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What Runescape is really meant for

oxcaitlinxooxcaitlinxo Member Posts: 15
Runescape is not a game that is your highly complex and advanced game. This a java based game for newcomers in Mmorg games. This game is not meant to outstand you with its graphics or PvP. This game is highly based on what you choose to do. You can succeed in any skill you wish or be the grand-master of all the quests. I have always thought jagex was up to date on things trying to improve gameplay. This game is really only fun if you make some friends, otherwise your going to get lonely and bored just doing things alone. I made alot of friends over my 2 year period who i will never forget. I was a moderator and lvl 116 in this game. This game is really meant to make friends and play up with them until you reach your ultimate goal in the game. If your looking for a highly advanced game with great graphics and good pvp this is not the game for you.


  • Thunder_HeadThunder_Head Member Posts: 304
    That is a fairly accurate description of Runescape, and it is perhaps the reason for its horrible community. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't always this way. I first played it back when there were only 3 worlds, and each held 1000 people. It was a completely different game back then. No Members, no Wilderness, and No Rune items (this of course includes anything above rune as well). The graphics were astounding for a browser game, and I actually preferred them to what they have now. Everything was brighter, livelier, and it made it seem unique. I played the game for around 1-2 years. I was there from the beginning, and I was there until Runescape 2 and all its big changes. The game used to be fun, but in a way, it destroyed itself.
  • oxcaitlinxooxcaitlinxo Member Posts: 15
    I definitly agree with you on that. From what ive heard from alot of people, many people actually liked the game when it was runescape classic, of course i dont know much how it was like cause i wasnt there at the time. But what i have to say is the prices of things in this game our outrageous. Back in the classic phats cost about 10k now they are 400mil. They money value in this game is horrible along with now how easy it is to achieve a skill.
  • Thunder_HeadThunder_Head Member Posts: 304
    Indeed they are. I was really pissed off at myself after I saw that. I was there for the holiday drop that included Christmas crackers, and I had MANY Phats. At the time, I didn't really have that much money, and 10k seemed a good price for one...sure enough, several months later, I saw the price they were going for a scolded myself. I find it silly that some people will waste several days of playtime just to work for something that gives you not benefit.
  • TreniaTrenia Member Posts: 8
    I agree 100% when you say how flawed rs economy is, also with every new update they make lvling skills/cmb easier & easier. It took  me forever to get 99 str and 85 slay on my main. However with these updates ppl can get them in about 1/10 of the time it took me. RS was great in RSC days and early RS2, now its just ruined.
  • Thunder_HeadThunder_Head Member Posts: 304
    Yep, yep. When new items are being introduced, they usually skyrocket in terms of price. Take the Rune Kite shield: When people first started getting it, it was going for around 800k. Eventually it dropped to....what? 50-80k? I don't even know anymore, I haven't played the game in 2-3 years.
  • oxcaitlinxooxcaitlinxo Member Posts: 15
    Classic is definitly much better. Back then skills were much harder to get up, much harder to make money, and things were basically set and even in a good way. I think for Jagex to make this game in good direction forwarding they need to start seeting some standards on prices, it is just out of hands. The skills though are something they just cant change and is just going to be a problem. As a moderator i try to introduce and suggest possible improvements, but many members are begging for better graphics and many other stuff like that is fine right now.
  • Thunder_HeadThunder_Head Member Posts: 304
    It seems to be a common trend in MMORPGs. Anything that is unique and that can be sold, will skyrocket in price. Now, I don't know if they could simply change the way previous holiday items function and just make them soulbound (Yes, I'm using that term instead of "untradable"), but my guess is that if they could have, they would have.
  • oxcaitlinxooxcaitlinxo Member Posts: 15
    In discussions with other moderators and jagex staff we have definitly decided we would have chosen now to make those things undtradeable. Now going forward they are making sure those things are untradeable. Im starting now to hate in Mmorg games how players decide how prices flunctuate. Even thought that is in almost all Mmorg games it is really starting to get on my nerves.
  • Thunder_HeadThunder_Head Member Posts: 304
    True, it is sometimes annoying, but it makes sense, seeing as the in-game economy is player driven. Trust me though, I also hate the fact that the kids who play 80 hours a week set the prices for that far our stuff, and they almost always make them unimaginable. I've played games where a difference of 1-2 stat points in an item can equal tens of thousands of in-game currency.
  • FlaxenFairyFlaxenFairy Member Posts: 44
    Originally posted by oxcaitlinxo

    Runescape is not a game that is your highly complex and advanced game. This a java based game for newcomers in Mmorg games. This game is not meant to outstand you with its graphics or PvP. This game is highly based on what you choose to do. You can succeed in any skill you wish or be the grand-master of all the quests. I have always thought jagex was up to date on things trying to improve gameplay. This game is really only fun if you make some friends, otherwise your going to get lonely and bored just doing things alone. I made alot of friends over my 2 year period who i will never forget. I was a moderator and lvl 116 in this game. This game is really meant to make friends and play up with them until you reach your ultimate goal in the game. If your looking for a highly advanced game with great graphics and good pvp this is not the game for you.


    Hey Mate,

    I will have to totally agree with you here. Whilst RS is a java based game it is not a game for hardcore gamers. Whilst it may offer different skill oppertunities and an easy to use click and go interface, many Hardcore gamers are looking for a slightly more complex game that is usually downloaded with high graphics and a more complex interface. 

    Runescape was designed to be fun, not for people to sit in the dark all day and not socialize. There are plenty of help sites that can get you "unhooked" but still play in moderate ammounts. Remember it will still be there when you get home, there is no need to obsess.

    My opinion is if you are looking for a greater challenge and more comlex interface try FLyff, Hero Online or something similar to kick start you into the MMO world. 

    Thanks Again

    FlaxenFairy 2007




  • danjc2danjc2 Member Posts: 1
    pretty much sums up RS for ya! I was a really keen player for a time. Then several annoying mishaps, loss of interest, etc, drove me away. then back, then away... for a game designed for people over 16 (the manual states anybody under 16 must recieve parental concent, and parents must consider greatly the risks involved) i think it is too childish. I thank JaGeX greatly, because this game really does give you a foot in the MMORPG community. It is the only MMORPG i have played to date (i buy guild wars tomorrow) and i think that it is an excellent stepping stone.

    The rules are extremely strict as well. I recieved a warning for breaking a rule which states not to refer to outside websites, as they may contain viruses etc. what did i refer to? YouTube!

    yawning since before you knew me.

  • counterscapecounterscape Member Posts: 2

    Yea, I had alot of friends in Runescape, I was lvl 88 then quit because i gave my cash away over excitement about somthing for some random reason   When I quitted i missed my friends on the game and wanted to play somthing else I dont know any other game that you can make lots of friends and skilled based , does anyone know?

    I've been looking at other peop/es replys to things and there talking about flyff and rubbih stuff that i've never heard of.. and someone else told me Runescape like the only skill based friends game

     Counter Scape

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