I know cryptic studios is pretty good remember a few games from them.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
Until I saw that it were going to be a Vista/360-exclusive I was all giddy. Now I have second thoughts. Guess it wont be a mmoRPG, just another mmog of POW!, BOP! and WHAMMO!
And I'm really fed up with all those bash-em-all grinders that are out there.
Not much to say, Cryptic is nice company and it knows very well Super hero area, because City of Heroes. I'm pretty sure it's gonna be good game. I will still pass it, because the MS attitude to force people to use they newsest products Vista and Xbox360 ONLY, there is no technical reason not to support Windows XP or even Windows 2000.
There is still very little info about the game it self.
Not much to say, Cryptic is nice company and it knows very well Super hero area, because City of Heroes. I'm pretty sure it's gonna be good game. I will still pass it, because the MS attitude to force people to use they newsest products Vista and Xbox360 ONLY, there is no technical reason not to support Windows XP or even Windows 2000.
There is still very little info about the game it self.
Not much to say, Cryptic is nice company and it knows very well Super hero area, because City of Heroes. I'm pretty sure it's gonna be good game. I will still pass it, because the MS attitude to force people to use they newsest products Vista and Xbox360 ONLY, there is no technical reason not to support Windows XP or even Windows 2000.
There is still very little info about the game it self.
I aint buyin no VISTA just to play games, but in 1-2 years we all are going to be forced to WHICH IS CRAP
Could be worse, I saw a game at WalMart that got me trying to figure out a way to talk my wife into letting me spend the $50 it cost. ShadowRun, friggin SHADOWRUN!!!!!!! I was droolin al over myself.........until I looked at the system recquirements. It wo'nt play on anything but Dual core processors and Vista. I was pissed!!
I expect by the time this game is ready for play technology will make our XPs obsolete. I guess that is why they are going Vista. And the fact that it is Microsoft.
It will be interesting to see how they are going to avoid the city of heroes/villians version 2.0 criticism.
The lore of these marvel characters is definitely a plus.
Not much to say, Cryptic is nice company and it knows very well Super hero area, because City of Heroes. I'm pretty sure it's gonna be good game. I will still pass it, because the MS attitude to force people to use they newsest products Vista and Xbox360 ONLY, there is no technical reason not to support Windows XP or even Windows 2000.
There is still very little info about the game it self.
I aint buyin no VISTA just to play games, but in 1-2 years we all are going to be forced to WHICH IS CRAP
Could be worse, I saw a game at WalMart that got me trying to figure out a way to talk my wife into letting me spend the $50 it cost. ShadowRun, friggin SHADOWRUN!!!!!!! I was droolin al over myself.........until I looked at the system recquirements. It wo'nt play on anything but Dual core processors and Vista. I was pissed!!Research Shadowrun before buying it -- you're likely to be very disappointed.
Not much to say, Cryptic is nice company and it knows very well Super hero area, because City of Heroes. I'm pretty sure it's gonna be good game. I will still pass it, because the MS attitude to force people to use they newsest products Vista and Xbox360 ONLY, there is no technical reason not to support Windows XP or even Windows 2000.
There is still very little info about the game it self.
I aint buyin no VISTA just to play games, but in 1-2 years we all are going to be forced to WHICH IS CRAP
Could be worse, I saw a game at WalMart that got me trying to figure out a way to talk my wife into letting me spend the $50 it cost. ShadowRun, friggin SHADOWRUN!!!!!!! I was droolin al over myself.........until I looked at the system recquirements. It wo'nt play on anything but Dual core processors and Vista. I was pissed!!
I personally have no issue upgrading to a new operating system in order to run newer games.
It always happens eventually folks...
I find spending $100-$200 every 6-7 years not that cumbersome. In fact, $100-200 isn't that much money considering it is the thing that makes all of the rest of your gaming possible.
You figure people are out there spending $60 a game on the Xbox360, and only getting 11 hours of solid gameplay out of it. Yet people seem to have a problem spending the money for something they use EVERY day. It's ridiculous. Having to upgrade your computer over the years is something that is common knowledge. An operating system should not be seen any differently than the rest of the hardware in your machine.
The only thing I have a problem with is requiring Vista in it's current standing...a buggy mess. Give it 8 months, and I'm sure it will be patched up.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
Of course Cryptic is also known for a current superhero MMORPG...
Anyway, not much is know about Marvel Universe Online as far as I can tell. There is a trailer out and some random speculative articles.
I believe most say it will cover 60 years of the Marvel Universe and include storylines from 'current' issues.
Well, what can I say? ... Yay and Nay!
Until I saw that it were going to be a Vista/360-exclusive I was all giddy. Now I have second thoughts. Guess it wont be a mmoRPG, just another mmog of POW!, BOP! and WHAMMO!
And I'm really fed up with all those bash-em-all grinders that are out there.
There is still very little info about the game it self.
MMORPG.COM has worst forum editor ever exists
I aint buyin no VISTA just to play games, but in 1-2 years we all are going to be forced to WHICH IS CRAP
I aint buyin no VISTA just to play games, but in 1-2 years we all are going to be forced to WHICH IS CRAP
Could be worse, I saw a game at WalMart that got me trying to figure out a way to talk my wife into letting me spend the $50 it cost. ShadowRun, friggin SHADOWRUN!!!!!!! I was droolin al over myself.........until I looked at the system recquirements. It wo'nt play on anything but Dual core processors and Vista. I was pissed!!
I expect by the time this game is ready for play technology will make our XPs obsolete. I guess that is why they are going Vista. And the fact that it is Microsoft.
It will be interesting to see how they are going to avoid the city of heroes/villians version 2.0 criticism.
The lore of these marvel characters is definitely a plus.
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
I aint buyin no VISTA just to play games, but in 1-2 years we all are going to be forced to WHICH IS CRAP
Could be worse, I saw a game at WalMart that got me trying to figure out a way to talk my wife into letting me spend the $50 it cost. ShadowRun, friggin SHADOWRUN!!!!!!! I was droolin al over myself.........until I looked at the system recquirements. It wo'nt play on anything but Dual core processors and Vista. I was pissed!!Research Shadowrun before buying it -- you're likely to be very disappointed.
I aint buyin no VISTA just to play games, but in 1-2 years we all are going to be forced to WHICH IS CRAP
Could be worse, I saw a game at WalMart that got me trying to figure out a way to talk my wife into letting me spend the $50 it cost. ShadowRun, friggin SHADOWRUN!!!!!!! I was droolin al over myself.........until I looked at the system recquirements. It wo'nt play on anything but Dual core processors and Vista. I was pissed!!
I cant stand when that happens.
It always happens eventually folks...
I find spending $100-$200 every 6-7 years not that cumbersome. In fact, $100-200 isn't that much money considering it is the thing that makes all of the rest of your gaming possible.
You figure people are out there spending $60 a game on the Xbox360, and only getting 11 hours of solid gameplay out of it. Yet people seem to have a problem spending the money for something they use EVERY day. It's ridiculous. Having to upgrade your computer over the years is something that is common knowledge. An operating system should not be seen any differently than the rest of the hardware in your machine.
The only thing I have a problem with is requiring Vista in it's current standing...a buggy mess. Give it 8 months, and I'm sure it will be patched up.