Hey everyone,
i know everyone gives this game slack but you never know if they are lying or telling the truth with regards to mmo's. Is there a free trial for this game?
also if any players out there, how are the caster classes? eg. wizzard etc.
what about healers? they gimped without a group ?
Free demo incoming !!
Environment Team
The team’s primary task this milestone is working what we’re calling the “trial island”. The island is being built using highly optimized existing assets in an effort to establish a new art content pipeline that is able to produce, in laymen’s terms – cool looking stuff that won’t make your computer explode – quicker than we’ve previously been able to do so.
The overall benefit for the trial island is that we are working on heavily optimizing existing assets. The knowledge learned through this will then be applied to existing art assets in the game therefore increasing performance. In addition we will be using the completed island (which will feature a couple dungeons as well as diplomacy and crafting content) as a free downloadable “Vanguard demo”.
I love how they're optimizing a "Trial Isle" (Everquest 2 anyone? suckiest trial that was in existence) for Vanguard. Talk about your "bait and switch" tactics. Optimize the hell out of a trial so newbs think "Hey...what was all the ruckus about...this plays great". Then they buy and get the real game when they realize something's a little fishy in the state of Telon. They're optimized world isn't so optimized after all. That's when the new rube is handed the line of how SOE is "working real hard on these issues".
Just another SOE tactic to suck out the money from clueless rubes.
Vanguard....just let if die in peace and just say "No"
Never be afraid of choices. More choices are always good things.
If you are not of the regular burn SOE at the pole crowd one would assume you read that. Or no you didn't?
I'm so broke. I can't even pay attention.
"You have the right not to be killed"
So they are for one of those FANTASTIC!!! trailers of bad movies.
I will try and cut my expectatives in half, worse than Beta it can not be.