After watching some videos and reading a little more on WAR my perception is that it is pretty much the same old thing. I see very little that would cause me to stutter in disbelief, very little that I could call amazing and very little that doesn't resemble what I have seen in many of the releases of the past.
So, I would like to know what exactly is revving you up to play WAR?
Are you a long time offline WAR player, or possibly you see something which I have missed that is new and exciting.
Would like to see your point of view.
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99.00001% of the time I dont know what im saying
99.99% of the time I know I spelled the word wrong or repeated a sentence.. I did it so you can better your grammar
100.00% of the time if to many people post after my post very mad ill most likely with a 5% chance saying something like ....""
100.00% of the time I lack sleep and magical things come out of my head and type my posts for me? Please yell at the magical things not me... I am but a puppet
It might not be exactly brand new and exciting, but its by Mythic and it will be good. Even if they do something wrong, they usually implement something old to make up for it. Much like when they F'D up with ToA. They heard the fans cry out "Classic Servers!" ..and they did it. They have a strong fan base because of their support and listening to it's players and the people who are paying to play.
Personnally, I am not that hyped or interested by WAR.
And this is a shame. I should be. I am not the biggest warhammer fan, but I am a warhammer fan. I kinda felt left down on the PvE-endgame situation, where I will have to PvP if I want to progress past a point.
I don't mind that the PvE is 20% or even 10% of the content of the game, however, the best care bear should be a care bear. The guy who kill the PvE mobs best should be someone who earn everything in PvE...anyway, not like I can get that into Mythic thick skull...enforcing PvP ruins PvE.
Yet, I am sure WAR will be kinda just could have been sooo much more. PvE players interest come with what you ask them to do, and WAR ask them to PvP...which is a mistake. You ask a bird to fly, a raccoon to climb, you don't ask the bird to climb and the racoon to fly, doesn't work.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Saying that is like saying they were making you PVE in DAOC... thats lame. The whole point is to PVE [b]AND[/b] PVP... you pve up to a point, then go have fun pvp'n then come back for some more PVE..
Just because this is called Warhammer, don't be fooled. It's really just DAOC2.
Playing: Everthing
I have played every MMO that has ever come out.
P.S - Stop looking for the super unique MMO because I just don't think it will happen. The most you are going to see are additions, adjustments,tweaks and of course a changed storyline.
The thing is I'm not looking for a "unique" MMO, only one that actually puts out a lot of new concepts and play mechanics, possibly even giving the power to create and manipulate the world. Spore is a good example of a unique game, not an MMO but standing up and doing something different.
So, this is why I still don't understand why people seem content, in fact ecstatic to tout WAR and other such games as the next big thing, when in fact they are just the, next thing.
As far as being a DAOC clone I think that's a pretty damning statement, saying they really have done nothing to improve the product is exactly why I ask about your excitement. If it is just a remake why are you so pumped to play it?
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- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
People aren't interested in war because it has all kinds of new ideas and not a single thing from other mmos. That'd be a bit silly. People hype war because it should be a good pvp game. A new version of daoc (which was quite popular back in the day) or "wow gone pvp" which too was a popular idea, as a lot of pvp'ers went to wow because blizzard promised pvp
PS: on the subject of pve. Games that have pve as end game, rely on gear grind for more and more uber gear (be it eq1, eq2, ffxi or wow) games that have pvp end game, must limit possible gear progression ither by stat caps (daoc) or by gear available (eve, gw) As you can see, it's not possible to have both pve and pvp end game, at least not with the conventional game design.
War will have pve content, but the reason you will do it, is because you find it fun. While this makes sense, I mean, you do it because it's fun, why else would you That's not how pve is implemented in pve games, for example, no one raids in wow the same dungeon for 4 months because it's fun, it was fun the first few times, but not 5 months after, the reason you raid it is for uber gear. Uber gear doesn't belong to pvp games, as such pvp games can't have pve end game.
So, war will have fun pve end game content, but because it will not have time sinks (obtaining uber gear from your raid instance #234 is a time sink =p) you will quickly complete/finish all/most of the pve content available. So, if you don't enjoy pvp, you probably won't play war for too long. But if you do enjoy both, you can pvp some, than do some pve for fun, then pvp some more =p
Not asking for PvE endgame. Just asking that the best peoples in PvE are peoples who play the PvE, not peoples who play PvP.
Not the same at all. I don't mind if it take me 1 week or 5 years to max my PvE character, but I actually cares a LOT about that the only peoples who may be potentially stronger then me(In the PvE, I don't mind if they are stronger then me in PvP), they may have find something I didn't in the PvE, not in the PvP.
To be fun, you need your conclusion (if there is any) and your own hierarchy; not be dependant on a foreign gameplay (be it PvP or Raiding, both are unacceptable)
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Back to the OP's topic, I have 3 things 1) Public quest 2) a good RvR / PvP game 3) WarHammer IP
I wouldn't say I'm chomping at the bit for WAR to come out, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited about it. I've always played PvE oriented MMORPGs and for whatever reason, this is the first PvP focused title that's caught my interest. I never played WAR as a kid (I was more into pen-and-paper RPGs than tabletop strategy games) but I'm familiar with a lot of the lore from friends who played. So please take my opinions with a grain of salt since a lot of excitement is just based on the fact that MMORPGs with a PvP slant is still unchartered territory for me.
The main thing that first interested me stemmed from one of the podcasts where the developers talked about how PvP will have a direct impact on the environment. I think they gave an example of orcs deforesting an elven wood. My biggest complaint about current MMORPGs is the static environment. You go on an "epic" quest, deveat a legendary villain, and...that's it. Players' actions have virtually no impact on the world in which they are playing. I don't know to what extent WAR will deliver on this capacity, but I have high hopes.
Another thing I like about the look and feel of this game is the blend of sword-and-sorcery and "high fantasy." What I mean by this is sure there's elves and dwarves and all that typical crap, but its set against a brutal, gritty world--almost like a car crash between Tolkien and Robert E. Howard. The thing that's always turned me off about the EQ series on a visceral level is its strict adherence to the elements of the fantasy genre I don't like (e.g., half-elf minstrels in tights frolicking around pastoral, pseudo English settings over which a sinister evil has plagued the fair folk of whatever-goofy-fantasy-name-the-designer-gives-the-world).
Sure there's Order and Chaos in WAR, but both are brutal and fanatic in their own ways. This sense of a moral gray area, I feel, makes a wonderful backdrop for a gory PvP experience with a solid lore behind it. In terms of the actual game mechanics, I'm not sure if its going to be radically different than what we've experienced in the past, but the game offers me enough that I personally have yet to experience in the genre that I want to give it a shot.
And there ends my long-winded answer that hopefully sheds some insight on why I'm looking forward to WAR.
if this is finally a game whereas the raiders dont ruin pvp then I will look at this. hope raiders will finally get the boot.
casual PVE'er = good
hardcore loot whoring PVE'er that wants to raid or wants inifinite vertical progression can get punted. its not about you and your levels/lootz/whatever
hope this game really focuses on pvp'ers I will remain doubtful we'll see
I don't trust these public quests. No offense. A burnt cat won't trust boiling water. Any raiding is bad, old, new, all the same.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
I would be very surprised if war went with pve raiding bait and switch like wow did. Not only is it contrary to reasons why many people are looking forward to war. but war would also have to compete with wow for players (wht leave wow, a great pve game, to join war, another pve game =p )
By focusing on pvp, mythic is able to capture a market that is pretty much uncontrolled (what pvp games are there? asian grind fests, old games like daoc etc, eve.. well, not everyone want to play a ship) and steal a whole bunch of disgruntled wow players. hardly any reason for them to try to go pve end game. Also, Mythic is very good with their rvr concept of pvp, so again, not much reason to abandon their strength and try to go for pve.
Also, you should try daoc, it's old and populations are a bit low (play on classic server cluster if you do) but it's a great reason why people are hyping war as a great pvp game. Daoc is a pvp game that is not ruined by pve grind/raiding. Mythic did make an expansion that was heavily focused on new abilities and strong itesm obtainable from pve only (trials of atlantis) which cost them abotu half of their subscriber base.
So they learned their lesson (aside from ceo of mythic making an open letter to the public where he stated that toa 9or the state it was released at) was a mistake as well as making "classic" servers, which don't have toa content) They also made sure that any pve items/abilities that were added to the game in expansions, were available from pvp as well, giving players a choice as to how to obtain those things. Oh, and they eventually changed toa so now you can obtain those items/abilities from pvp as well.
All in all, daoc is still one of the better pvp games. 6 years old, and if you play on a classic server, you can get to max lvl and be out rvr'ing on equal level (as far as pve things go at least) with people who played for years in just a few weeks of play
It's quite simple, in previous MMOs, PvE raids consisted of finding people ( time sink ) and not to mention organizing the raid ( time sink ) and being left with a limited risk for reward system ( not everyone gets rewarded for their effort )
WAR offers an answer to this age old dilemna, called Public Quests. Public Quests allow players to come and go as they please in the quest, offering their services as they see fit. They don't have to start the quest or be there when it's completed to receive a reward. Reward is based of your time invested and thats it, so, the more time you invest in the quest, the better your reward will be. If you ask me, PvE doesn't get any better then that and is by far more rewarding.
I am not sure...what is the gameplay in public quest? Why can't it just be grouping or soloing instead? Why does it need to be a public quest? It does feel wrong to me.
And, what about the best rewards been earned by razing the enemy capital city only? That isn't fair in PvE.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
What is it that makes Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning exciting to the people who are following it?
Most features of the game are familiar to MMOG veterans. Other games are looking to revolutionize combat mechanics - the paired combat graphics of G&H are an amazing undertaking, the directed-attacks of AoC an interesting effort. Both will contribute something of value to the next generation of MMOs. While WAR is adding features to the combat mechanics that I find exciting (the tactics pre-battle prep, the morale system, the way healers have to operate, collision detection, movement momentum), the underlying system is still the classic hot-bar actions and timers typically found in the MMO genre. Similarly, the Tome of Knowledge has its basis in the familiar Quest Journal, but then includes more (creature lore, kill board, rewards & awards records, famous encounters, all shareable with friends for bragging rights). A quick glance at the game will show you systems that you're familiar with, without really highlighting the evolutions that make those features exciting.
The place to look for the real exciting development in WAR is RvR. Mythic isn't looking to revolutionize individual mechanics, they're looking to revolutionize the underlying game design. The actions you take in most games are meaningless, they have no impact. That lack of meaningful activity is what WAR is tackling.
At its highest level the RvR design is all about creating a meaningful conflict in the game - when questing you're not wondering around doing quests for little people, fetching their mail and delivering their grain; your fighting an enemy, delivering necessary supplies and critical dispatches - all of which sounds the same until you realize that every successful mission actually helps your side conquer territory and push the enemy forces back - it actually means something, has a real impact.
Another meaning of RvR (the meaning that DAOK players would recognize) - and the reason you may have heard the term substituted for PvP on occasion - is large group conflict. RvR isn't about me versus you, its about my squad or my regiment versus yours, battling for something important. We have no reason to go hunting each other individually; our targets are the contested objectives, and killing each other is just a happy byproduct. PvP happens, but it's meaningful, not random - whether you're challenging an enemy, ganking someone who just finished off a giant in the skirmish area, fighting in a scenario or over a battlefield, the deed is being done to earn victory points for your faction and conquer territory.
And that means that we're actually involved in a contest, a massive game of full-contact pwnage, not a series of random scuffles. We aren't competing for points on a ladder, we're competing for a grand-scale win. The PvE quests, the individual victories in lonely skirmishes, in squad-level scenarios and in regiment-sized battles all bring us to the biggest struggle of all, the game-winning point, crushing the enemy at their own capital city.
Its like the difference between keeping stats and actually playing a season. How fun would basketball, football or baseball be if their were no seasons, just individual games and player stats? In the past PvP has been an afterthought in most games, a system of keeping stats. WAR is developing the big contest, the meaningful context for the action, and a setting that changes based on the action.
Its not a permanent impact - its not a world where we can completely alter everything with a grand win or where every quest is individual and gone when we finish it. But it is a step in that direction, a game with changeable world and a living, breathing campaign that can be won or lost based on what we do. That's what's exciting about WAR.
Note: Copied from a blog entry inspired by another thread asking the same question.
I have a couple of questions, just asking, just curious, not starting anything :
1. Because of the nature of RvR, how does WAR handle any leechers just looking for faction points and not contributing to the effort of the one side?
2. Alot of people have said that because Mythic made DAoC, and that they have implemented RvR there in a really good way, WAR will be good too - From my understanding DAoC had 3 realms which were balanced out with each other quite well - from what I know WAR has 2 - So what measures are in place to stop one side from completely dominating the other?, and if it does happen either thru unbalanced classes or people not playing properly (see question 1) how will this be addressed?
3. Out of the two sides, how many people can take part in one particular team - how many to each side? can one side have more than the other?
thanks for your time.
There are tons of PVE oriented games and WoW has a lot of the same Warhammer-ish stuff (seeing as it's a complete ripe off of Warhammer that is no surprise).
Warhammer Online has always been about the PVP and I for one am glad. WoW tricked me into thinking it was about PVP but turns out it's no different than any other PVE oriented game. Which is fine on it's own but I don't need another PVE game.
If they can make PVE'ers happy and not jack up the PVP game that's great but it's not easy. PVE gear grinds make it so you're forced to go gear up in PVE to compete in PVP (go play WOW to see what I mean).
In the end game has 10% pve I'll be happy, I want PVP end game. I'm sick of the "raids" that are nothing but a lot of dumb AI and gimmcky tricks.
I'd rather have good pvp than lame pvp w/pve.
99.00001% of the time I dont know what im saying
99.99% of the time I know I spelled the word wrong or repeated a sentence.. I did it so you can better your grammar
100.00% of the time if to many people post after my post very mad ill most likely with a 5% chance saying something like ....""
100.00% of the time I lack sleep and magical things come out of my head and type my posts for me? Please yell at the magical things not me... I am but a puppet
if you play mmorpg for "virtual accomplishment" an "praise by your peers" then your missing the whole point the genre was created for i also dont go for mmorpg's cause of there new exciting revoloutionary feature i go for fun factor plain an simple
an war is fun just ask george w
Give me a trial key and I`ll play right now. I`ll even do a full "positive" review and hand it to
How much research have you done on "why" the genre was created. Also, same boring features equals same boring games, this is why revolutionary features CAN equal fun, common sense.
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