Is there a way to take off the credit card info so that I can keep the account working and give it to someone that I don't trust with the info tied to the account?
No, that's the information they need for billing. I dont believe they keep the whole credit card though just the last 4. If you dont trust them that much, i'd just not do it period.
EVE - Sharvala FFXI - Shazamalicious Guild Wars - Xavier Lucifer & Charlize the Necro
"Ranged...stuck...tree...15 random words... suck... noob fanboy... I MAKE GUIDE!"
EVE - Sharvala
FFXI - Shazamalicious
Guild Wars - Xavier Lucifer & Charlize the Necro
"Ranged...stuck...tree...15 random words... suck... noob fanboy... I MAKE GUIDE!"