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Well today i went to visit the age of connan website because i haven't been there in a while and want to see if there were any new movies or things. Upon entering the website i was addressed with entering a birthdate. I did, not thinking, entered my real birth date, and i guess, being 16, im not allowed to view the site?
Was wondering if anyone knew a way to reset the thing that asks for the birthdate. Tried deleteing cookies and stuff, but thats about as much as i know.
Would really like to read more about this game, if i can't even read the website, well, it wont stop me from buying the game.
No boobies for you!
They made an announcement a little while ago about complying with the ratings system which as they have stated should be M so that is why.
hint: just click the other flag lol
Ya I tried that. No luck.
Ya I tried that. No luck.
Sorry I dont know, your IP was probably logged so deleting the things you said wouldn't of had much impact.
Guess you'll have to wait a couple years before going to the website/playing... tough luck i guess.
I doubt it's an IP ban because most people have dynamic IPs and the website would have to ban a block of IPs to make sure to ban you since your IP may change next time you get online.
The age verification thing has to be set in your cookies, I'd try deleting them all again in case you missed it.
Achiever 60.00%, Explorer 100.00%, Killer 6.67%, Socializer 33.33%
Just bypass the main page and go to:
Community site
This should work...
EDIT: Damnit, how does linking work here?
Rising Arms.
{{ Site | Forums | ">Recruitment }}
Rethaul, Dark Templar and squad leader of Scions of War
I thank the Gods for this every time I see posts like this.... ever teenager blocked makes me smile a little wider
Of all that is written, I love only what a person has written with his own blood. -Nietzsche
Just delete your cookies from your browser and you can reenter your birthday.
It looks like youre the one who needs to do some growing up.
playing: darkfall
waiting: earthrise
Grumpy old man
Notorious - An Age of Conan guild -
We are actively recruiting!
Join the Revolution.
I have the forums bookmarked, so I never noticed until someone else brought it up. No big deal, I'm of age, not like it's stopping anyone from getting in anyway, it's just a buffer so they can show uncensored screens on the site.
Grumpy old man
You know it! NOW GET OFFA MY LAWN!
Of all that is written, I love only what a person has written with his own blood. -Nietzsche
Grumpy old man
You know it! NOW GET OFFA MY LAWN!
LOL sounds like me only I say GET OUT OF MY PARKING LOT! You will be towed!! (building Manager)
Grumpy old man
You know it! NOW GET OFFA MY LAWN!
LOL sounds like me only I say GET OUT OF MY PARKING LOT! You will be towed!! (building Manager)
I knw how it is, I have a 2 lane wide driveway that connects to a easement that runs from the main street of my town to my alley... I'm always having to threaten towings and yell at kids on bikes that: THIS ISN'T THE GODSDAMNED ALLEY, THIS IS MY DRIVEWAY!
Of all that is written, I love only what a person has written with his own blood. -Nietzsche
Main thing with my building is I have 51 units but.... only have about 30 parking spaces. lol So parking is very limited here.
Ok back to AOC we got a bit off topic....
So yeah... Age of Conan... I hear it has cimmerian barbarians
One can hope : ) Sorry bored today. lol so cruzing the forums. Heh might go visit the aoc fourms.
i dont have a problem with younger players as long as they dont act immature. i am very loose on what i consider immature though. a few random topics or a corny joke or two doesnt bother me as long as they dont do it over and over again. if you keep on doing stuff like that and people actually have to stop playing just to tell you to stop is what immature is to me. play the game and enjoy it but play it to. if you want to screw around screw around with other people who are srewin around and leave everyone else alone. its your money i dont really care. let us get our moneys worth at least.
im guessing conan guys just want to make sure only mature (17+) play there game so they made it to where only mature (17+) can see the website. just lie its no big deal its the internet remember?