Just saw Knocked Up and would recommend it. Definitely the best movie I have seen in a while and probably the best comedy I have seen this year. Anyone else agree? if not I will hunt you down with my trusty baseball bat and carry out a mature, civilized 5 round home run derby where the winner's opinion counts.
I didn't know what it was about, so I just passed up the oppurtunity to watch and saw Shrek III.
Me being the child-at-heart person I am though.. I was giggling through out the whole movie.
Yeah, I just took a date to see that. It definitely had hilarious parts. I was rolling when they were on shrooms at Cirque de Soleil, and he started flippin out. It had good girl stuff too with the babies, and dialogue, and whatnot. Definitely a movie you can go see with your girl and both be happy.