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cool info for voyage century

Ship is very important in Voyage Century as the soul for man. There are mainly three categories of ships in VCO: Raiding Ship, Trading Ship, and Battle Ship. Different ships have different functions featured by speed, load capacity, and battle setting.

IGG shows all the best and highest level ships today. They are Battle Ship of Level 10, Trading Ship of Level 10 and Raiding Ship of Level 10. More details about them are listed as below:

Type Battle Trading Adventure

Name Level10 Battle Ship Level10 Trading Ship Level 10 Raiding Ship

Length(Meter) 50 50 45

Motivity Wind Sail Wind Sail Oar Sail

Number of Emplacement 144 24 58

Body durability 22200 17100 8500

Sail Durability 18500 12400 20630

Maximal Sailor 330 205 490

Maximal Weight?kg? 1380 1950 1220

Aquare Sail Propulsion 120 120 125

Fore-and-aft Sail Propulsion 13 0 0

Oar Propulsion 0 0 26

Turning Speed(Degree/S) 10 6 17

Skill Requirement Voyage 91 Voyage 91 Voyage 91

See battle 45 Eloquence 45 See battle 45

For more details about VCO ships please head over the following link:

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