hello everyone my name is bazso i am hoping some time down the road all of these major companies will one day make a really good mmorpg for ww2 and have everything in it and the company will not be greedily to the side that brings in the most money to help there cause win ww2online is not a bad game but my problem is that the Dev team dose not want any help from any other company they are
not doing to bad but they need lots of money to hire other people to help there Dev team become better the bigger the Dev team the more
stuff can get added to the game they don't like to be flexible they pamper the UK and french side a lot which means the Germans the only ones that are the axis side gets there gear nurfed pretty bad all because the Dev team dose not want to lose the players that play the UK side and the french side why because between the those 2 sides they bring in the most money they do a lot of crying on the
forums they flame most things and they feel there gear is not good enough they don't chat a whole lot on the side to help get goals token care of there
high command right now is a mess there high command says to there player base that they are freakin butt holes they don't do a whole lot of helping there player base out they call them lots of bad names when they are not getting anywhere they don't know how to use team work a lot we are getting to the point now that Toe's will get into the game which means at any one time when a division gets
moved there gear gose's with it to another town we have it set right now at this point that any time you move a division to a new town it has a full list of gear and men now for the axis side good hard working players they know how to use team work they go as far as even helping a newbie get better at the game by helping him or her at what they like to do what type of hard were they like using the most of
the means to do this is they go on a 2nd server called the training server they give out a lot of positive feed back to there player base and some of them go way out of there way to help the player base get goals token care of and lots of friendly players and officers on the bad guys side the Germans this is what all i have been seeing in my year and 3 month of playing this game this game again is not
to bad of a game if the dev team was not so greedily and kept nurfing the gear for the side i play on which is the German side and kept over powering the UK and french side i would enjoy the game a lot more so that's why i am hoping a new mmorpg ww2 fps game will come out soon that the Dev team is not going to let one side over power the other by nurfing anyone's gear it takes skill and the time to
give your self to learn about this game but once you have learned it then it becomes fun until you are over powered by something that should not have such certain abilities
thank you all for reading my post and takeing the time to read it Bazso