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Pirates of the Burning Sea Producer, John Scott Tynes, answers out questions about Sony Online Entertainment, beta, distribution and more!
Your letter to your community announcing the deal with SOE mentioned that it was to be "platform published", making it different from SOE's internally developed games. The last title that SOE published in this way resulted in SOE's acquisition of that company (Sigil) as well as the game (Vanguard). What can you say to fans who fear the same fate for Flying Lab?John Scott Tynes:
Sigil's troubles with Vanguard have been very publicly documented by Brad McQuaid himself and they had nothing to do with SOE. People who blame SOE for what happened to Sigil are either grossly misinformed or willfully blind for the sake of hating.This is a hard industry for an independent developer. Sigil is in no way an exception - indie studios close all the time. If you look at console games, you'll see a long record of studios shipping a title and then firing everyone because they don't have their next project financed. That's the business. It sucks but it happens all the time.
Flying Lab is self-financed. We're not running out of money. We are definitely eager to stop spending our money and start making some, but we're launching the game because it's ready, not because we can't make payroll. That's the biggest difference between where we're at where Sigil was at when they were finishing Vanguard.
Some of us had friends at Sigil and what happened there is really sad. They definitely had a vision for what they wanted to achieve but making (and financing) an MMO is a gigantic challenge. SOE is going to keep Vanguard alive and will gradually address its major problems. It'll have a home there for as long as fans want to keep playing it.
Read the whole interview here.
Jon Wood
Managing Editor
SOE ??????
No thx.
Omg, this game was in my waiting list.... will be no more!
DAKSHA - the Weaponsmith
proud member of KDS
SWG- DAKSHA, Quietus, Decebal, Deceneu -retired
EVE - Daksha - retired
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COV - Daksha - retired
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SOR- Daksha - retired
Vanguard - Daksha - retired
LOTRO - Daksha - retired
AOC - Daksha - retired
Warhammer - Daksha - retired
Aion - Daksha -almost retired
Waiting for SWTOR
Christ, you haters are all over these threads like flies on a turd, aren't you? Fine, we know you're not gonna touch it due to SOE, despite your ignorance. Great, now piss off and go play what you do like. FLS don't appear to need your business.
Back on topic, the piece about questing was a good read. Sounds real piratey Very much looking forward to this. Reckon I might be able to find a good RP home.
On that note, if any devs are watching this thread, how's the game going to be for roleplayers?
I am quite excited to have another game on the Acesses pass, makes the price that much more appealing.
"Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"No, your wrong.." - Random user #123
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
How are you?" -Me
From my perspective as a Star Wars: Galaxies player and having a lot of insight into SOE as a game company I must say that SOE gets a lot of the blame that should be directed at LucasArts. Everyone blames SOE for the debacle that SWG has been yet SOE can only do what LA tells them to do, and the buzz is that SOE often resisted many of the appalling decisions that LA forced upon the game.
Not that I'll be buying PotBS anyway. The developer has already made a bunch of decisions that make me not want to touch this game with a ten-foot pole. Fantasy pirates? No thanks.
Wow, I've been waiting to get into the beta for that long? I remember participating in the forums when this game wasn't even a blip on the radar yet.
Guess I will have to wait for the reviews before I make my purchase.
Don't you love freedom of speech? Your exercising your right to free expression while attempting to silence a differing view... lol The irony. It's funny to see people like you get so upset over someone else's view. If you don't like my posts... block me. Put me on "ignore" if you will.
Actually... going with SOE is sort of like piracy too... so I suppose we were already on topic, eh?
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Support Independent Game Developers
The blame I am assigning to SOE is based on my experiences with their business practices, dishonesty with their player base, and EQ2. While I played SWG for a few weeks, I never really thought it captured the essence of the movies well at all, so I never really got into it.
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Support Independent Game Developers
Actually, I'm not stepping on your freedom of speech at all. I'm just telling you to go play something you like, because constantly pitching in on these threads with your hatred of SOE isn't doing anyone any good.
You're right though, good tip. I'll just block you.
Ah yes... the access pass. SOE's version of walmart business tactics. Swallow as many games as possible to pull as many players away from independent or smaller game studios. But I suppose in this day and age, I shouldn't be surprised how little people care about that sort of thing.
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Support Independent Game Developers
There's a difference between being smart and being stubborn. If SOE can put out a good game, I'll play it regardless of their past games. Games are about having fun and being entertained. If they can do that, I couldn't care less about the company's history. When / if their games stop being fun or entertaining, I'll simply move on to a new game.
Getting obsessively upset and holding a grudge against a company because they changed a game in a way that you didn't like is just childish. MMOs change. That's what they do, and that's why they're so popular. Roll with it or move on.
Don't you love freedom of speech? Your exercising your right to free expression while attempting to silence a differing view... lol The irony. It's funny to see people like you get so upset over someone else's view. If you don't like my posts... block me. Put me on "ignore" if you will.
Actually... going with SOE is sort of like piracy too... so I suppose we were already on topic, eh?
Just because you have the right to say something doesn't mean it's the right thing to say.
The fact that you don't care about the company's history is an example of why companies can get away with horrible business practices. People are too complacent, and will overlook the bad so they can get self gratification. It's sad, really... not that you care.
Actually... my grudges are less about changes to a game and more about horrible business practices, dishonesty, and their business model being harmful to the industry. The issues with changes to the game would have been enough for me to cancel, not rant the way I do.
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Support Independent Game Developers
Yeh, you can drive with your feet on the wheel. Doesn't make it a good idea.
Monopoly? I guess, they are one of the bigger publishers out there. Then again its a business and we all know that companies are making/publishing MMOs for business not for the hell of it. Sure theyve messed SWG up, whats your point? LA had the IP and they had a hand in it as well. So i suppose you wont play an LA game too? Because if you do then you have double standards. SOE isnt a saint but its not the devil either. Its a company thats in it to make money like everyone else, deal with it. If your simply fearing that PoTBS will have an NGE FLS has said their not in an economical pinch to simply sell off their IP. I dont care wether SOE/MS/EA is involved, if its a good game ill play it. If it sucks then i wont simple as that.
I agree with you... though opinions differ on what people agree is right and wrong. To tell someone they should be silent, in my opinion, is universally wrong. I amy tell you you are full of @*$%, but I will rarely tell you to be silent.
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Support Independent Game Developers
I've said it before and I'll say it again. It's all about perspective. It took me a while to figure it out, but I finally got it. Entertainment. Is entertainment really something to hold a grudge towards?
Not for me. Life happens. Perspective.
I don't mind a publisher being big, it's how they get there and what they do to the industry in the process that concerns me. I am a big fan of responsibility in business, but I fear I am in the minority with my opinion that consumers should actually care about who they do business with.
As I have mentioned before... my issues with SOE are not related to CU or NGE or whatever other SWG buzzwords may come up. I never really got into SWG, I never felt it captured the feel of the movies. My distaste for SOE is based more on their business practices than their horrible management of game development. And I am sure LA had some to do with the issues as well, but SOE pooched EQ2 a whole bunch of times, so I wouldn't be surprised if they were the majority of the issues people saw in NGE / CU.
If you feel the quality of a game is more important than the quality of the company publishing it, that is your choice. I won't fault you as a human being... we're not talking sweatshops in china here. Although some people seem to think that's what I am trying to say... lol
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Support Independent Game Developers
I'm curious to know how you seem to have so much knowledge about SOE's "business practices", as you seem to imply.
For me... that is the right choice. Smaller developers have families to feed to. How's that for perspective?
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Support Independent Game Developers
First game since YEARS that has potential to draw me away from eve at least for a while.
This one shows incredible potential!
If a game is extremely fun i'd even buy it off EA.
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Support Independent Game Developers
Good job Flying Labs. Thanks for addressing this for the community.
Here's to hoping all those with terminal SOE hate syndrome drop out of the beta so I can get in!
So your professional observations and extensive research qualify your "opinion" how? I'm not a SOE fan, nor am I a hater, I am just playing devil's advocate.
I don't mind a publisher being big, it's how they get there and what they do to the industry in the process that concerns me. I am a big fan of responsibility in business, but I fear I am in the minority with my opinion that consumers should actually care about who they do business with.
As I have mentioned before... my issues with SOE are not related to CU or NGE or whatever other SWG buzzwords may come up. I never really got into SWG, I never felt it captured the feel of the movies. My distaste for SOE is based more on their business practices than their horrible management of game development. And I am sure LA had some to do with the issues as well, but SOE pooched EQ2 a whole bunch of times, so I wouldn't be surprised if they were the majority of the issues people saw in NGE / CU.
If you feel the quality of a game is more important than the quality of the company publishing it, that is your choice. I won't fault you as a human being... we're not talking sweatshops in china here. Although some people seem to think that's what I am trying to say... lol
I can agree that companies should be responsible with their products and all that. But lets face it, if we were to put businesses in that narrow scope most of them would fail to be transparent and responsible to begin with. At that point you'd be boycotting 90% of the places you go to. Its just how the business world is, doesnt make it right but in the end one lone ranger withholding 15 bucks a month wont make a dent on them. So at that point you have a choice, stop yourself from playing a game (if its good) because if its dev or publisher? or simply go ahead and enjoy yourself. There are many other types of businesses that should garner the type of attention you put into SOE considering that their services are simply gaming, some others involve death for money and much worse.
You have your opinion ofc, and you make your own choices but imo SOE is just a game company and boycotting their products (the good ones that is) because i think they are the devil doesnt make sense to me. EA is very sketchy and people seem to not give a crap that their publishing WAR. And my book EA is lower than SOE.
Why is nobody addressing the real problem with this game???
NINJA > pirate
<waiting for a Ninja MMO>
Not so nice guy!