Well, if you're retired by performance issues, the next patch this summer will include some improvements.
You can wait for the 1.27 release this sumer, and then... you can make a long term subscription (6 or 12 months) to save money and enjoy all the new things that are coming... an ALPHA of the new improved engine was estimated to show by 2007 fall... so it's very possible to see it running on late 2008.
Remember that this summer with the 1.27 patch, they release light mortars, TOEs, 3 new fighters, render engine improvements, etc...
Keep an eye to the news this August.
Will be a good year for this game: Summer 2007-Summer 2008 it's the best time for a year subscription and save the money.
There's a free trial going on right now if you want to see, I'm giving it a shot. But depends on why you left ( late 2005 for me I think)
I've found some enhancements, but much stays the same. Graphics cleaned up a little, sounds better, minor FPS improvement for me, similar gameplay
Still warpy inf and old capture rules so inf play for me is a no go really. LMG is much improved though I'll give them that, but I'll stick to Red Orchestra for my WWII inf play.
Berms still a curse for ATGs by taking lots of the good cover away, but at least they are much easier to push over now.
ATG gameplay the same. People still spawn in tanks when tank EWS goes off, as they get sapped in the city outskirts you see the whines on chat. But manage (with sapper too) to take out enough tanks that ATGs setup in defense have no work to do, once tanks run out some leave to go to new city that has tanks. If you do get an ATG out of the city (from the AB being bombed as usual) quiet likely to get your gunner sniped from 300+m away as with all the cover and MSP from all directions you can't keep the EI away. Cover still works the same, a tiny branch can block you whole view meaning you still have to stick at least 1/2 the gun out of the cover.. making said cover useless really. Sappers being the number one enemy of tanks still (or at least of the top tanks), you can see them running to the boonies once EWS goes off to sap a tank in the middle of nowhere. Can you tell ATGs were my fav unit
Haven't tried tanking yet but sounds much the same, lots of EA and sapper cursing "WTF, I'm 2k out of the city and still get sapped" etc.
So what is good is still good, what's bad is still bad. Up to you if it's worth the $$$.
I quit around 2005, and then a month or so ago I played on a free trial. The only reason I quit the first time was because I had such an awful computer. 2 years later, and I still have that same one, and of course, it is that much more awful. But, for the free trial, I got to use my brothers computer, which is far from crappy. I'd have to say the game has improved a lot since then, although I'm sure a portion of that is due to the computer upgrade. You should give it another shot for sure, like the guy before said, I think that trial is still going on, and if not, just try a month. Not sure what has changed since you quit, but when I got on and was talking to people, it sounded like it was a pretty recent patch that improved things a lot. I say you should give it another shot.
Well, as a day one player that has come and gone a few times, there have been many pros and cons along the way. I could probably live with most of the cons but for the BS RDP cycle (that which allows the better tier gear into the game).
Take the current map. (which will be over before tier 2 is in game) Several weeks old and still they are at tier zero. As a pilot primarily, this means the Hurricane I versus the BF110. The 109 and the Spit i isn't even in game at the start. The matchup is ok, but boring. The same applies to tanks as well and crummy ATG's (but the Axis still get the 88 at the start, go figure)
If all the good gear was in from the start, or within a 10 day window or so, I would re-up, and so would a nice chunk of the 30 guys from my old squad. I don't have the time nor the patience to wait 4-5 weeks, hoping a map doesn't end first, to fly the Spit9 against the FW190.
The new TOS (tables of equipment) will not address this issue. And until the completely eliminate the 2 country movement penality, there will always be some gamey game play. still, all doable if the gear was fun to play from the beginning.
Heh, but then you have the people who like the starting equipment. As an ATG player I like the starting stuff as tier 1 ATGs are effective VS tier 1 tanks and you can actually push them!. Tier 3 they push so slow it's not worth it ,as after 10-20 min of pushing you're just as likely to get sniped by someone in the boonies as pushing for 5 min with a tier 1 ATG. All the same problems with three times the pushing time.
Trials done btw. Did manage to get some ATG work in, but on offense with MSPs as usual, hardly every on defense as you can't get out of city with the zerging inf from enemy MSPs (or the killer sunflowers).
You can wait for the 1.27 release this sumer, and then... you can make a long term subscription (6 or 12 months) to save money and enjoy all the new things that are coming... an ALPHA of the new improved engine was estimated to show by 2007 fall... so it's very possible to see it running on late 2008.
Remember that this summer with the 1.27 patch, they release light mortars, TOEs, 3 new fighters, render engine improvements, etc...
Keep an eye to the news this August.
Will be a good year for this game: Summer 2007-Summer 2008 it's the best time for a year subscription and save the money.
There's a free trial going on right now if you want to see, I'm giving it a shot. But depends on why you left ( late 2005 for me I think)
I've found some enhancements, but much stays the same. Graphics cleaned up a little, sounds better, minor FPS improvement for me, similar gameplay
Still warpy inf and old capture rules so inf play for me is a no go really. LMG is much improved though I'll give them that, but I'll stick to Red Orchestra for my WWII inf play.
Berms still a curse for ATGs by taking lots of the good cover away, but at least they are much easier to push over now.
ATG gameplay the same. People still spawn in tanks when tank EWS goes off, as they get sapped in the city outskirts you see the whines on chat. But manage (with sapper too) to take out enough tanks that ATGs setup in defense have no work to do, once tanks run out some leave to go to new city that has tanks. If you do get an ATG out of the city (from the AB being bombed as usual) quiet likely to get your gunner sniped from 300+m away as with all the cover and MSP from all directions you can't keep the EI away. Cover still works the same, a tiny branch can block you whole view meaning you still have to stick at least 1/2 the gun out of the cover.. making said cover useless really. Sappers being the number one enemy of tanks still (or at least of the top tanks), you can see them running to the boonies once EWS goes off to sap a tank in the middle of nowhere. Can you tell ATGs were my fav unit
Haven't tried tanking yet but sounds much the same, lots of EA and sapper cursing "WTF, I'm 2k out of the city and still get sapped" etc.
So what is good is still good, what's bad is still bad. Up to you if it's worth the $$$.
"But don't take my word for it."
Well, as a day one player that has come and gone a few times, there have been many pros and cons along the way. I could probably live with most of the cons but for the BS RDP cycle (that which allows the better tier gear into the game).
Take the current map. (which will be over before tier 2 is in game) Several weeks old and still they are at tier zero. As a pilot primarily, this means the Hurricane I versus the BF110. The 109 and the Spit i isn't even in game at the start. The matchup is ok, but boring. The same applies to tanks as well and crummy ATG's (but the Axis still get the 88 at the start, go figure)
If all the good gear was in from the start, or within a 10 day window or so, I would re-up, and so would a nice chunk of the 30 guys from my old squad. I don't have the time nor the patience to wait 4-5 weeks, hoping a map doesn't end first, to fly the Spit9 against the FW190.
The new TOS (tables of equipment) will not address this issue. And until the completely eliminate the 2 country movement penality, there will always be some gamey game play. still, all doable if the gear was fun to play from the beginning.
Just my 2 cents.
Rob Hood, CO RCAF, 3rd Canadian Division, Retired
Heh, but then you have the people who like the starting equipment. As an ATG player I like the starting stuff as tier 1 ATGs are effective VS tier 1 tanks and you can actually push them!. Tier 3 they push so slow it's not worth it ,as after 10-20 min of pushing you're just as likely to get sniped by someone in the boonies as pushing for 5 min with a tier 1 ATG. All the same problems with three times the pushing time.
Trials done btw. Did manage to get some ATG work in, but on offense with MSPs as usual, hardly every on defense as you can't get out of city with the zerging inf from enemy MSPs (or the killer sunflowers).