CoV/CoH has a large amount of dedicated players. When I re-joined CoH I went to the official forums and took a gander at which servers had decent posting communities, that's how I chose one I might like. If you DO look into their forums, there are players who have over 30K posts, I know that doesn't seem to mean much.. but, in my eyes that showed me people are really in love with this game. They like what they do at CoH/CoV, and that is hard to find. It's a well driven community with people wanting to help one another. Of course you have your bad apples, what site doesn't? Definatly a game to look into until one of the more "anticipated" ones come out, that's what made me come back for the time being.
There are alot of people that still play CoV. The unfortunate part is since the release of I8/I9 a good portion of the population switched back to CoH. But its only a matter of time till they switch back. My friends and I are constantly switching between the 2 and love both equally.
CoV/CoH has a large amount of dedicated players. When I re-joined CoH I went to the official forums and took a gander at which servers had decent posting communities, that's how I chose one I might like. If you DO look into their forums, there are players who have over 30K posts, I know that doesn't seem to mean much.. but, in my eyes that showed me people are really in love with this game. They like what they do at CoH/CoV, and that is hard to find. It's a well driven community with people wanting to help one another. Of course you have your bad apples, what site doesn't? Definatly a game to look into until one of the more "anticipated" ones come out, that's what made me come back for the time being.
Me and my two brothers just started playing again
and i see alot of active players around even on a light load server, alot of low levels and high levels
Get a life you freaking no, you don't understand, I'm a Gamer, I have many lives!!
Stephan Moffett