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Ramones274Ramones274 Member Posts: 366
I've been switching back between the Kingdom Reborn client and the old 2d client..and i've decided that I like the 2d client FAR more. Honestly, I enjoy the graphics. I like the UI. The only beef I have with the resolution...and in all's not that big of a deal. I've decided I really don't care for the Kingdom Reborn client.

There are two kinds of people in this world. People who pick their nose.. and liars.


  • DelluciusDellucius Member Posts: 59
    It doesn't quite feel like UO anymore. It looks a bit more like another game with the same features as UO.

    But I'm sure the ones that still love UO will hang on and survive in case they remove the 2D client.

    Best thing would be if they opened an olde like shard. I doubt that would happen very soon though.
  • docminusdocminus Member Posts: 717

    <Mod edit>

    besides - with the earlier 3D clilent, most people continued playing in 2D. Heck, I as an UO "latecomer" started with 3D until someone showed me the "advantage"/beauty of the 2D, thus feeling at home in the good old U5,6,7,8 days. So why would people choose the KR3D? Well, because they don't have a choice in the future :(
    The interface will appeal to newbs, but if the gameplay is the same, I doubt it will make a huge difference in terms of increase playerbase......


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