Runescape is not a game that is your highly complex and advanced game. This a java based game for newcomers in Mmorg games. This game is not meant to outstand you with its graphics or PvP. This game is highly based on what you choose to do. You can succeed in any skill you wish or be the grand-master of all the quests. I have always thought jagex was up to date on things trying to improve gameplay. This game is really only fun if you make some friends, otherwise your going to get lonely and bored just doing things alone. I made alot of friends over my 2 year period who i will never forget. I was a moderator and lvl 116 in this game. This game is really meant to make friends and play up with them until you reach your ultimate goal in the game. If your looking for a highly advanced game with great graphics and good pvp this is not the game for you.
Hey Mate,
I will have to totally agree with you here. Whilst RS is a java based game it is not a game for hardcore gamers. Whilst it may offer different skill oppertunities and an easy to use click and go interface, many Hardcore gamers are looking for a slightly more complex game that is usually downloaded with high graphics and a more complex interface.
Runescape was designed to be fun, not for people to sit in the dark all day and not socialize. There are plenty of help sites that can get you "unhooked" but still play in moderate ammounts. Remember it will still be there when you get home, there is no need to obsess.
My opinion is if you are looking for a greater challenge and more comlex interface try FLyff, Hero Online or something similar to kick start you into the MMO world.
Thanks Again
FlaxenFairy 2007
The rules are extremely strict as well. I recieved a warning for breaking a rule which states not to refer to outside websites, as they may contain viruses etc. what did i refer to? YouTube!
yawning since before you knew me.
Yea, I had alot of friends in Runescape, I was lvl 88 then quit because i gave my cash away over excitement about somthing for some random reason When I quitted i missed my friends on the game and wanted to play somthing else I dont know any other game that you can make lots of friends and skilled based , does anyone know?
I've been looking at other peop/es replys to things and there talking about flyff and rubbih stuff that i've never heard of.. and someone else told me Runescape like the only skill based friends game
Counter Scape