or form.
You have the right idea about not clicking gold banners. That is the way to send a message you do not want them here. If nobody on this site clicks the ads for gold, they will stop paying the money to advertise here. That much you DO have right.
My issue is the fact you refuse to click the NON-gold ads that do interest you.
If you refuse to click the gold ads, you are exercising the ability to make your own decision. That is the right the Admin of MMORPG is respecting you enough to let you have. But not clicking gold ads is not the same as flat refusing to click any ads at all. the ad revenue for this site is what keeps it available for all of us. If you enjoy the site, and you see an ad that does interest you, click the ad to let the site survive, and to let that ad company know you are interested. Avoid the ads you do NOT approve of, and eventually, if we all avoid them, they will determine it is a waste of money to advertise here.
It is that simple.
"When Admin freely admits the advertisement for the goldseller amounts to 1% or less of the advertising revenue, and yet chooses to run it regardless of what we, the users and generators of revenue for want, then I would conclude that is indeed the one to send the message to."
If the Admin was not responsive to the questions, I would likely agree with you. But instead they respect you enough to post in these forums RIGHT AWAY to address these issues. But the bottom line on the matter is... they are giving us the choice to click the ads or not to click the ads. That freedom of choice is VALUABLE. MMORPG is not trying to think for us, nor censor the environment we are visiting here. In and of itself that is worth much MUCH more than 1% of their revenue.
Freedom is the inherent right of all sentient beings. I 100% stand behind this website's decision to allow US the freedom to decide what we do and do not click on, and the freedom of the advertisers to pay to try and influence those decisions. But if we do not ever click any goldseller banners, the goldsellers will go elsewhere. That is the way the business model works. If they get no clicks, they are wasting money advertising here. Besides, if they do pay to advertise here, and get no clicks... that is the IDEAL situation. MMORPG gets the ad revenue for the spot... we never click the ads... and the goldseller wastes money until they HAVE to stop advertising here. That hurts the sellers... is that not what you really want anyway?
By trying to scream, yell, or otherwise influence the Admin to not allow them to advertise here, you are in effect taking freedoms away from the Admin that is giving us the respect to NOT take our freedoms away.
Is that the message you want to send?
Seriously... cut the admin some slack. Have you seen some of my other posts? They deal with alot of crap as it is... ...ANYONE that can deal with Bane is not all bad.