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Kingdom of Serendipity (RP Only Guild)

ZathrisZathris Member Posts: 1
(RP Guild for Humans, Dwarves and Mirdain Citizens.)

*You find a flyer that catches your eye as you walk by a billboard. The flyer reads:*


It’s a vast world that many travel around seeking one special thing, a place to call home. We want to reach out and claim a home for ourselves. We want to forge Serendipity out of the foundations we place and the community we build.

But Serendipity isn’t just a home, it’s an adventure in itself!

Join the Army. Train to be the best to defend our home and to lay waste to those who would do us harm.

Become a member of the Town Guard. Uphold the laws of our home and make sure justice is served.

Got skills in the magical arts? Join our Mages Academy and learn the fine arts of multiple schools of magic.

Join the Holy Order and train to become a Healer or a Paladin. Attend services and events in the name of our gods.

Become a Sailor on our Fleet. Protect the seas around our home and make sure trading vessels get to where they need to.

Be a Merchant. Organize trade routes with other kingdoms and factions to help build our homes wealth.

Enjoy Crafting? Join the Artificers’ Guild and be granted your own shop within our home. Get cheap prices on resources from the Gatherers Guild and forge weapons, armour or a special something then sell it in your shop.

Got a talent for finding those key resources? Enjoy the life of a Farmer? Join the Gatherers Guild. With protection from the Town Guard and the Army you will be able to farm the land or gather those vital resources you need with complete protection. Sell them onto others or other members of the guild.

Serendipity is an Adventure and we invite you to join us on it. To sign up just ask for a Serendipity Representative at your local Inn. Trust me you will find one of us.

*The Flyer Ends with a Signature.*

(We are a friendly guild with places to suit everyone’s play style and taste. With a friendly atmosphere that includes regular Role Play events you are sure to find a home with us.

Go to to Register and Sign up. Visit our IRC channel (Details on website) to talk and get to know us.)
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