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Alright, so like every other post on these forums..I've hit my whole 'I'm bored of WoW, and played them all' state. So I took a step back, and decided to go back to a game I really enjoyed when I played it, City of Heroes.
I've played both City of Heroes, and City of Villains. City of Heroes I reached level 34 with a Empathy/Dark Defender, and City of Villains I reached level 28ish with a Dark Melee/Energy Armor Brute. I loved the game, and all my friends played so logging on everyday i had roughly 2-3 people to play with and it was always fun to try to get the next level, or the next powers. I used Character builders, planned my Heroes/Villains ahead of time and always was trying to be the best I could.
So speaking so highly of the game, I decided to look into the 14 day trial, and spark it back up. However, after starting the game I played three characters to level 6-8 and I said to myself "Wow...I feel like I've done all of this before...". Every character I made I felt like I was doing the same thing, and I found myself logging out of every character at level 8.
I never liked Tankers, so I didn't bother making one. But I did make myself a Scrapper, a Blaster, A Defender, and a Controller. Each character I got to level 6-8 and then made another.
Of course, CoH and CoV are 1/2 about the character creator itself, and the idea of making a "cool" super hero is definitely a large majority of the fun. However, I want to get higher beyond these low levels, I just can't find the drive.
Does anyone else have this problem? If so, what do you do to solve it? I'd love to finally say I got to try the more "end game" stuff of CoH (40-50). Thanks!
I have played CoH for off and on (mostly on) since release. Vet rewards help the lower lvls,but CoH has always been about rolling alts. I suggest you think about what you want to be, (good control, dmg, healing..etc..) and go with it. Personally, I have a couple 50 'trollers, and almost have my second tank to 50, along with at least 15 toons at 20+. Its about playing till you fell burned out, then logging an alt for more fun (grind..hehe).
The ATs in Coh are really specific to their class. For example, a tank in CoH is a tank. They can absorb incredible dmg, but couldn't hurt a fly with dmg. Trollers can lock down a huge grp, or even two, make them helpless, but take forever to kill them. Scraps kill incredibly fast, but are hurting in regards to heals and CC. So in CoH I find, the classes are exactly what their namesake inplies.
TBH, the failing of CoH is that any toon needs to hit the 22(SO hancers) - 25 lvl to be real fun. You need to get over that stupid "Swift, Health, Stamina" crap from 6-20, then you get to have fun picking powers you actually want. You played before, so you know all this I suppose, but what do you like to do ingame class-wise?
Ill hook up with ya ingame and play if you like, I can sk you and take you to PI for some higher lvl mish to check 'em out. But they aren't that different TBH, except m,obs can become really annoying (endurance sap etc..).
Well, from my experiences with Defenders I always thought it was a fun class, but since I had friends to play with then I had more of a fun way to keep the group up with the Empathy Defender. My group always loved me, and after getting the Regen Aura at 32 I was one of the most favored people in a group. Everyone always told me how much they loved having me in their groups.
However, after trying to Reroll another Empathy Defender I got extremely bored quick. I've healed in nearly every MMORPG I've ever played (70 Holy Paladin, 70 Holy Priest), and I just don't feel like doing it again.
Therefore, I guess I want to do the whole 'damage dealing' thing. Problem with that is that everytime I play damage classes I always feel like I would be a better asset to the group as something more helpful.
Anyway, so far I've decided to play on the server "Freedom" and I roll with a Fire/Rad Controller, Fire/Fire Blaster, Electric/Energy Blaster, and Katana/Super Reflexes Scrapper.
I'm not a HUGE fan of any of these characters, and I find huge flaws in all of them. The Controller I can't solo worth crap, The Fire Blaster is so built around AoE that I have problems with soloing smaller groups of players and I already see that Combustion was a bad skill choice. Electric Blaster I don't know if he will be good at higher levels, which worries me. And the scrapper I am seeing that SR was probably not the way to go.
I'm highly critical of the characters I play, and I always want to be playing the best. However, I don't like playing the "Normal" Character, it bugs me to know that I have to do the same thing every one does.
When I was playing my Empathy defender I felt like EVERYONE wanted to group with me because I was unique, and I hope to feel that same way with my new character.
I also started a Electric/Electric Brute on CoV Side, It's semi-fun, but I just prefer the idea of Heroes so much more.
Thanks for all the Help!
When considering trying to find that perfect City of Heroes character, something I've been working on for years, one useful thing to keep in mind is this.
There are two things to your new alt:
1) What the game gives you.
2) What you do with what the game gives you.
What do I mean? Just this: If you're feeling you're playing the same old derivative MMORPG when you play City of Heroes, chances are it's because you're playing it like it is one. Break out of the mold, invent some new tactics, challenge yourself. You might find that's what you were really missing all along.
Well if you want to feel like a damage dealer then a fire/fire blaster is a great choice. I think perhaps the problem is you haven't played high enough yet. Level 8 takes what, 3 hours? The early levels are particularly limited, but it's like that for a reason so new players can get up to speed. (Incidently I often say the sweet spot for being an empath is the 12-30 levels).
And because the early levels are so limited, there's not as much distinction in your characters either. Switching from an empath to a blaster will mean a lot more at level 30 than it does now at 8. So speaking as an altaholic, I only really have 1 lowbie (sub-14) I'm really playing at a time. Even when I make several at once (like the set of 5 villians I made all at once on Protector), I pick one and play them up a bit before I'll go back to another. Not intentionally even now that I think about it, it's just the way I go in search of variety. So you might want to break out that level cluster a bit.
On that fire/fire, get comfortable with blapping because /fire is a great secondary for that. (That's a very active combat where you constantly joust in and out of melee range so you can use your powers but not stick around.) Plus you're constantly repositioning for maximum effect. It may feel like you are "only" doing damage, but if you do it better than anyone else than that is extremely helpful. Holds and heals are nice, but a dead opponent will never kill you.
Your AoE chain should be Fire Breath (put a range in this when you get a chance), Fire Ball, and Fire Sword Circle. The single-target chain is Fire Blast, Fire Blaze, and Fire Sword. Everything else is sub-optimal. Now it will be a while before you can get enough recharges going to make a tight chain out of that, but if you can spare the end the AOEs can fill it out. For a long time my chain was BuildUp / Blast / Blaze / Ball / Blaze / Breath. (Yes, lots of alliteration.) All of which can be done at range. And at the low levels, slipping in Ring is not a bad choice at all.
Currently playing:
DC Universe
Planetside 2
Magic Online
Simunomics, the Massive Multiplayer Economic Simulation Game. Play for free.
So far everyone has done an amazing job of giving me some advice. I really agree with the comment about getting caught up in same Mold and playing it like other MMORPGs simply because I always was sort of a power gamer, and now I need to slow myself down a little bit and pace my characters/play. I'll definitely start keeping that in mind and see if I can't get myself out of my old habits.
I see what you mean about the fire blaster, and just I'm being overcritical of the lower levels. I'll need to start pushing each character a little higher and seeing what I like.
One question I did have is it possible to "respec" the character yet to get rid of skills you don't want. I picked up Combustion from the Fire Group and I have found it next to useless.
Once again, Appreciate all the help.
Edit: Also keep in mind that I go from a player that is very "group player" based with my friends to a very solo playstyle because I don't have many people to level with. By all means, if you know a group that I could join up with in game I'd be more then willing to play the less-damager and more-buffer/debuffer type characters.
Personally, my fav toon, because he is incredibly fun to play, is my Grav/Storm 'troller. Amazing control, slows, mass de-buffs, a sweet pet, and pretty damn good dmg. I solo anything the game throws at me (currently lvl 47), other than AVs. I could kill AVs pretty good too, except that the end costs of such a long battle are to much, (thx ED nerf!).
I hate the blaster AT, the glass cannon, for my playstyle. Blasters are to helpless, and in higher lvls, if anything goes wrong, an essential power misses, etc..its game over. Blasters dmg, but solo, are pathetic IMHO. A Blaster spends a lot of time running for his life solo, not my idea of fun.
Defenders are fun, but lack dmg, so its a long haul to solo high lvls. Dark/Dark being pretty good though (mine is 27 atm). Empaths are boring in CoH to me, set Healing Aura on auto-fire, go get a drink.
Scraps are like Blasters except they can survive a few hits.
I like tanking, my Stone/Stone is 42 now, and a blast.
To the OP:
Yep, you've pretty much hit the nail on the head. Game used to be fun til Emmert & Company decided PvP was the answer to falling subs. When the arenas went in, a whole bunch of "balancing" began, and Emmert & Co. balanced the fun out of it.
I tried to come back once or twice and felt like it was a total waste of time and money for what it offered in return: boredom, grind, more boredom and even more grind. Same old, same old every time you logged in.
Issue 3 was the last great issue. Everything since has been a waste of time and money. IMHO.
Alright so this is coming from a level 50 fire/fire blaster, so take it as you will :P
Personally my "drive" wasnt really to get to 50, but just to get that next power lol. I learned to hate all of the odd numbered levels just because you couldnt buy a power lol, and I especially got sick of the game when you got powers alot more rarely once you get past 32. But if you just keep on trucking, eventually you get rewarded.
The higher level content is great. I've had alot of fun with it, especially in recluses victory. My favorite piece of high level content is Hamidon. Its SO much fun when you have 100-200 heroes going at this giant blob, all working together, its a blast. My advice is to find a character type you really like (which is a problem for alot of people because there are so many options, my one friend cant get passed 15 because he automatically has to try out a new class, which leads to him getting no where) and stick with it! Get into a good SG and have the higher levels help you out, you'll be a 50 in no time. Only took me about a month to a month and a half. I loved my Fire/fire, its just too bad I got heavily nerfed at i2 lol, but oh well, there are plenty other classes. I went on to make a WS, which is a great class. I had a ton of fun making him, and got him up to 34 before I had to quit because of the lack of cash flow lol
Good luck man!
At level 24 you can run a special trial (out of IP for heroes) to earn a respec. It takes a team of at least 4 people, probably takes about 2 hours, and can be rather difficult. Some recommend waiting until closer to 30 to use that respec. This respec can only be earned once, but you can run a different one (ok, 90% same one but different enemies) again in the 34-43 and 44-50 ranges. By the way it's one of my favorite TaskForces in the game, and the only reason I don't run it more these days is because I don't have many toons left in the mid-20s.
Other ways to get a respec: 1) They are handed out at certain Veteran Reward milestones, but the first one might be 6 months I think so you probably want a faster answer.
You said Freedom, right? It shouldn't be hard to find pick-up groups there, especially as a defender. You should make sure you turn your LFT flag on, and I recommend always putting your powersets (e.g. "Empathy / Dark") in the search comments field. A couple pickups should find you a SuperGroup too.2) In the past they frequently give out a free respec with a new issue. This is not a rule though, so there are never any guarantees. But there is a new issue coming out by the end of the month, so maybe.
Currently playing:
DC Universe
Planetside 2
Magic Online
Simunomics, the Massive Multiplayer Economic Simulation Game. Play for free.
I think you are a bit harsh, but I wouldn't say you ain't right, cause in essence, what you say is mostly a big part of the problem. You discard the Kheldians and CoV althogether, or the Inventions, and they all add much to the game. But what you said, is mostly what I think, yet a bit harsher then I would.
I still can't play CoH myself. I turn angry when I try. So I stick to CoV.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Talk to any trainer and they will tell you where to go.
Hero respec final mission is defend the nuclear core from waves of enemies
Villian repec final mission is to destroy the giant tree. First you have to clear out the mobs and respawning roots then kill the tree.
Completing the respec missions give you a choice between SO, a rare IO receipe drop or a Respec
After doing the respec mission, you can repeat but you won't get the respec option again if you select it. You can farm the respec missions for the rare IO receipes (not always the same drop)
Another way to get a respec is your Vet rewards. Go to badges, check your vet badges and see if there is a free respec to claim.
To use a respec you either type /respec for freebee respec or go to GC and talk to Coyote for the heroes or go to NA and talk to Arbitor.
PvP is group centric. You can solo but don't go crying because you got ganged up on or that you met an archtype that overpowers your own archtype. A balanced group does well in the PVP zones
Solo if you want, but I have more fun with an 8 person group. Preferably with people I've grouped with in the past and my SG.
your arguement is so persuasive, so filled with knowledge and insight. You back up your argument very articulately, with suggestions of improvements and raising examples to glorify your position....oh wait, you didn't
Just an update for everyone that helped me out.
I played roughly 5-6 characters up to level 10 and finally realized that I absolutely LOVE one of my characters.
I am playing a Dark Miasma/Sonic Defender and it's an absolute blast, haven't had more fun on the game ever. I also talked a friend into playing with me and currently he is running Electric/Electric Blaster. We work really well as a team because of his pure damage potential and my defense reducing powers.
We initially played Freedom but because of the lag issue we rerolled Justice and haven't looked back since. If you want to look me up my in-game name is "Ominous Gloom". Feel free to join me and my buddy for some good ole' Villain killing! and thanks again for all the help!
I think you are a bit harsh, but I wouldn't say you ain't right, cause in essence, what you say is mostly a big part of the problem. You discard the Kheldians and CoV althogether, or the Inventions, and they all add much to the game. But what you said, is mostly what I think, yet a bit harsher then I would.
I still can't play CoH myself. I turn angry when I try. So I stick to CoV.
I dropped coh once i started playing cov but now after 15 months I enjoy jumpin on my hero's but I find I have to be in the mood. With that said I love this game for the simple fact I can put it down. Also my gf started playing 2 months ago and now has a 36 mind/psi dominator that she love's. So I reinerate the point I've made in these forums again and again and again lol...... It's not for everyone!
Getting a toon to lvl 8 tells you NOTHING about the game, you don't ave travel powers, there are no TFs, no PvP. It is impossible to judge the game until the higher levels. For crying out loud, at lvl 8 you can't even get Dual Origin Enhancements and you're saying the game is bad. Honestly just play till like 14 at least, or 22 to make your decision. Also please do note the Controllers only get good after they get their first pet which happens at lvl 32 for most of them, and 18 for Illusion. Defenders can either be extremely fun, or extremely boring the way you roll them, same with scrappers. So honestly please get somewhere in the game before saying it sucks. What you're doing is like deciding the outcome of a case before you hear the evidence.
@ Styles...
It's clear to see you didn't even bother to read my post, nor try to understand what I was saying. Your childish rant at how I haven't seen things in the game has no validity. I clearly stated i had a level 34 Empathy Defender, as well as a high level Brute and had experianced almost ALL of the game. That was my problem, I felt like I was doing the same thing all over again. I highly suggest you read on before you decide to flame someone for posting.
As an update..I've made it to level 20 on Justice Server with Dark/Sonic and it seems to be a lot more fun. I still haven't found a group for TF, but I am really enjoying the Heal/Debuff of the Dark Miasma. So far it's been a blast :]
Really happy to see that things worked out for ya. It always happens that way you make 4-5 toons and finally get addicted to one of them. I wish you luck if you need any help or have questions feel free to pm me.