I'm watching a thing on global warming on the history channel right now and they had Al Gore spewing out worthless dribble. It really makes me mad because he was talking about how theres no debate to human cause of it, when in actuallity humans ARE NOT the cause...
Human CO2 emissions aren't helping the problem, neither are our mass cattle industry, or our commercial air travel. Being a citizen of Canada I can say my ecological footprint is smaller than even the most lean American or Chinese Person. It's no longer just Al Gore saying things about how the world is warming due to humans. Most of the people who say otherwise are just being payed by George Bush's little circle of Oil Tycoon friends.
If you would care to elaborate your opinion I would gladly turn this into a nice, friendly, debate.
All it takes is alittle change in temperature.. Just 4 degrees each way and you could cause longterm damage..
Now.. If Your body was in a isolated ideal environment the temperature would never change..But just add a few fever inducing microscopic bacteria and that could very shortly skew the temperature upwards.. All it takes is a few micro-organisms to screw with the balance.....
Now apply that to the earth... Where things that the world does to maintain its temperature are things like rain. volcanoes, blah blah blah... And humans are bacteria...
It doesn't matter that humans produce less greenhouse gases then the earth does.. because all it takes is enough to throw off the balance/regulation.. which could lead to long term damage..
What's your Wu Name?
Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight
Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."
There are quite a few reasons and way I can debate this so I will touch on a few subjects and bring out more as this debate calls for it.
First off, lets say greenhouse gases are the cause of global warming (they really aren't the main cause, but are a cause) 90% of the total greenhouse gases are water vapor, not C02. Man does not cause water vapor! and then the next most abundant greenhouse gas out of the left 10% is C02. And us humans only cause roughly 5% of that. Volcanoes cause the majority of it.
Second off the Sun is main cause of global warming. The sun has been at its most intense in the past 100 years than it has over the past few thousand years. The amount of sunspots determines the suns intensity. This is proven a few times over. Most notably in the Helocene Maximum, which was about 3,000 years during the bronze age that the earths temperatures were much much higher than it is now and from reading ice cores the sun has had the most sunspots. In the Medieval warm period there were more sunspots in the sun and the earths temperature was once again higher. And then a time called the "Little Ice Age" came around. During this time the sun went almost completely blank with sunspots... and what happened? the temperature fell. Now once again the sunspots are rising and so is the temperature.
Another main issue is that chart Al Gore is always struttin around about C02 levels and the earth temperature. Well, theres one major flaw there that he doesnt point out. And that is that the temperature parts goes up before the C02 part!
Infact, water vapour in the atmosphere is the highest single gas which contributes to global warming. But these gases are vital to keeping our planet warm enough to sustain life. They are vital to our survival. We need to not deplete nor increase it too much.
How global warming works:
Radiation from the sun's rays comes into earth, but is too high a frequency to be absorbed by the gases in the atmosphere, so instead is absorbed by the earth's surface. When it's asborbed, it is turned from kinetic energy into heat energy. The heat is then radiated outwards towards space in waves, but most of these waves are low enough for the gases to absorb it and bounce it back towards the earth. Hence, the "greenhouse" effect.
However, too much gases that can absorb these frequencies from the earth, and too much heat is kept in. Too little, and not enough is kept in.
However, the world is at an equillibrium with all things natural. Water falls as quick as it rises. Over billions of years (so says science) the world has developed an eco system where one thing leads to a next and everything is in a balance. But as we emitt more CO2 than we're naturally "allowed" to as a segment of the global emissions, we are shifting this equillibrium and it might fall into an endless downward spiral that would see the end to life on this planet as we see it quite shockingly rapidly.
1 or 2 degree rise in the world would mean enough of the polar icecaps are melted to sink 40% of britain into the sea, and many other costal countries and islands. It would mean that it is 1 or 2 degrees too hot to grow vegetation in parts of africa and asia.
This could also go the other way and become really cold. The polar icecaps melting, leading to an increase in the amount of liquid water around the world, leading to more CO2 from the atmosphere being dissolved in the earth's oceans, therefore reducing the amount of heat kept inside the earth and we could spin into an ice age(ok exxagerration but who likes the cold - you get my point anyways). 1 or 2 degrees change in the sea's temperature would mean convection currents that carry warm air to countries like Britain (again) stop and then we have to rely on other countries to supply us food as it would be too cold to grow our own vegetation.
What I'm trying to say is, that we are NOT to blame for the most CO2 emmissions on this world. However our reduction of mass forrests (plants use up CO2 from the atmosphere and give out oxygen as a "waste" product for those of you who didnt know), and our "over the limit" emissions do mean we are very close to tipping this equillibrium on our planet, which could only be fixed by a "reset". And so we have to do our part to make sure we're not over the limit.
-I do chemistry btw, don't let anyone tell you any lies
My two cents
And your saying water vapor doesnt matter? ha! ok so your dissing your own theory. water vapor acounts for 90% of the greenhouse gases that supposedly are causing the earth to warm.
And if CO2 is SO bad that we need to wear masks (In China) and we need advisories to warn us to keep indoors. It's getting pretty rotten.
Personally this was the first time I had ever heard of the "black hole and gamma ray pulses destroying the solar system" theories which are pretty fascinating.
Life sucks, buy a helmet.
I guess it's just alot of poor decisions that could potentially really screw something up that pisses me off, but that's just my opinion.
It's the top ten potential things that could kill our planet wasn't it? Yeah, I nearly crapped myself when I saw it myself a few months ago.
Al Gore's documentary on Global Warming is the biggest piece of crap ever filmed. It was truly a political move. There are HUNDREDS of scientists who thinks his film is extremlely inaccurate and everytime he is requested a debate on it, he never shows up (despite the fact that he's said he'll welcome debates on the topic).
If you guys believe his documentary, then there is some Nigerians who would love for you to help them with their millions of dollars...just as long as you provide them with your bank account number.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
ever seen the ones where a guy actually responds and makes the Nigerian do stupid things for his bank account number? lol, thats classisc!
Best one of em all!!!
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
You've clearly gotten an idea in your head about something, denying any involvement in the process of Climate change. I can't change that opinion, just like nobody can change my opinion that facism is the best form of government. Pardon if this post is odd, my comp just reset and then I eat supper (With beef)
Virtually everything you wrote here is incorrect.
For starters, your claim that 90% of greenhouses gases are water vapor is not true. You don't seem to realize that there is a difference in the total amount of a greenhouse gas, and the amount that it in turn affects the Greenhouse Effect. In either case, water vapor does not approach 90%. Furthermore CO2 levels have increased over 30% since the Industrial Revolution, all of which has been caused by human activity.
You apparently completely misunderstood the section on sunspots. By section of course I am referring to a section of the argument put forth in "The Great Global Warming Swindle", a so-called documentary that aired in Great Britain not too long ago. It is their arguments you are using, though I don't know whether you actually viewed it or just read one of the many web sites and blog entries it inspired. Did you know that the people responsible for that program did a similar "documentary" that claimed silicon breast implants DECREASED the risk of cancer? These people are shills for hire, willing to make any argument they get paid to make. Facts are not part of their arsenal.
I could give a more detailed analysis for you, but I strongly suspect that it would accomplish nothing as you have your mind made up and set in concrete. I will suggest to you that doing your own research will serve you better than rehashing someone else's arguments, particularly if those arguments have already been debunked. If however you are interested in learning for yourself the facts about "The Great Global Warming Swindle" and who paid for the propaganda piece and why, you could start here. http://www.medialens.org/alerts/07/0313pure_propaganda_the.php . Or Google up some information for yourself.
I haven't seen al gore's movie yet... so i dont understand what is upsetting you all so much..
What is so wrong with the ounce of prevention if it will save life as we know it?
What's your Wu Name?
Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight
Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."
research for yourselves guys
Al Gore's documentary just doesnt add up. Dont believe me but I implore you to do the research on your own. I did and I found so much stuff from that film that just didnt make a hell of sense'
Sorta like when he said he invented the internet.
I mean...if George Bush did a film on global warming would you believe him? No? why? Cause he's a blumbering idiot. Same goes for Gore. That man can't even color without going out of the lines. Trust me... look
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Either we burn out or fade away.
Denialists? Now were a cult?
Did you know that the current global warming scare was actually started by Margaret Thatcher back in the 1970's and there have been no less than FOUR climate change "oh no we're all going to die" scares in the last century?
We also should really start thinking of cutting our emmisions on the planet mars...it has been getting hotter lately too, perhaps a more environmentally friendly mars rover?
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
And that cowboy and his corporate goons at the White House tried to censor Mr. Hansen from delivering that message, claiming such warnings were speculative. This from the crowd that rushed into a war based on an article in the Weekly Standard. This from the guy who thinks Kyoto is that Japanese emperor dude his dad threw up on.
Global warming is not speculative. It threatens us enough so that it should be considered a national security issue. Failing to warn the citizens of a looming weapon of mass destruction - and that's what global warming is - in order to protect oil company profits, well, that fits, for me, the definition of treason. And codified treason.
Please, wait a second. The guy in the White House who made the edits was Phil Cooney, who had been an oil industry lobbyist before given this job as head of the White House Council on Environmental Quality. That's the office that is supposed to be watching out for us. But that's where Phil busied himself crossing stuff out in scientists' reports, because apparently in Phil's mind, he hadn't switched jobs. He was just doing his old job - oil industry lobbyist - from a different office. You know, in the "people's house."
Republicans have succeeded in making the environment about some tie-dyed dude from Seattle who lives in a solar-powered yurt and eats twigs. It's not. This issue should be driven by something conservatives are much more familiar with: utter selfishness. That's my motivation. I don't want to live my golden years having to put on a hazmat suit just to go down and get the mail. Those are my Viagra years. When I'll be thinking about having children.
But I wouldn't know what to tell a kid about our world in 20 years. "Dad, tell me about the birds and bees." "They're all gone. Now, eat your Soylent Green." We are letting dying men kill our planet for cash, and they're counting on us being too greedy or distracted, or just plain lazy, to stop them.
So, on the 17th anniversary of the Exxon Valdez oil spill, let us pause to consider how close we are to making ourselves fossils from the fossil fuels we extract. In the next 20 years, almost a billion Chinese people will be trading in their bicycles for the automobile. Folks, we either get our shit together on this quickly, or we're going to have to go to Plan B: inventing a car that runs on Chinese people.
The most important part of reading is reading between the lines.