1. 36 professions that are skill-based, mix n' match them
2. Player housing that ISN'T instanced
3. Player cities
4. Great community
5. Chatting in the cantina/medport
6. Blasters.
7. Blasters.
8. Player bounties
9. Jedi are rare and powerful
10. Jump to lightspeed
11. Plenty of players on populated servers (Ahazi, Bria) to the point it felt crowded in the Coronet starport
12. Very detailed character customization (and not permanent by Image Designers)
13. Crafting was a complex, unique process
14. Game wasn't centered on combat, infact, only about 1/2 of it was (Politicians, Entertainers, Crafters)
15. It really felt like an open world, with so many possibilities
16. You made your story, there was no main storyline to follow
17. The GCW was intense, anyone else the stormtroopers bashing the cantina door in guns blazing for player rebels?
Add more if you like, I'm too depressed now at the loss of such a great game to continue.
For the most part I agree with you, SOE should have focused on fixing the game, rather than that Mulligan redo. I have posted this before, but it seemed they, SOE, did these fan boy focus groups, and did not read the chat and fan posting and we all know what happened.
Well, what's done is done, so i have moved on.
CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.
Once a denizen of Ahazi
19. TEF system
20. Battle Fatigue (forcing you to socialise)
21. Player Bases
22. Player made armour and Weapons. Actually The Crafting system as a whole!
24. Roleplaying community, I remember when I could literally just start roleplaying with one or two people, then a whole bunch of them would swarm around us and start roleplaying too
25. Dozens of planets to choose from, it just made the universe feel that much bigger not only that, if I ever wanted to escape from the main crowds I could actually do so without being limited to these little tiny zones with no where to go, there was always empty space regardless of what I've heard people said about the housing
26. Roleplayers were not afraid of emote fighting or interaction, nearly all the time now I see players in MMORPG's whining about how they should be more powerful than another player in roleplay because they're whatever level or they would demand to fight in PvP instead of roleplaying it out, just acting like selfish power gamers.
Quoting people doesn't make you clever, in fact, it makes you all the more stupid for not bothering to read the quotes you post in the first place.
Owell, I enjoyed being able have my bounty hunter with llc 2 and track bounty, along with being able to control 2 grauls to do my killing. Nothing was better then back then.
O, the beutiful 500+ points of wounds those commandos could do with their flame throwers too. Wow that was just so enjoyable. Waiting hours in a cantina or hoping a doc was available to cure em. *shakes fist at my commando friend who wounded me down to 1 health.
O, when krayts used to have to be killed in parties of 15-20 o the days. When rancors could be kited up and down hills for hours due to 0 terrain negotiation. Sigh, dam SWG!!!!!
Owell, games change. I've moved on, but love reading the forums.
Ahh I will never forget defending out Imperial base on Tatuine, such an amazing battle, that actually ended in a meaningful way rather then people leaving cuz they got bored.
The battle fatigue system was brilliant on two levels.
First, it gave the entertainers an indispensible role in the overall SWG society. It gave entertainers purpose. It fostered community by doing so...by getting the combat types away from the Nightsisters and mereks, and into the cantinas, if only for a brief time. They might then actually socialize with their fellow players who were not combat centric.
Second, it elegantly simulated a real world problem for anyone involved in combat. Unlike in Hollywood, where people are portrayed as being able to endlessly Kung Fu or katana their foes, combat is physical and mental activity that will wear out even those most prepared for it. There is a reason why you limit combat tours, why you yank troops off the front for R and R. The SWG battle fatigue system just scratched the surface of its potential; the higher your fatigue was, the more degraded your combat skills should have been, to the point where you were utterly useless in combat if you did not take a break. The purpose of this was to directly influence the strategy of building a team for PvE and PvP combat, and to pace that combat, especially PvP. It was to give all the professions a role to play in combat, beyond shooting and slashing. It further strengthened interdependency and community.
It was part of the attempt to create a solid virtual reality.
CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.
Once a denizen of Ahazi
The 250 point skill-based and 36 professions was what made SWG so far ahead of its time. Ralph Koster had a truly brilliant idea that was hurried and very poorly implemented.
SWG was groundbreaking in theory.
Agree with this very much. Koster's vision was ambitious, and collided with the hard nosed reality of business, eventually you have to start returning on the investment, and with multiple publish dates missed already, the natives were getting restless.
Thus a game released about six months before it was ready. SWG was never able to get the rigging really solidly set up to allow it to set sail.
On the other hand, WoW was fully ready to go at launch.
Blizz can self finance its projects now, so it doesn't have to deal with outsiders demanding results nearly so much, and they can take their time to get it right. SOE promissed this multiple times to the players, but always the needs of the players were secondary to the demands of the suits.
CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.
Once a denizen of Ahazi
That sums up SWG in what... 3 lines?
since this is the one place where I can mourn about days long gone. Let me share my favorite class. bh. I took soo long to reach mbh pre-cu, during a time when tracker droids did not work all the time. The hours I would spend running around the galaxies in search of my npc target, the way my heart beat within my chest in the hunt of a jedi, sometimes i would just follow one around for part of the day.... just to feel like a bh, a lion in wait. lol when I did attack which would end in my death, 90% of the tells between the jedi and myself would be ones of honor. I tried to surprize them a new way each time lol. My all time fav hunt was seeing a jedi en route to the local starport. I put a droid at one end of the tunnel and I hid on the otherside, i had the droid attack first then I jumped in and he ran and sent me a tell saying it was a good trap and well done on the surprize.
I understand that bh is still in the game... but there was sometime to grinding a class that was not as good for pvp (melee was) just for fun.... not being the FOTM.
Raph Koster
Muon Gold
That was awsome for roleplaying
and yes SWG-pre cu was best mmorpg ever