I have been playing Vanguard since release and overall I am very pleased with the game as it stands at the moment and with the potential it holds for further development. The server population however is nuts. I'm speaking of Frengrot the only EU pvp server. Finding a group is tiring and often boring to the extent that by the time the group is complete I can't be arsed because it's so late and go to bed. They talk of Server Mergers, but why not start the ball rolling with free character transfers to suggested equivilent servers? Something needs to be done sharpish, as I like many others am slowly losing interest.
I just happened to run some crafter numbers today over at vgplayers to see how many high level crafters (I chose to define high level as being 35+) were on each server to get an idea of the activity in (what is currently) the end game economy. Most servers had something in the range of 150-180 35+ crafters, but there were 3 standouts.
Gelenia had the most by far with around 240. Tharridon (US PvP) had a significantly lower 110 and Fengrot had a dismal 60.
These numbers are by no means a perfect indicator of server populations but I think they do mean something. There are no official server population numbers that i can find, but from what I can gather it seems that Gelenia is the strongest server and Frengrot seems to stand out as the most desolate.
The good news for high level Frengrotians is that the merge will ensure you will find people to play with soon without having to reroll from scratch.