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Im currently playing this game and I like it very much. The 3d engine works fine, and the models are nice. The gamepley is awesome. I like the process of gaining a level.
But i have a problem, I dont understand why people rush trhought dungeons. I know they already know them, and they know where to go, what to kill, what to pull; but really, in some parties people start to run, Im cleric, Im supossed to go and heal them, but they run, they spread trought the dungeon, Im unable to heal everybody, and then, they die, just becose they cant say, lets go all this way, lets wait for this guy... you know, just cose they dont want to work like a team.
I dont know why this happens, in other games people dont run like crazy, they run, but like a team. Maybe is becose the combats are too short so you end wanting to do all short?
Please post your opinions.
Your right they do rush in DDO. I tell them upfront I'm running this dungeon for the first time need to go slow. If I've done it several times I usually stick with the tank. I play a bard and I stick usually the tank or group leader. If everyone spreads out oh well. If they die oh well. It has happened to me many times they spread out doing their own thing and die and then bitch, trust me you don't want them in your group anways.
Most have heal wands and use that on them if they spread out. Which is fine but I'm sticking to the tank or leader of the group. The new random traps on the new dungeons helps some.
My two cents...
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Unfortunately, PuG's are a very serious no-no in DDO. The best thing to do is get in with a guild and run quests only with fellow guildies. PuG groups almost always end up in ruin because of that very issue.
You also need to remember that as a cleric, you essentially have the power to dictate the pace of the dungeon. If you're in a PuG, kindly state that you would like to take your time going through the dungeon and that you will NOT chase anyone who feels it isn't necessary to stay in your healing range.
This usually fixes the problem, although you may find some people will still dash off into a zerging rage. The zerging that happens in lower levels also usually cools off by the higher levels anyways, so just keep playing and let people know what your play style is when you join the group. Clerics are especially powerful when it comes to this aspect as they are the most in-demand class in the game.
I agree with that, well put. A good guild with players that are on at your playtime and support your playstyle is the best way to enjoy DDO. PUGs are rough and at lower levels and usually all you get.
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I agree with you guys totally. It makes me furious when I get in a group that doesn't want to take some time to enjoy the game. Even if I've done the quest a few times, I try to take it slower for the people that havn't done it at all. It always confused me why people want to rush and level their charecters fast, all they will do is hit the level cap and be like... shit.
Just make sure you tell them upfront you want to take it slow, don't rush and farm the thing (you said you did, so good). That's the prob, most of the community are vets already and they're farming the dungeon, and it seems rare to get an actual new player like myself in the game.
I've done nothing but PUGs so far, and even though I'm finally in a big guild, I don't know them yet so even doing a guild run is still a PUG for me, basically.
But hit up the forums for your server and check the guild listing thread and apply to some you're interested in. Having people to group and chat with makes a world of difference.
i understand what you say. Thanks for the tips, I'll try them. Just want to know, whats a PUG, is a in the moment player made group with no relation between the members, isnt it?.
Talking about sticking to the tank. When I was a EQ2 player I usually stikec to the tank too, but I cant find the Tank - DPS - Healer role team in this game, everybody attacks as soon as they can and I cant figure out who is doing the Tank role, I'll try to ask who is tanking, but when playing, I have the feel that nobody is tanking, just becouse a mob can't usually kill you if you hit 2 or 3 times, so tank role is not completely necesary. Please correct me if im wrong.
All I can give as advice is communicate, and dare lead your own groups, where you can hire the type of players you like. State you terms, and part ways at the beginning, if it doesn't look like it will be comfortable for you. Grouping is real easy in DDO, so don't fear to avoid certain players.
As for me, I know DnD inside out, DDO inside out, I PvP (and win) all the time, yet I never EVER group with leetboys. For me it is the person behind the avatar that might actually value something, not his wardrobe. I say avoid everyone who plays only for loot and rushing, and that stands for any game.
PuG is short for Pick-up Group. In other words, a random group of people as opposed to guildies or friends.
If you are playing with a group stay with the fighter/paladin/barbarian classes. Otherwise if you are unsure, a good idea is to stay with the group leader, that way if there's a fighter that's zerging and pissing everyone off by wasting mana, and drawing aggro, the leader can kick him.
As I mentioned before, the best thing to do is go to the DDO forums, find a decent guild on your server, and try to group up with them so you have a steady group of people that are reliable gamers and can show you the ropes on quests.
I don't believe for a second that rushing never happens in other games. We all know it does. This is not a DDO-exclusive thing.
And some people are just bad players or bad at grouping or just plain selfish or whatever adjective you want to put here. Any time you deal with other people, things don't always go according to your specific plan.
Just put what you are looking for in your Looking For Group or Looking For More notes, and then speak up when you join a group in case the other people didn't read it. Bowing out of a group isn't a big deal before a quest gets started. Doing it in the middle of a quest because the group doesn't fit well together is what's annoying.
A word of advice: healing clerics never run if they don't want to. If you tell people you're happy to heal them but you're new to the game and need to go slower, I doubt they'll have a problem with it. So many players think they NEED someone to heal them, and they'll sit around doing nothing until they find someone to fill that role. If you're the one filling that role, you have some say in the matter.
A healing cleric will never be hurting to find a group. If I'm on heal duty, I don't put up with bad teamwork. Easier quests are one thing, you can just run through and split up and people are expected to take care of themselves. But if people are expecting me to babysit them in harder quests while they don't help out at all, forget it.
A lot of the problems that pug groups in DDO run into is that the dungeons are non-linear. You can often go two directions, and you can often get trapped and split up. Many times the first member in the dungeon runs off instead of waiting for the entire party to arrive. Most groups while they have a 'leader' the group don't necessarily have someone with the right knowledge and class to lead them through a dungeon. The game experience is lessened however by inconsiderate players.
Like I said, communication is most important, tell them your fancy, they'll tell you theirs. If it doesn't seem to match, find a new group, or lead one. DDO requieres some of the best teamwork, but that doesn't mean there is no place for newbies. I infact love newbies, and I play with them all the time, and you can't even imagine the fun I have, and we finish quests in good time as well.
Player rushing has always been a peave of mine as well, that mixed with the in ability to get into a good group has lead me to unsub twice, but I believe I am now back for the long haul.
The remedy I have found to rushing is as others mentioned, communicate with the group to let them know of your intentions. When I start up a party, in the "Looking for Member" portion I put a disclaimer stating that its a Non-Rushing group.
Another thing that has helped me is the guild I have recently joined. If you are a fan of RP, one of the rules they have set is that we RP through quests. What it does is it slows us down to RP between fights and better set the mood, as well as increase our sense fellowship. So in a way it forces us to slow down, have fun and enjoy the game.
I am not sure if RP is your thing, but if your on Sarlona, Lightstorm's Dragonslayers are a great group of mature people to join.
This drives me nuts, although mostly because I'm only now getting to experience most of the game as it was meant to be (I tried last year but my old rig was too slow and the graphics were new rig makes it all fast and pretty). So I like ot avoid rushing just so I can learn and see everything, but when I group, I usually end up trailing behind, trying to keep up and not get lost.
But, hate to break it, all games have this problem.....the good groups I've been in with WoW, EQ2, and GW do not rush, as it can be deadly in those games (whereas in DDO it can be less so). But when you get a bunch of loons running around, it's a quick disaster in any of these games, I gotta say.
MY GF plays a cleric. She has a setup where when they start running around she explains to them that while she can heal and mend broken bones, stabs, cuts, and all that....she cannot heal stupid, so stop being stupid and stay together!
Current MMOs: Rift, GW2, Defiance
Blog: (old school tabletop gaming and more)
That sounds like avery cool guild, btw. I'm on Thelanis, which is also a good server, but maybe I'll go over and check it out.
Current MMOs: Rift, GW2, Defiance
Blog: (old school tabletop gaming and more)
Most classes can be made to do most jobs just depends on how it's built. I have seen Rangers that tank fine and Rogues can be DPS machines if made for that. Battleclerics and Battlemages can fill out the Tank & Backup tank role if made properly. The nice neat catagories from other MMO's do not necissarily fit in the DDO mold.