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look and personality

2 questions....................

i play right now only cause i payed for it but i have noticed a lot of flaws in the game.

2 biggest for me are how every1 looks alike and how every1 has the same boss loot.

will war give u 100's of features to choose frm to create your character and add ur own personality and will every1 have the same loot ass u( cause that just is boring)?


P.S. new to this so i dnt want to get flamed plz.........


  • defenestratedefenestrate Member CommonPosts: 578

    Well first off, your spelling is awesome, second, what game are you playing because you are paying for it? Third it has been stated that you can take 40 level 40 ironbreakers and stand them next to eachother and they could all look different.

  • IbacaiIbacai Member Posts: 71

    Well as for loot, the quests will give people loot based on their class. And the public quests are cool int he fact that you can do them over and get better rewards.

  • AukuAuku Member Posts: 5

    For number one, the game is still being devloped and fixed. Release date is 2008 Q1. That's alot of time for them to improve the game and fix the game.

    For number two, your not going to have like 100s of choices like customizing your left index finger a little more green than the other(orc) I think only places people can notice like eyes, mouth, face, and body, etc... Also no one will look alike.  Greenskins will look like they have armor made of scrap metal. Squig herders armor is made a squig hides. Chaos will have very detailed, glowing armor. The marauder would have mutations also.  For order, I don't know too much about them so what ever

    Hope I answered your question

  • lastmessiahlastmessiah Member Posts: 2

    In addition to what Auku said, you also get decorations for your armor as well. Dwarves get medals to put on their armor, and Orcs can decorate the spikes on their armor with dwarf skulls, etc. But you really don't have anything to worry about, they have said several times that one of their goals is to make sure everyone's toons look different.

  • devastatinddevastatind Member Posts: 56

    As the post above says, the trophy system allows players to look different of each other. Even though your armor by look similar your trophy slots will make you look different. It hasn't been stated how many trophy slots their will be and many be different from class to class. I would expect for example the Black Orc to have a couple of slots on the belt and one on the shoulder, the trophies could me be skulls, beard etc.  

    Try to understand that for a Greenskin, a day that starts by killing someone with your bare hands and ends with those same hands being chopped off in battle is a good day!

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