Are men really questioning their sexuality over this?
I think this is the main problem here, that some people get so into a game that they dont want to play as a female because they think that it would somehow make them less masculine or even gay to play a female
well for me i uasually play the big male troll warrior and character like that, but i do have some female character that ack as a buff bot and follow me arround while i solo arround. the only reason i made them female is that i i want to have something to look at while i have my downtime.
Male toons, female toons... whats it matter, its a toon. You want to find women to date do it the old fashoned way and go find one in RL the last thing I'm looking for in a game is a dating service.
Of course, in SWG, I deceived everyone by playing humans, because I'm actually a Bothan.
Playing a female toon gives you a different perspective, because there are a lot of players who take toon gender at face value. I've read that there are women who play male avatars to avoid being treated as females online, with subtle sexual innuendo and flirting and so forth. And here on this very thread we have confirmation of this notion.
It's a sad commentary on our society that she feels she must have a male avatar to be treated equally, too. But I definitely can understand why she'd feel that way.
It's a game. Have fun.
CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.
Role-playing aside, I think it comes down to how you relate to your character. Some people think of the character as an extension or representation of themselves. This type of person probably isn’t going to relate to a character of a different sex.
Other people think of their character in the third person. The character isn’t a representation of themselves it’s someone else, someone they find appealing and who’s adventures they would be interested in watching or following. Since a good percentage of the population find the opposite sex interesting, these people are likely to enjoy playing a toon of the opposite sex.
Personally I see a big difference in games that use a third person view vs games that use a first person view. I am male and if a game playes in the first person I typically end up playing a male toon, if it plays in the third person I typically end up playing a female toon.
On a final note, save yourself some embarrassment just assume everyone is male until you hear them on teamspeak.
Soo I was wandering why some guys play female chars in most mmogs,it just freaks the hell out of me sometimes to see 60% of a guilds members being female chars played by guys entirely.Personaly I never played a female char in any game and never wanted to,soo im asking why dont you play the gender you are in real life.I would realy like it if future mmogs restricted the char gender you can pick by checking the gender you signed you account to.
Most of the time i play a guy toon.
Sometimes i do play a female and pretend i'm a girl.
i'm not sure why.
I guess maybe because I like to role play.
I like to pretend i'm a female and join up "female" only guilds.
It's really funny calling everyone sister in guild chat and stuff,as long as they don't try force you on vent or's really fun.
It depends.. some people view online friends as equals to rl freinds. If I was your friend and pretended to be a guy.... then 4 years later i tell you... oopps sorry i was lying im a girl and i just made up all the shit we talked about for 4 years... Would you not be extremely angry I lied all those years jsut to find out i was some bitch who was probably laughing her ass off everytime you talked to her. (btw im a guy im just making examples) Dont say it doesn't happen its happened in my clan like 5 times already...not to me of course... i don thave many freinds. It completely depends on your view of online friends... if you dont consider people you only know online a REAL freinds then you shoudn't really be disgussing this anyway. Your probably thinking about some random girl character selling epic items on the street corner... whereas im refering too the people in your clan that you will probably be talkign with outside the game for years.
I do have some online friends that carried over to become RL friends... but I've never had anyone lie to me about who they are for 4 years. I have played male characters and neglected to point out that I'm really female. I never said I wasn't female either. The worst reaction I've ever gotten is "OMG, you're REALLY a girl!"... and that was in reference to one of female characters.
This topic amuses me. It's starting to get old though. Really. Guys play girls isn't going to be the lead story at 11 tonight because people know that, and most people don't care.
... This is where I draw the line: __________________.
The only time I ever play a female character is when it's the only sex (ie. Amazon in D2 or a single-player RPG such as, FF). I don't know why guys play girls in video games, but they tend to say "If I have to look at some ones ass for 6 hours it might as well be a girls ass." I don't care really, because I don't hit on any one on a game... because it's just creepy.
Edit: In terms of male/female character they're all unisex to me. If you play a female avatar... expect to die as if you were equal to that male avatar. "Sex" in a game doesn't matter, you will die as fast.... or slowly (damn high HP classes) no matter what.
Guess I'm sick according to your poll. I'm not ALWAYS playing girl character but often. Found out that it's easy to get things done when you play a female character.
I have been in sooo many groups in MMORPG's with guys that are seriously playing just to meet girls. Like in Lineage 2, there was an Asian gold farmer chick that a guy in my group was just going crazy over...until he found out that it was a 15 year old boy. And he got really upset and sickened over this, while I laughed at him in group chat about it. Dont use these games as a dating service or youll wind up talking dirty to someone like Supernerd or that fat guy from Neschria's post.
Oh my god..this subject again...isn't this like the 1 billionth thread on this subject? Who cares who plays what!?!?! I play male toons to avoid all the weird creeps that want to hit on you for being female, although thanks to the built in group voice chat to DDO its just easier for me to go on and play a female toon so I don't confuse the easily bruised male gamer mind (ok not all male gamers are easily confused by a female playing a male toon but its been my luck of the draw when not playing with my RL friends).
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
Well, I actually had a guy friend, 100% straight, who always played girl characters because he thought they were cute. He also pretended to actually be a girl. Worked out pretty well until he got on Ventrilo. He was forced not to talk if the other guys in our Guild were in the channel.
I personally tend to use a Male character. But hey, if the Female armour looks better, I'd probably get a sex change.
If i play a game a lot i am looking at the back of my toon all the time.....what would you rather look at : a female or a male butt?.....You should see the ass my hobbit female has...frodo would be so jealous...
Ya, actually pretending to be a girl can cause some really strange problems. But if that's how you want to roleplay, I think that's great. The point of a game like this is to have fun, relax and escape from your problems.
Eventually, I'll bet that voice chatting programs will have options to disguise your gender, and do it convincingly.
But now a days, people are so used to these 'sex changes' that it's standard to just assume everyone is a guy until proven otherwise. In a way, the sex of the toons isn't worth a topic of discussion because it's so common now.
I personally find it a little creepy to think of that female Tauren Shaman was chosen because she was more pleasant to look at than the male counterpart... Cow-fetish much?
That's just a joke of course, but I've personally only tried playing a female avatar once. I rolled a heroine in City of Heroes. Though all the female avatars in CoH are stacked, it was too weird to think to myself, "Am I actually feeling that staring at a bunch of pixels is pleasing to my eyes?" I deleted her, and have never rolled another female avatar. I do know of a guy that rolled a female avatar in CoH and lead everyone to believe that he was actually female until another male asked to meet "her" in real life. On a date. Yea, it got ugly.
EDIT- To the above poster... There are already voice programs that can make you sound like the blonde-headed bimbo, the governator, or a retro-style 60s TV show host.
Are the voice programs you mentioned convincing? Can it actually stand up to hours of gameplay?
If so, I'd be really curious to know if people really do disguise their voices to maintain the illusion that they are female.
The vast majority of people are like me. There really isn't any meaning behind why I pick female toons. It's just a little more pleasant, I guess. But there are people who either roleplay or have some gender confusion and the ability to disguise voices convincingly could be appealing for them.
As long as they are not hurting anyone I say let them go right ahead and do it. I play a have played necromancers in almost every game that allowed me to do so. I can't summon dead in real life so I don't think I am a necromancer in real life, therefore I should not play one?
I say just enjoy yourself in a game and if you can't do that then don't play the thing.
Be cool to people, and try and stay cool that way you never have to regret making someone feel bad. Don't take what ya got granted because some people never get to feel happy. We get to play these great MMOs and surf a good site. Be thankful for what ya got and next time ya feel down imagine a fat sea otter waddling with a pillow and a night cap. Bam! smiles!
I'm a guy, and I tend to go with whatever looks the coolest. WoW, I like the male Nightelf. Lineage 2, the female dark elf (:-P). Guild Wars I have 2 male characters and a female - the males looked cool in prophecies, but the female Ritualist was the coolest in Factions, while in Nightfall the male Dervish looked sweet. I don't make any attempts to hide the fact that I'm a guy. I talk like I would normally talk (Vent or otherwise), and if my fiancee is playing (she plays girls strictly), I still talk to her as I would if I was playing a guy. For me, it's a matter of just enjoying whatever I imagine to be the coolest. I don't avoid other games with girls for main characters, so why should I do so in an MMO?
I see a lot of families playing daoc ... so i think there are alot of females playing that game in % just because of that.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
As long as they are not hurting anyone I say let them go right ahead and do it. I play a have played necromancers in almost every game that allowed me to do so. I can't summon dead in real life so I don't think I am a necromancer in real life, therefore I should not play one?
I say just enjoy yourself in a game and if you can't do that then don't play the thing.
A little off-topic, but you are using the same Avatar as I use for MSN. Kinda scared me hah.
But still, I don't really see a problem with males playing female characters. I say play whoever looks better
12 years into my second marriage, all my observations of male behaviour have all pointed toward "Yes."
J/K, mostly. My husband used to play male characters, but then he started playing one female, and now he's wall-to-wall girltoons.
This is where I draw the line: __________________.
sup guys
well for me i uasually play the big male troll warrior and character like that, but i do have some female character that ack as a buff bot and follow me arround while i solo arround. the only reason i made them female is that i i want to have something to look at while i have my downtime.
Male toons, female toons... whats it matter, its a toon. You want to find women to date do it the old fashoned way and go find one in RL the last thing I'm looking for in a game is a dating service.
I'm a male, and most of my toons are male.
Of course, in SWG, I deceived everyone by playing humans, because I'm actually a Bothan.
Playing a female toon gives you a different perspective, because there are a lot of players who take toon gender at face value. I've read that there are women who play male avatars to avoid being treated as females online, with subtle sexual innuendo and flirting and so forth. And here on this very thread we have confirmation of this notion.
It's a sad commentary on our society that she feels she must have a male avatar to be treated equally, too. But I definitely can understand why she'd feel that way.
It's a game. Have fun.
CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.
Once a denizen of Ahazi
(Just being funny, but that really is the guy playing that chick...)
This is where I draw the line: __________________.
Sometimes i do play a female and pretend i'm a girl.
i'm not sure why.
I guess maybe because I like to role play.
I like to pretend i'm a female and join up "female" only guilds.
It's really funny calling everyone sister in guild chat and stuff,as long as they don't try force you on vent or's really fun.
I do have some online friends that carried over to become RL friends... but I've never had anyone lie to me about who they are for 4 years. I have played male characters and neglected to point out that I'm really female. I never said I wasn't female either. The worst reaction I've ever gotten is "OMG, you're REALLY a girl!"... and that was in reference to one of female characters.
This topic amuses me. It's starting to get old though. Really. Guys play girls isn't going to be the lead story at 11 tonight because people know that, and most people don't care.
This is where I draw the line: __________________.
Edit: In terms of male/female character they're all unisex to me. If you play a female avatar... expect to die as if you were equal to that male avatar. "Sex" in a game doesn't matter, you will die as fast.... or slowly (damn high HP classes) no matter what.
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
This is where I draw the line: __________________.
Well, I actually had a guy friend, 100% straight, who always played girl characters because he thought they were cute. He also pretended to actually be a girl. Worked out pretty well until he got on Ventrilo. He was forced not to talk if the other guys in our Guild were in the channel.
I personally tend to use a Male character. But hey, if the Female armour looks better, I'd probably get a sex change.
Eventually, I'll bet that voice chatting programs will have options to disguise your gender, and do it convincingly.
But now a days, people are so used to these 'sex changes' that it's standard to just assume everyone is a guy until proven otherwise. In a way, the sex of the toons isn't worth a topic of discussion because it's so common now.
I personally find it a little creepy to think of that female Tauren Shaman was chosen because she was more pleasant to look at than the male counterpart... Cow-fetish much?
That's just a joke of course, but I've personally only tried playing a female avatar once. I rolled a heroine in City of Heroes. Though all the female avatars in CoH are stacked, it was too weird to think to myself, "Am I actually feeling that staring at a bunch of pixels is pleasing to my eyes?" I deleted her, and have never rolled another female avatar. I do know of a guy that rolled a female avatar in CoH and lead everyone to believe that he was actually female until another male asked to meet "her" in real life. On a date. Yea, it got ugly.
EDIT- To the above poster... There are already voice programs that can make you sound like the blonde-headed bimbo, the governator, or a retro-style 60s TV show host.
If so, I'd be really curious to know if people really do disguise their voices to maintain the illusion that they are female.
The vast majority of people are like me. There really isn't any meaning behind why I pick female toons. It's just a little more pleasant, I guess. But there are people who either roleplay or have some gender confusion and the ability to disguise voices convincingly could be appealing for them.
I say just enjoy yourself in a game and if you can't do that then don't play the thing.
Be cool to people, and try and stay cool that way you never have to regret making someone feel bad. Don't take what ya got granted because some people never get to feel happy. We get to play these great MMOs and surf a good site. Be thankful for what ya got and next time ya feel down imagine a fat sea otter waddling with a pillow and a night cap. Bam! smiles!
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
A little off-topic, but you are using the same Avatar as I use for MSN. Kinda scared me hah.
But still, I don't really see a problem with males playing female characters. I say play whoever looks better