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I was having a discussion with a friend on whether it still exists today. Lets get it out of the way at first and say that it is proven that it did exist at one point. So lets not turn this into an arguement on whether it ever happened at all and instead focus on whether it still goes on today.
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LOTRO & WoW (not much WoW though because Mines of Moria rocks!!!!)
Looking Foward too:
Bioware games (Dragon Age & Star Wars The Old Republic)
Do you mean in Western society in general, or that white people in general consider themselves superior?
If it's the former, there is evidence to support this - but that's probably related to the fact that the rich West was mostly a White-ruled society, until recently. This is just an unfortunate case of world-wide logistics and human nature. As globalization spreads this will become less and less of an issue. My home city has a massive asian/muslim population at the moment, and their are strains, because 50 years ago this was not the case, but it will improve over time - and already is.
If it's the latter, then I don't think white people consider themselves superior at all - certainly not any more than black people might consider themselves superior.
All men and women are born equal, 'nuff said.
Still waiting for your Holy Grail MMORPG? Interesting...
I was talking about the real or precieved notion that a white male can go on a job interview and get it because he is a white male. Or that a white male makes more money because he is a white male, or that only white males can get ahead in job fields.
Currently playing:
LOTRO & WoW (not much WoW though because Mines of Moria rocks!!!!)
Looking Foward too:
Bioware games (Dragon Age & Star Wars The Old Republic)
Well I do not think it is much of a factor except in areas where prejudice is still prevalent. But for me I see it like this. the higher up you are on the food chain the less you have to worry about privilege not received.
I broke my foot tuesday. I dont have to be at my job for two full weeks(other than send emails to various questions related to my work). I am getting paid while off. A technician I know broke his leg. he ended up having to go to work regardless with only about 3 days off. He is at work right now and i am here. He is using crutches. But he is in a lesser position than I am.
I think this would be a better example.
There is a class difference. but I do not think it is along the boundaries of race or sex. But more so due to economic factors.
To expound on this.. family or loved ones in a job also get preferential treatment (even though it may/may not be intended).. And there just so happens to be more White folks in charge or in managerial or higher positions in the West then other ethnicities.. and so the chain of preference flows... It doesn't have to be intended to be there..
What's your Wu Name?
Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight
Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."
As I am and have always been, outside the social hierarchy that inhabits western civilization, I cannot say anything in that regard. However if you are a white male, and more so, blonde and blue eyed, travel abroad. You most likely will receive the extremes of prejudices, both negative and positive. Luckily for me I have only received positive prejudice, and a lot of it. Although I'd like to be seen as the same, and treated in accordance to my behaviour and personality, it is just not going to happen. When you live in countries where the colour of your skin, hair and eyes cause you to stand out drastically you will undoubtedly be treated differently. Whether privilege over others may be gained at times I'm sure it is quite possible for the opposite to occur as well. It all depends on the situation, however, in my own personal experience it has almost all been positive.
I am quite grateful for that.
- Burying Threads Since 1979 -
When you think about it. Maybe with getting a job, someone who is a little racist may pick a white guy over a black one, but if your CAUGHT doing that then you and your company are pretty much done. I work at a job where they don't allow your reletives to work and this is from a boss who's WIFE is a manager and has a scanner who's BOYFRIEND is hired as a front end manager and they both are close friends with a boyfriend and girlfriend who works in COSTERMER SERVICE. Hypricital indeed.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
I think that is absolute bullshit nowadays in general. I've seen highly paid positions in Germany that were held by Indians, although racism in Germany is a lot less prevalent than it is here (in America) ironically.
If you're talking about America, then it is actually the other way around: Since firms often have quotas to fill, a minority would get the job over a white person assuming that they are of the same ability.
This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.
short answer as to whether being a white male in this country has ever given me some sort of thought of privelage or any advantage whatsoever in anything I have ever done, be it academically or accumenically: No.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
Being a white maie gives you free passes that unless you're paying attention, you will just think are the way things are.
The classic example of this is the black man/white man trying to hail a cab in NYC scenario.
CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.
Once a denizen of Ahazi
Being a white maie gives you free passes that unless you're paying attention, you will just think are the way things are.
The classic example of this is the black man/white man trying to hail a cab in NYC scenario.
I knew that this was going to be the immidiate response to my post...I just didn't think it would come so fast...the old "well you just haven't noticed but it's true"
Listen bud, I don't know the last time you applied for scholarships, but try looking up scholarships exclusive to white males.
Are there employers that discriminate? Certainly, I'm not saying that it doesn't exist...but those that do are often taken to court and sued by those that they discriminate against. And it's not a one way street..discrimination occured from people of all races, religions, and's not as though there is some weird thing among white people where we are the only ones who act stupidly.
Anyway, as I said, my race has never ever conferred me any advantage whatsoever, you're not going to convince me otherwise with the inane argument that "I just haven't been paying attention" I don't go through life with my fingers in my ears yelling "I can't hear you!! lalalalal!" No matter how much I would like to sometimes.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
Denying that you have never been privledged is hardly proof that you are not privledged..
You (and I) have built in advantages in the system due to our race and sex. This is undenyable fact. The NYC hail a cab scenario demonstrates that skin color DOES matter even in this day and age.
People will defer to you in subtle ways, you are treated differently in all sorts of situations, not just employment or job advancement.
CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.
Once a denizen of Ahazi
Not at all.
If anything, being a white male who is straight is a disadvantage in many powerful institutions.
WoW and fast food = commercial successes.
I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.
Jeez, white male straight "victims" are the greatest wusses of all.
CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.
Once a denizen of Ahazi
Wingtard news. How fitting.
CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.
Once a denizen of Ahazi
It doesn't prove anything in the big picture but I have to echo what Draenor said. I'm pretty darn sure that I've never gotten any advantages from being a white male.
The cab thing doesn't apply to me because never once in my life have I hailed a cab. But I did lose a job once due to racial quotas. It was a temporary position. There was one opening for a full time job. My boss came to me and told me straight out that they had to hire the Latino guy over me because they needed more non-whites to comply with the affirmative action crap (he didn't call it crap though).
The latino guy may have been just as qualified as I was but the point is that they couldn't even consider me because of this. It does kind of piss you off when something like that happens.
In any case, you need to stop speaking as though you are the authority for every white male. You don't know what kind of life other people have led, you don't know if they have been discriminated against or treated better than others simply due to race. For you to sit here and tell us that our personal experiences are not what they seem because "we just aren't paying attention" (in your words) is absurd.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
I'd say this largely depends on where you are. In the U.S. in many places being a white male could potentially make you LESS likely to get a certain position due to Affirmative Action. I know where I grew up (suburban Washington State) it would probably make you less likely, and any minority of similar qualifications will almost certainly get the job before you so quotas can be met.
Why yes, yes it is still very much alive and well.
At least in America....
Oh, and don't give me that shit about quotas since they don't specify what ranking or income level said minority employees are to be considered for within a company. Most companies, in the U.S., hire just the bare minimum number of minority applicants for the lowest ranking and most visible jobs that they have. You know, receptionists, cashiers, janitors, bellhops, really high income stuff like that. Just enough to stay straight with the law and put on display to say "look, look!!! We're not racist!!!"
Don't believe me? If you take a trip to a major city, time how long it takes you before you actually spot a black person. No, it doesn't count if you're black or if you deliberately jump in the rental and drive to a black neighborhood. I mean within your area of operation for that trip. If they're working when you see them, what kinds of jobs are they doing?
White people in the U.S. have always had first dibs on the best jobs, housing, education, and medical treatment. It's been like that since at least 1865. Yeah, black people have legal affirmative action now. But white people have had unofficial (illegal) affirmative action from the jump.
Aww, someone loves meh!
Ask and ye shall receive.
As to the actual topic, does it exist? Of course it does. Just as it's opposite does.
Is it prevalent? No, not by a long shot.
Nor is it unique. Just ask probably any female you know of driving age how many tickets she's gotten out of by playing the weepy dame act. Granted, it's not as bad now that there's more female cops out there(and them bitches are mean, too). But a quick boob shot, and it's a warning for them. If I whipped out me piece, I somehow don't think I'd be getting off. And given some of the cops I've seen round here, I don't know that I'd want to. With or without a warning.
I can't vouch for any of the other white males, but I've never felt I got any sort of preferential treatment because of my particular sex/race combo. Might be the fact that I look like a deranged biker what smells of whiskey and your mom, though.
At the end of the day, it's just another silly urban myth that people continue to perpetuate. With the possible exception of scholarships. I never bothered to apply for one, but as I understand it, there aren't a lot of scholarships for the young, white male vs minority scholarships vs minority and female scholarships.
I think that there was a time that black people were beginning to make a good name for themselves. They were taking the high road and showing the white man how they were wrong in what they were doing and thinking. The black man was right, the white man was acting immorally and needed to change.
But lately, there is a thug culture amongst a lot of blacks that is taking them backwards where they were beginning to gain respect. Until blacks confront it and get rid of it I don't think things are going to be changing any time soon for them. When I see a thug I don't have a thought of respect for them. I fear them and want them off of my streets. I don't see a need for their violent culture or their irresponsible behavior.
Oh, and before you say I'm racist, I feel the same way about all gang bangers, white, black, mexican, whatever. I don't see a need for that in society. But I do think whites are the quickest to confront other whites doing wrong and tell them to get back in line. We don't put up with it as much as blacks do. Most blacks seem to glamorize that thug culture and defend it.
That's just the way it looks from this white man's perspective. You can call me racist if you like, it won't bother me, because I know I'm not. I could care less what anyones skin color is. I want everyone to live happily and succeed in life at whatever. I just don't agree with violence and irresponsible behavior. And I especially don't agree with putting that kind of behavior on a pedestal.
Look you can't just add in respectable blacks with blacks that are in the thug culture. That's like adding respectable whites with emo culture. You can't look at things as a whole like that . People who resepct themselves are the ones who refelect individualy and those who don't we don't even worry about. Blacks are still taking steps forward, but as in being in any race there will be people and lifestyles making blacks look bad. Like one can say that blondes are stupid, yet not all blonds are stupid, but when you think about it, why did they get that title? It's some sort of mass effect of happenings. Maybe Girls Gone Wild, maybe some events in history and such.
Would I look at all blindes to be dumb? No, becuase I take them for who they are individualy. I think your looking at it a little in the right direction gnome and a little in the wrong direction. What is your look at thug culture though. I want to come down to your level a bit then maybe I can understand where you are comming from. There are thugs, there is the mafia, KKK, crypts, bloods, there is the yakuza, they all are GANGS and it's not just most of the black population, it goes beyond many races.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
With regards to the whole gangsta/thug thing, and the hip hop movement that has developed around it:
I don't have the link to the blog off the top off my head, but I caught a blog at random that made mention of some rapper that dropped $500k on getting his teeth capped.
Now, maybe I am racist, but frankly, for someone to talk about how the mans keeping him down, and how shitty life is in the hood, to then blow $500k on his motherfucking teeth????!?!!?!?!?!?
You want to grab headlines, and sell albums? Do something unusual. Quit bitching about how horrible life is in America for blacks, and use some of that money to help clean up a neighborhood, or something more useful than buying a fleet of Escalades, a house you can't afford, and gold fucking teeth, son. Because in 6 months, when everyone's forgotten your name, and MTV won't return your calls, guess where you're going to end up...
Carry on about whites have it too easy, and minorities are downtrodden.
Emo - I'm not scared of emo's. They aren't packing heat or promoting putting a cap in somebody. They are about as passive as you can get actually. Yeah, they look weird and whatever, but they aren't dangerous.
Blondes - Silly, yeah. Dangerous? Only behind the wheel.
Mafia - I agree with you here. They are glamorized, and I disagree with it completely. Just the other day my buddies were watching that Sopranos movie and I asked them something they couldn't answer. I asked why so many people could not watch two guys kiss on television because they say it's such as disgrace to society and dangerous to kids and stuff, yet those same religious people have not a problem watching mafia shows like The Sopranos with murder and other sinful behavior going on. That's machisimo I guess. Jesus looks the other way for that stuff.
KKK - I don't see too many people glamorizing the KKK. Maybe you do, if so point it out, but I don't see a whole section of Blockbuster Music set aside for gangsta white supremacists.
My point is that there are a lot of blacks that will defend the thug lifestyle. There is music, movies, shows all over the place glamorizing it. There is no way in the universe that the thug lifestyle is helping the black community, yet so many blacks perpetuate it. Also, I understand there is stuff that goes on with all races, but my point is that when you look at statistics irresponsible and bad behavior is rampant in the black community. I wish it wasn't. I'm not racist and I'm not saying it can't change. I know it can, but it's going to take some work from the black community to get it done. A good start would be to start discrediting thugs.
white man#1: Do white men have an advantage?
white man#2: Nah we dont.. i never got an advantage
white man#3: Yeah we dont have an advantage...
white man#2: at a previous company where there were 200 white people and 5 other ethnicities... They fired me because They said they needed to hire a hispanic guy... totally not fair at all for white men....
White man#4: yeah.. one time I applied for a scholarship and I didn't get it ... I bet they gave it to a minority instead...
White man#5: Yeah I hate that.. I mean.. I live in beverly hills and have two cars.. But I still deserve a scholarship more than the Mexican who lives in a 2 bedroom house with 12 people if I do better in my SAT's.. FOR DAMN SURE
white man#6: Yeah totally..
White man#1: yeah.... totally.. and I hate that ALL black people glamorize thug life and rap..
black guy#1: you know all black people aren't like that right? Not ALL of us glamorize Thug life and rap and hip hop
white guy#3: YOU DONT SEe white guys glamorizing THE KKK!!!!!!
Great thread guys..
What's your Wu Name?
Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight
Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."